
    Hi. I usually dont have a problem coming up with something to say, and I am putting a LOT of energy into this blog..

    So how come I was only posting maximun twice a week, sometimes 3x??

    Because I could not figure out HOW to force line breaks between paragraphs, and would spend 5 hours editing every blog post, trying to manipulate it to look as I wanted, and not one long running sentence.. Occassionally I would get lucky and the HTML tags I would put in would work. So I would look at how I coded those posts and try to apply the same principles to those that were messed up – no luck!


    So I did some Google research and went to WordPress Support and downloaded a Text Control Plugin. This worked like a charm, HOWEVER, it messed up the side columns on my site, and would have forced me to go and re= edit every blog post I have written thus far…


    So I searched again.. and finally found a solution… I dont think it is THE solution, but it worked now, and I am writing this for future/current bloggers should this issue come up.. Most responses when searching involved long difficult changes to the .css or .js and other stuff that TRUST ME, you dont want to be messing with unless you are a major GEEK.. however, if in between each paragraph, you add the following code:

    &n bsp; ( REMOVE THE SPACE BETWEEN THE n and b),

    You will acheive the desired result of this:


    A SPACE….

    I think in the upcoming days you will be able to appreciate how HUGE a difference this will have on my blogging..that is if you like to see what I have to say :)


    ~~ andrea

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