    I am really going to miss this show! I know you are bored already from hearing about how I have not watched TV in years (dont really own one) and no movies in even longer.. It’s not like I am on some moral high ground or anything. I LOVE movies! I just dont have time and cant justify making the time for it. (ok so maybe morals has something to do with it). Sometimes I think about getting old and just watching 10 movies a day to catch up on all I have missed :) ..
    Therefore, you can imagine my pleasure in the luxury I allow myself to watch the NIM. I know my involvement now seems farther and farther out of reach, and I am beginning to question the validity of my NEED to watch as a result, but with 2 more episodes to go, and my son a fan, I am in it for the long haul!
    Comments on where we are holding, basically reviewing Next Internet Millionaire Episodes 9 and 10.
    We say good bye to Alisande Chan. Alisande was like the mascot on the forums – very active, and you could hear her easy going nature and sharp personality both in her videos and in her posts. I dont know, maybe it was the editing.. but I dont feel like I got to know her anymore now even as we watched her make it to the final 5! She does not seem like the quiet type, yet it wasnt until the episode where she was eliminated and she vocalized how Jaime should be less quiet, and be more out there, when I feel like I have a much better picture of the ‘quiet’ Jaime than I do of ‘out there’ Alisande! Cant wait for Alisande to come by and leave her comments.
    I LOVED the copy lessons of Ray Edwards. As I read somewhere else, it was the FIRST time I actually paused and wrote something down to refer to later. Oh and I love the Butler Bag.
    Episode 10 was a little too much extended drama at the beginning. Sorry Alisande, I think you are great and all.. but you were not ousted for 20% of the copy or 80% of it – it was just YOUR time! You were the most logical person to go, there was nothing you could do about it, and you went. Unlike the episode following when Jason Marshall was pitted against Thor Shrock.. I probably experienced one of very few minutes of real suspense since the series started!
    Thoughts on Thor – You CAN be a nice person, play strategically, white lie when it doesnt hurt people, and then show the courage to talk about it candidly no matter how you come out looking. Thats pretty courageous. People keep questioning his integrity, and I am not sure why? He came ready and actually a lot more equipped to play and it is no surprise that he has done so well for himself both on the show and in life. I have been pleasantly surprised with his performance – despite his heavy activity on the forum, I did not see him bringing this much personality, skills, and controversy (for lack of a better word) to the table.
    Thoughts on Jason – Up until now I keep questioning what the long term value will be for the players. Other than the ‘winner’ I feel I can confidently say that Jason WILL reap benefits from this experience in more ways than education and any other contestant. Due to the nature of his exit and his winning personality, he will most undoubtedly be approached for JV’s offers. In fact, someone even asked me to request his contact info. Much success to you!
    ok got to get back to my bite size posts..

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