• I have a few posts to squeeze in before my eyes shut, my head bobs, and the keyboard meets my face…
    In my typical fashion, I am a good week behind the latest episode. As of tomorrow at this time, my speculation will be yesterdays news.
    It was always Charles Trippy, wasnt it? He slid by the first few episodes by not ‘sucking’ (aka not volunteering to be a group leader), and at some point established himself as a likely candidate.
    Joel has worked very hard to talk Charles up to the viewers, to Charles, to himself.. creating Charles to be what Joel wants (NEEDS) him to be. Charles is really a fantastic choice. He is:

    • Young
    • Clearly talented in a Web 2.0 way
    • Not too eager
    • Geek inside a cool persona
      and most important:

    • Famous in his own right, thereby ensuring a much easier success for a JV, ultimately the onus that lies on JC’s head.

    So Joel reinvents himself, looks like a do gooder, and Trippy acheives what he was slated for anyway – becoming an internet success. In fact.. if I had to guess, and this is REALLY a long shot.. The JV is already in motion and set to launch TOMORROW – on the heels of winning – Check this out:
    Charles.. an unsolocited tip.. cuz I would want someone to tell me: I love you and all.. but man you MUST check yourself out in one of those mirrors women carry around to see the back of their head and hair. You look great up front, but once you turn to the side, the HAIR is Out of Control.
    P.S. – The only part that STINKS about this whole thing is that Charles was offered money to participate in the contest. As a YouTuber, his audition entry was intended to draw attention, encourage other entrees, etc..Of course, like most everything else – I just MAY be wrong about this statement, about the JV, about pretty much this whole post – its great being a wishy washy woman sometimes! … :)

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