A few years ago, I joined an expensive well known membership program that charges annually a pretty hefty price, but offers an extensive action plan that if you follow to the letter should bring you success.I spent 3 months (which they say is NOT uncommon) trying to select a niche. I knew it had to be something I enjoyed, something I could write about, and something that could bring in money. To make a long story short, I ended up doing a fun site about Disney Princesses. My daughter was really into the princesses, so I thought it would help to keep it going.
Here I was a growing expert in Internet Marketing, and I avoided that subject for reasons that are completely foreign to me today. Perhaps I thought it was too competitive, perhaps I thought a ‘niche’ had to be something NOT related to this field. Only a few years later, did I finally come to my senses and get my own blog up and running on a subject I could talk about in my sleep. And of course, you could predict, nothing happened with the princess site. I couldnt care less about it.
**UPDATE – I HAVE SINCE found myself successful with affiliate marketing niche sites/topics that I know even less about than Princesses! Because I became very familiar with the process.. and learned out to get others to provide the content for me!
So the bottom line – dont ignore something because of competition, or because of it being the obvious choice. If you know and like the subject, your personality will shine through, you will get traffic, and you will be a success. Hey, I got you guys here didnt I?? So I must be doing something right!
Moving on… now that you have selected your niche, it is time to select the domain name and find a host. In selecting the domain name, you should try to adopt a similar
focus that you used when coming up with your topic. To repeat – you want to target a specific people or product rather than attempting to encompass a large group of people or products. You will therefore benefit from visitors coming to your site and looking for exactly what you will be providing. This tranlates into higher conversion rates = more money for YOU!!
Keep in mind the following when searching for the right domain name:
a) If you are selling a product and don’t have a strong brand name, put the product in the domain name. Domains like this help bring in type in traffic.
b) Try to keep the number of hyphens in the domain to a minimum — no more than 2. This could be a great way to maximize a ‘long tail keyword’ – where the demand for a search term is greater than the supply
EXAMPLE – there is a high demand for ‘removing mold from carpet’ but not a LOT of supply for those words – so you would purchase the domain name – removingmoldfromcarpet.com
c) Names ending with .com are still considered the best for a number of reasons. Since most ‘obvious’ names for almost every topic out there have been snatched, you may have to think a little outside the box to come up with a name.
d) Search for your niche on Google. The results that come up may help you hone in on a particular area of your niche that is not being catered to, and then your domain can reflect these results. Maybe there are not too many sites that have a firm grip on the subject, and you can move your way into Googles ranks easier. As just mentioned – the opposite is true as well – if you see TOO many results for your niche, use this opportunity to search for a less competitive area.
e) I have many readers who ALREADY have a site up and running (way to go!). Very much depending on the nature of your site, it may be worth it to have a different domain name with the main page of this new site being dedicated to collecting emails. Then after they sign up, they will be sent to the main domain and main current site. Reread this until it makes sense, since it is a very powerful idea.
HANDS DOWN, you should purchase your domain names at GoDaddy
Once you have selected your domain name, you need a host. If you find success with your niche and would like to expand, you should select a host that offers unlimited domain hosting. This will make your expansion affordable.. for example besttuscanyvacations.com could be the initial account and then when you are ready to grow, you can get bestflorencevacations.com, etc.. Now, if you plan on creating your own little ‘empire’, it is a very minimal investment to purchase several domain names from the beginning.
HANDS DOWN, you should purchase your web hosting at HostGator
If you want to know why I say hands down – as the saying goes “this many people cant be wrong!” They both provide awesome support, fantastic prices, and a great service! We recommend the ‘Baby’ package, since it offers unlimited domains, yet the ‘Hatchling’ account offers everything else you could imagine, and you could always upgrade as your needs grow.
If you have any questions on this topic, please either leave a comment or go to the contact us in the menu tab above!
Here is to your online success!
Be well,
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