As mentioned previously, the way to build up a rapport and trust with your subscribers is through continued correspondence offering QUALITY content! There is no guranantee that people will read.. but if they DO… It has to be GOOD content! It has to be pertinant, interesting, and relevant to your subscriber. Staying close to your niche will not only help you be more focused, it will also assure that you keep your list targeted, translating into greater conversions for you!
**Remember a list is about QUALITY, not QUANTITY. It is Well documented that marketers with 3000 list members could outperform those with 10,000 due to the rapport, content, and targeted market of the former.
Creating good content can be time consuming, however, like the rest of this course, once it has been created (or outsourced or purchased as Private Label Rights (PLR)),
, once it has been created (or outsourced or purchased as Private Label Rights (PLR)),
it will continue to run automatically for the visitor to your site today, 6 days from now, 6 months from now, 6 years from now..
until you change it.. This is made possible with an autoresponder. An autoresponder sets up automatic emails to be sent out at set intervals (you decide).
Like most successful online marketers, I recommend the autoresponder Aweber. It is pretty user-friendly, offers
unlimited autoresponders (allowing you to keep building your online empire with one company, and one host), however, the most important reasons Aweber is so popular is due to its flexibility, tracking abilities, and the success it has in delivering emails.
Many other autoresponders have been known to deliver a much lower percentage, due to issues with spam. However at $19.95 per month (Aweber) you may want to choose a free or less expensive option until you get something up and running. To be honest, only after paying Aweber for around 6 mos, did I finally start getting the sign ups and used enough accounts to ‘get my moneys worth’.. just something to consider.
Your host may offer you free autoresponders. Check in your cpanel. Or do a search on google for free autoresponders.
I do mean it when I say… if you are SERIOUS about Email Marketing… as everyone, with a site in existence or not NEEDS to be, the price for Aweber is a drop in the bucket compared to it’s services.
Aweber offers a tutorial to walk you through their service, but feel free to ask any questions you have. I will answerwhat I know.
If your topic is ‘getting rid of clutter’, and you wanted to set up a 10 free tips on how to get rid of clutter from your home, then you would set up the autoresponder to send out 10 tips, one per day, with your prewritten material.
If your freebie will be a one time report, MP3, etc. then you will have to work harder on your correspondence. You can ask if they enjoyed the report, give background information about yourself and what attracted you to the subject, etc..
Each autoresponse should be about 3 paragraphs long, and give them some reason to look forward to the next one. You can start introducing a product, an affiliate product, around the 3rd or 4th email, for which you will earn a commission if they purchase. Dont be disappointed if it takes several more correspondences to get the sales you want. People are still just beginning to trust you!
The remaining autoresponders will refer to this product as they offer more information, give them more reasons how this product can enhance their life. Hopefully each additional email sent out should result in more turnover for this product.
You may wonder why you dont push a different product in each follow up autoresponse. They say it takes around 7 – 10 emails on ONE product to get someone committed to purchasing. Unless they are impulsive shoppers, you need to work harder to convince them. This also means you may need to purchase the product yourself – if you want to do a really good job selling it, this may be essential.
There are more emails beyond the autoresponders that go out to your list. These are called broadcast emails. This is how you continue to work your site, and keep up continued correspondence with your subscribers. These broadcast emails will be used to push follow up products, and new products/services as they become available. I am on many marketers email lists and can almost predict when I will receive emails from them, particularly if someone in the field is launching a product. I had originally signed up to these lists for an offer, and I stay on the lists that continue to offer me good, valuable, and sometimes entertaining content!
As your list grows, you can even sell space on an email to retailers, etc looking to reach your target market!
Ok.. maybe we are getting a bit carried away.
What if you have your own product / course, etc. that you are selling? Then you will be using the initial autoresponders to build up their trust to result in a eventual purchase. Even if you are offering 10 free tips as your freebie, you should have the link to purchase your product in your signature and mention how your product expounds on a tip..
you have to leave them wanting and your product has to provide the solution, similar to how you would handle an affiliate product.
TIP ** If you do create your own product, you need to have a separate single direct sales page. If you already have something of value, let the product speak for itself. You wont build up a list as easily, but you wont have to work as hard for the sale, and you can then enlist your own affiliates to sell for YOU! Of course you should have BOTH and test which system works better – the direct sale or the build up to the sale.
I am happy to help if you are confused! Go to the contact tab above…
Keep at it!!
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