I have had this domain name for a while, and had every intention to start my own ‘internet marketing’ tips style blog/website, but while so busy with my own internet marketing ventures… simply never found the time.
On one of my opt-in sites, I received a letter that has not only given me the juices with which to start, but also a moral responsibilty to help out the confused… as I was for a very long time, and …. as I still am from time to time!
Here is Marks letter …
“Hi Andrea,
I’ve heard so much about working from home or setting up a home base
business on the net. It’s either a con job or the expensive program simply
just dosn’t work no matter how hard I put my effort in. Honestly I am
not of resources you can say that this is my final try. For a start I don’t
have much capital anymore due to what I’ve spend over these so call work
from home program. It’s either expensive after converting it to Malaysian
Ringgit or these so call companies just remain silent after they get your
cash..Now a days you can consider me a little bit sceptic, please forgive me if I
sounds like one.. but I would like to know what how does your system
works and how much whould it take as I don’t have much cash left or am not
sure if this might be the right one for me. Thanks”
Now, this letter from Mark could have been written by 100′s of individuals and even mirrors thoughts I myself had not so many years ago. maybe even months.
Despite the information overload, products being jammed down my throat from one or another marketer (with great irresistable copy), I too could not come up for air or see the money on the trees.. then it was like a lightbulb going off in my head, where suddenly I was able to visualize the process and the concepts and how to acheive them.
I was able to succeed by stripping it all down to ONE area that I felt I could most likely succeed, and within the most reasonable amount of time. When you have that up and running, you go to the next area, and DONT WAVER or MOVE ON.. until you have seen the fruits of that labor. Perhaps you will say.. well if that takes time, I cant afford it, so instead you go purchase the next product instead… how has that helped you SAVE money???
I wrote Mark back…. asking for more background information so I can give him a better response. What would you say?