Listen here to a full length call with Ben Shaffer, as we divulge some of our secrets and tips to successful outsourcing. This is a FREE listen. And a MUST.
Enjoy working hard? Then Work SMARTER and just earn a heck of a lot more!
Here are the companies I use for outsourcing:
1) RentaCoder – Excellent for sophisticated, more expensive projects
2) Scriptlance – Excellent for small fast projectsThere is a LOT of great information BELOW the video. Make sure to scroll down
The 3 BEST WAYS to Earn from Outsourcing
1) Arbitrage
Although it’s origins are related to ‘finance’, this term has been adopted to refer to any way you effectively manage to pay for something and sell it for more. Buy Wholesale, sell Retail. It is the basis of how most everything is done in this world! We WILL talk about it in future posts (as I am sure we have in the past), because we HAVE to.
Outsourcing Arbitrage? Here you purchase work from an outsourcing company and resell it for a higher value. Articles, Graphics, Ebooks, Websites, even major development projects. Find a few good resources at the companies listed above. You may find some duds along the way, but if you listen to our call, you will find out how to quickly weed out the losers from the keepers.
2) Tedious, Repetitive Tasks
Time consuming tasks done on the cheap. Although you had me at ‘DONE’. Want to write 50 articles in 2 days, comment on 100 forums, or collect leads for a potential JV? This is where outsourcing becomes a DREAM come true, as you are able to move forward with other tasks, while someone else is putting food on THEIR table, doing tasks you would rather poke yourself in the eye with a knife than have to do. Well, maybe thats just me.
3) Recognize your weaknesses. Hire Strengths.
The Ultimate Outsourcing Plan. You manage. Everyone Else builds. Get that project done. You know the one. The one that you have been dreaming to do, or that is sitting half finished on your desktop.
a) Draw it up.
Write up a list of exactly what needs to get done for the project to be complete. Break it down into tasks such as:
Project Management
b) Claim YOUR stake and by WHEN
What will YOU be able to do? – Put your name by what YOU can / will do (if any) and put a deadline.
c) Whats left over?
Whatever tasks have no names beside them needs to be outsourced. It should be extremely clear.
Advise: If Design + Programming are to be outsourced, you will do better to create 2 separate projects as it is unlikely to find someone who excels at both. Why settle for someone who is average at all tasks, when you can find someone fantastic at each?
d) The Glue
When all pieces are complete, will you need to hire someone else to make sure all the pieces are put together, function, and placed where it needs to be to call it ‘live’? Well, this missing piece is why many people have projects that are 90% complete hanging around. Make sure to add project manager to your list of tasks needed outsourcing, although if your business warrants it, this may be a good task for a member of a staff.
You can sign up here for free access to the call..
Or read here if you want more information on what you can expect from this call
Or read here if you want more information on what you can expect from this call
So.. the bad news..
I lost a great babysitter.
The good news? I am going to get all the juicy details about her new job.
As you know I live in Jerusalem, Israel. What you may not know – the locals are a melting pot of lots of ANGLOS, well in addition to a few other people . If you are looking to open a Call Center, due to the high volume of educated, perfectly accented English speaking, willing to work for low pay individuals, Israel is YOUR move!!
Therefore the Call Center industry is HUGE here, the companies are just working harder to secure deals in European countries, since many of the jobs require very odd working hours .. 8 pm to 4 am is NOT uncommon.
Ok, so my Hawaiian house help, who was sticking around here for a while after meeting her Israeli boyfriend in Thailand, is currently working the following job: Jeremy Estes should pay attention, since I think you actually make money doing this even small time, so imagine the possibilities of big time.
An online ‘web’ directory is created and the focus is on specific niche areas. House painters, plumbers, electricians, etc.. The cold callers aka ex Hawaiian househelp receive a list of leads from each city, which is as easy as collecting a phone book, and approaches them with a “Could you handle more business?” the pitch continues with “We are only looking to find reputable people in the field, and if you meet our standards, we will list you in our online directory that is accessible blah blah blah..” then they say a few sentences that probably goes over most people’s heads.. “we are partnering with such and such sites, etc.”.. I am certain in addition to cold callers they do have a full time (outsourced people!!) backlink builders, and SEO specialists..
If you have the right script in front of you, and usually just ONE local business on board to start, then it should not be too hard to convince someone else to sign up! Meaning the conversion rate of sales made per call is much higher than it would be if you were sending the business to a direct sales page.
Dont be scared to work it OFFLINE to succeed ONLINE.
They charge $100/month for one LINK on their site. They do offer their callers a HUGE chunk of the first month as a commission, but this is all about continuity and the long term. It does seem daunting to be paying a base salary + the bulk of the first months earnings to your employees.. but when the 2nd month rolls around and the members are charged automatically, while your staff is generating more sales.. you are then on the road to serious business!
All it takes is ONE WEBSITE!!! and a bunch of gullible small business people who think the word Website is like what the immigrants thought of the word AMERICA!! Gold RUSH (oh and for many, America / Websites is the REAL DEAL!!)
Here is to YOUR personal Gold Rush!
I know I promised this video 2 days ago, but 2 things happened:
1) I got tired. Sorry. It happens occassionally. I will try not to let it happen again.
2) I decided last minute to remove all references to a report I was promoting in the VIDEO. Not because I dont find it worthy of promoting, in fact I am.. right HERE and read below.. but I wanted the video to be more timeless and well.. have the potential to promote ME . However, instead of re-recording, I just took the same footage and chopped it up even more!
As is typical.. just as I am getting ready to do something, someone else comes along with a big bang! Andrew Cavanagh wrote a thread on the Warrior Forum suggesting similar ideas to what I mention in my video. As I suspected would happen, people were like WOW.. meaning the idea never occured to them. I did not actually see the thread in the forum. I think it was removed so he could instead pitch the idea and sell it. I advise you to check out this $19.99 product since unlike many other products where you purchase and dont know what you are getting, he has his original forum post in his sales pitch and there are no secrets.
What you are getting in this report (< -- link) are tips to approach businesses, lingo with with to approach them, how to build up referrals (which it really is all about), services to offer, prices to charge, outsourcing suggestions, and some basic SEO practices.. Basically helps you fill in the holes. Not to hype it up, but his price will only remain for a while, since that is the rules of this forum! Be expected for a serious hike in the next few days.
By the way I am quite serious about what I wrote in the video. If you go out and get the clients, I will take half (well assuming you charge them enough!), and show you how to get it done. It wont take long for you to cut out the middle man, and do it for yourself! So go ahead and click contact!
Here is a quick overview of whats going on, and will try to build a better picture soon.
At Rent A Coder I have a project in the works which includes the graphics work for 4 websites + I am nearing decision on a 2nd open project bid for product review writing. We did find some local talent to help with editing materials but no one here really grasps marketing on the web, so outsourced!
Some ‘smaller time’ automatic revenue systems we are working on has encouraged me to make some purchases to really get into the nitty gritty of mastering a niche without both being an expert or devoting full time to it. One such product is how to create a product which feeds to a desperate market, and since we have 2 such niches, I made the plunge. Check it out. It didnt hurt that this ebook was recommended by some of the best in the biz! My initial findings is that there is desperate and then there is desparate – and can you compare someone who cant get a checking account open to someone who is suffering from a medical condition?? She is convinced yes.
Our ‘Medium size’ ventures are not far off from our smaller ones, except that they are catering to much bigger markets, offer much more combination of IM skills to include data acquisition + upsells + backend sales + blogging + oh yeh – SEO and Traffic! We will get to this… when it is not 3 am and I have to be with my daughter at the hospital in 5 hours from now
‘Larger’ ventures? My angel is a lead genius, and with the launch of Lead Supreme, I am having a hard time containing myself. Lead Supreme is a heavy duty lead generation software that basically offers landing pages that pre populate the fields and based on demographics, and other behavioural stuff, will offer the ‘lead’ relevant offers. You create the relationship with the companies that feed the offers, you keep the lead, and if you know what you are doing.. Ka Ching! I would say that most people convinced to buy along the regular IM style launches and pitches will be waking up not long from now $4500 poorer and wondering what oh what went wrong. In the wrong hands.. this is just a HUGE waste of money. However, imagine if you know a thing or two about leads, and you know a lot more about CPA (cost per action) companies, and you just happen to know a SEO genius and a PPC expert.. well well.. then I am not the one to decide, but it could just be..
Not counting on Lead Supreme, my ‘larger’ venture is something I am not going to get into too much now, however JUST as I was fretting over a lot of the details, the hows… the tools to what I had in mind literally appeared in my inbox and cost $97. If I understood correctly what they are offering and I can see how it lines up with what I am imagining, then we just may be on to something. Ok, when I start editing every other word of writing, it is time to pull the blog – (i left that in since it was a real non thinking typo, but I felt somehow appropo!)
New corporation requires new hosting. Debating between my current host (been satisfied – very good personal response) and giving serious thought towards a friend recommended and best hosting awarded company. This part was delayed since the corporation was just ‘founded’. Tomorrow I decide.
Some other exciting stuff – I am emailing back and forth with Rich Schefrens people – will divulge more on that later!
As many of you know, I am on my way to making a lot of money. Naturally in order to succeed I need to build a team of people who can help me. To include writers, graphic artists, coders, etc.. I know that there is great value in outsourcing, but I was thinking of the benefits to be able to contact a local in order to express what I want, help them visualize it through some conversations, be available for quick changes, edits, what have you.
Therefore, I asked my assistant to do a local search for talent, and bring back to me their accomplishments / pricing. I am SHOCKED. I can have integrity, and be a person of charity, but can I really hire local workers who on average want between $30-$75 for an article, when I can get 25 written for that same price? Can I hire a graphic artist to make a logo for $200, when I can get similar for $50? These are not shots in the dark. These are outsourced talents with feedback and a committment to work for you, in order to maintain a high score average. There are outsourced talents with a portfolio that speak of experience. I know the clause ‘you get what you pay for’, but is that really true? Local talent doesnt speak like this:
“i am happy to meet with your expectations”
“i am waiting anxiously to meet your requirements”
2 caveats to outsourcing:
1) If you are big time big time, you use big time money to invest in big time firms to get the job done. Outsourced companies are not for coca cola to build a website. I dont think most of them handle that kind of work so they will not be able to conceptualize and realize your needs.
2) If you cant afford to screw up, either financially or working within a deadline, then you just may do better negotiating with local talent who you can actually speak to references and know that the porfolio they put up on the web is in fact real.
Speaking of that – wanna hear something cool? We approached the locals who seemed most eager to work and said that at this time we are only looking to pay x amount for this skill and more than 50% responded in the affirmative! Cant hurt to ask..
Where I outsource?
Scriptlance and