Guest Post by Jeremy Estes
(Andrea interjects: Jeremy is way cool and after saying that I would be one of his top 3 guest posts for his site, I naturally made him write for me! (some sly marketing there Jeremy!).. ok, what I wanted to say.. Jeremy just launched a new site, where he and his partner are letting you watch them as they unfold a business.. before your eyes… Definitely check it out!)
Ever catch yourself trying to figure out how someone else is making their money, and wishing you knew their secrets or strategies?
You might think they’re better at generating leads, working out better partnerships, or writing better sales pitches. Then you find yourself trying to copy them.
And nobody notices you. Or worse, people notice that you’re “just like those other guys”.
While it’s great to emulate those who are successful, it’s also up to you to think, build, and create for yourself. The best way to do that is not to look at other marketers, but to look at the market.
It’s crazy, but the less you focus on other’s strategies and success, and more on how to communicate with your market, the more you’ll start to create your own identity, and the faster you will become known for “thinking outside the box”.
Along with this approach will come more money, more understanding, and a tighter grip on your positioning.
Soon, you will notice the me-toos copying you.
Seriously, which operation do you think will last longer and be more valuable to you and your market: the one you copy from other marketers, or the one you create for your customers?