Today we are discussing monetizing from promotions made via your affiliate partners! Is the Gap offering a 20% off sale for a week, or Bed Bath & Beyond a special buy one, get one free? Listen up!
1. Dont JUST Listen to these ideas and hear them at face value. As a creative marketer, I listen 2 steps behind and 3 steps forward. If this idea isnt for you, try to dig a few layers deeper and find how this could translate into improving your bottom line.
Need Some Extra Cash? Way #2 – 20 Ways to Make Money Online
2. I realize this is not a hand held tutorial. Anything I talk about can easily be backed up with a product explaining the ins and outs. Sometimes I WILL provide a link for such a product as I realize a 2-3 minute video could leave you intrigued but needing more guidance. If you want more information, and no link is provided yet (such as now), please let me know!
Please join in the conversation, or share this with friends! Would you like YOUR company, service, idea, etc.. to be featured in one of these videos? Let me know ..
… Anything is Possible
Watch. Read more below the video.
oh. By the way – Thanks to everyone who sends me emails through the contact page, or messages via twitter…. commenting here may make it more fun for all. Also.. I think the music may be too distracting? Let me know.. will lower the volume in the future.
As mentioned, in addition to earning the $3925… which was NOT very time consuming (well for me. I outsourced the $400 worth of work), I have a list of 700 niche subscribers I can continue to pitch. I would have included stats from affiliate sales from pitching them, except that I can get terribly lazy when it comes to actually writing emails JUST on the hope of converting a sale. I have become allergic to that kind of marketing, so I have a hard time doing it to others. However, thats what it’s all about, so IGNORE ME ON THIS ONE.
For a long time, I felt that giving my readers a ‘Glimpse’ into my life, via my BLOG, would benefit them (YOU) into learning how to make money online. I realize now that since MANY of YOU need a lot more info than what you can glean from my chaotic (but Full!) life, well, we needed to simplify in a BIG WAY.
Therefore, I am creating a video series on a variety of different ways to make money online. This is for YOU. Please Join the conversation. Please tell me what you agree with. What you disagree with. Etc. Etc.
Also, dont think I do them all, or that it is recommended to do them all… just want you to SEE THE POSSIBILITIES!!
To get the video below to 10,000 views.
I wrote an awesome, ‘way ahead of the market trends’, List Building Ebook that is not currently (nor has it ever been) on the market. If you help me, I will GIVE you this ebook! –
The Rules:
You must blog about it, twitter about it, or any other suggestion you may have about it (within reason), and post below where I can find what you have done.
The Deal:
This is a 20 second video, and is actually incredibly awesome. I am not asking you to blog about my Ikea Closet
. Do yourself a favor and let it load first. Then watch it again without any noise around you so you can enjoy it more.
The History:
According to Wikipedia, Falafel (Arabic: فلافل falaafil (help·info), Hebrew: פָלָאפֶל; also known in Egypt and Sudan as ta’meya, Arabic طعمية), is a fried ball or patty made from spiced fava beans and/or chickpeas. It is a popular form of fast food in the Middle East… Falafel is generally served in pita bread, either inside the pita, which acts as a pocket, or wrapped in a flat pita. In many countries, falafel is a popular street food or fast food. The falafel balls, whole or crushed, may be topped with salads, pickled vegetables and hot sauce, and drizzled with tehina.
Don’t you LOVE falling upon Talent Unexpectedly??
One hand on the wheel. One hand on the Flip.
Please do not pay attention to the fact that I sound like I swallowed a frog, PLEASE focus on the directive.
1. Approach others in your niche – yes… competitors!!
2. Tell them that they ROCK!
3. Tell other people that those competitors ROCK!
4. Start to mean it. You probably do, but ALLOW yourself to mean it.
5. People respond to good will!
6. Now they will LOVE You too!
7. JV with them and Make lots of Money!
G-d says do ‘good’ things even if you don’t want to…. eventually, without even noticing it, you will be a better person and do it without planning.
There is a missing step here. If you do all of the above without the missing piece, you will probably figure it out on your own, it may happen naturally. I just can’t reveal this secret ingredient yet since even though I am doing it naturally, it isn’t my secret to share. I mentioned in one of my recent posts about an offline marketer who has completely changed the landscape of how I view and approach success. It is his to share when and how he decides. He is working on putting it together and YOU will be blown away!
Watch this video and then TELL me HERE whom you ADMIRE, and WHY. Go ahead. It’s FREE!