    Seriously how can I have time to blog, when I am too busy spending money. Even the Next Internet Millionaire was ahead of schedule :) .
    I am going to go out on a limb here.. but it is my NEW belief that if you have $500 to spend and you know the right resources – in ANY GIVEN WEEK, you (aka NEWBIE or More) could cull ideas, hire / purchase the materials and get something up and going. This is actually a piece of the puzzle that I was always missing. I believed I had to do BIG.. and while it’s true that I am working on BIG to Earn BIG, if you can learn how to earn small, and set it up multiple times, thats a good start! And actually accomplish.
    My next post.. ok very very soon.. will share more of what I am buying.. but since I just dumped this on you, I am going to give you an opportunity to check out a NEW report that is lauded as one of the best marketing ebooks around. For more than just it’s content. It’s combined with both 20 ways REAL Marketers earn at least $100 daily, and the creation of the product itself is a testament to the success that you can have as these 20 contributed, packaged, marketed it, and here I am promoting it!
    Honestly $3000 per month is not enough for most people to ‘fire their boss’, but with 20 options, something is bound to be eye opening, give you a new perspective, take the idea and put a twist on it, and that’s what this whole education is all about.
    So back to my shopping spree – Up until now, I usually would buy something for its value of what it CAN DO. I would be sucked in with the compelling sales copy. Naturally, the items would sit collecting dust on my hard drive. Heck, one of the main reasons items sell so well, is that 20% of the marketers are counting on 80% to do nothing with them!
    It’s not like I am new to spending impulsively. As I explained before and will repeat until I can make YOU feel good about it, I invested in an education. SO what if the people were selling a DREAM, and I bought into that. I learned something. everything. I can assure you that my sister in NYU spending $45k per year, forcing my dad to push off retirement, will NOT come out more prepared. I guess it’s an expensive way to make sure she has a social life, since working from home online aint too good for that :) .. (love you Ris!)
    This time I have a plan. Its not 100% formed. There are holes. There is flexibility. I havent entirely hit the nail on the head. But when I see something to purchase, I see how can it fits in this puzzle, and simplifies the process, hopefully offering a double advantage of saving money and earning us more. The Internet Marketing world is filled with items created for mass production, and therefore you can pick up an item for $37 that if ordered custom for you could cost in the $100′s if not $1000′s. Not to mention the chance to purchase online money making ideas (like I am promoting here) for anywhere from $7 to $47 which can get addictive, but often opens your eyes up to more possibilities, and increases your knowledge of the market, what is out there, and is a real bargain when you add up the added value you can attach to your resume.
    A friend of mine who contributed ONE of these 20 ideas could sell it on it’s own for the price of the book. I loved his idea! Making money online is not all about loans, weight loss, and ebay! You can make money promoting Hanna Montana, and Britney Spears.. Find something for you (or your teenage kids) to do in their spare time to earn some cash. Multiply his idea by 20 and you have what I call a NO Brainer. For those of you who are a bit slow that was a link to check it out. HERE is another one.

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