• Assuming we use the word Blogger as a ‘verb’ which describes it literally to be ‘one who blogs’, calling oneself a ‘Blogger’ may give someone else a false impression of what you REALLY are doing.

    Ok, lets try and say that again :) . You could collect many different individuals who BLOG, and some may be offended by the freedom with which someone else allows themselves to attach themselves to this line of ‘work’, or perhaps ‘pleasure’.


    Sometimes I make no sense no matter how many times I try :) .


    For example… Pat Conroy may take offense that Danielle Steel calls herself a novelist…. and many serious bloggers may take offense that others who just Blog to make a buck and create cheap trashy sites spitting out RSS content and plaster them with Google Adsense (I said PLASTERED people – nothing wrong with me trying to pay for my chocolate habit) .


    I am straddling the fence since I am really peddling a business here, but refuse to blog without trying to add my own personal flair, style and believe it or not – my own written words! Dont let that surprise you. Many marketers such as myself get ahead by buying the rights to use public label rights (PLR) content that someone else has created. In fact I have such a membership where I receive monthly material all related to marketing. Yet every time I look through the list of articles, searching for a good blog post, I see lots of great information, but its like HO HUM.. if I cant get through it, why would I expect you to?? Good news – gonna save myself $12.95 a month now!


    This makes my professional life a little complicated since I admire that which this was not set out to be, yet I fully intend to keep delivering. Therefore the rules will just have to keep changing to what Suits me best, and I guess that really what Blogging is all about.


    I added a few categories which I think I will enjoy writing and I hope you will enjoy reading..


    1) Personal Baby Steps… posts like this, when I make a decision, when I grow in business


    2) Things I learned today Series – When I have a busy surfing day and feel like sharing the goods whether it be personal or business related… I can see where you could confuse this with category above, but I wont :)


    3) Idea of the week – Many of my readers are work at home moms (or aspiring), so I hope to offer a weekly review of a job that can be done from home, with or without the need for the computer! Guest entries welcome!


    So this way I can continue to have my BLOG and eat it too…


    ~~ Andrea

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