It seems that when it comes to the roads, noone wants traffic, but when it comes to the WEB, its ALL about the traffic.
Many people, myself included, would like to believe that we are going to dump good money into a solid looking website, and then the people are just going to come.. or maybe we will email our parents and friends and that’s all it will take for the business to really take off.
One of my favorite lines from one of the greatest movies in the ’80′s:
It could not be LESS true with the WEB! ..
Off the top of my head, here are a list of suggestions. These are just 10 FREE traffic tools. (of like 50!).. Paid will be another day.
Click HERE to read and HEAR them!
Continue reading Whats the BEEF with Traffic?? Here’s the MEAT – 10 FREE TRAFFIC TIPS.
Work from Home IDEA of the WEEK
This is a new series which will be labeled as ‘Idea of the Week’. I see SO many opportunities and ideas that I wanted to start making them available to YOU. Check the category listing – Job of the Week to see other ideas. You can also submit your own on the contact us above and I would be happy to give you ‘guest blogging’ credit with a link back to your site!
You may hear a lot about At Home Surveys, and think… is it all a HOAX? Then you have completely misunderstood.
Here are the NUTS and BOLTS of it:
Wanna go straight there? = ExpressSurveys
It’s time to see the GEEKS GO WILD. Throwing computer languages at each other, rolling around in the proverbial world wide web, and one upping each other on altruism. In case you do not know of what I refer, it is none other than the Continue reading Internet Marketing Gets UGLY!!!
This is part of a series of How-To’s. Refer to the HOW TO’s Category to your left for others! Click Contact above to let me know if you want info on something not there!
Google Adsense allows you to earn money through your website and blog. When you create an Adsense campaign, you are putting up small ads on your site. When someone clicks on those ads, you will earn revenue. Simple enough.
Take a step back and look at my site.
Look UP See underneath my Menu Tabs (Blog, Contact, etc.) – there is a list of text links that are always changing – depending on the content of the page. To the far left of those links it says Ads By Google. The code I placed on my site is ‘smart’ and if we are talking about Google Adsense here, then those links probably also have those words.
But there’s MORE! Continue reading How To Set Up Google Adsense On Your Site
Growing up in the good ol’ US of A, Sundays was the MOST cherished day of the week, the saving grace in a hectic school schedule. It was a time for all things social, and sleeping late after Saturday Nite Live. Yeh life sure was tough then! Now I live overseas where SUNDAY
If you are a WAHM (as in working from home mother) then ’nuff said.. but for the rest of you -
The first few years I was all about joining the committee to getting this country to recognize Sunday as a day off. How can anyone be expected to get their children to school on time. How dare they treat us transplanted Americans so insensitively and expect us to… AHEM… WORK!
How does Sundays look to me now? Last Sunday my children, excluding infant, were all in school, and I am working in my p.j.s, when my door knocks. It is a postman delivering a present for my baby from the states. Yes mail on Sunday.
Ah… such bliss..
Today for example, another Sunday, kids were home due to a local holiday. We were all just finishing a virus – I had it the worst, and still feel hit by a mack truck. Hardly able to take care of anyone, I was a horribly neglectant mother, begging them to say YES to cereal for 3 meals.
Why was the idea of Sunday created? I cant remember? Perhaps by the TV networks to force children to drive their parents crazy enough to allow them to watch TV incessantly?
Well I am one pooped MOM on this Sunday so signing off..