I was sitting down with company this weekend, and was asked, as I am often asked…
what do you do for a living?
I dont actually have a ‘pat’ answer, its rather a continual moronic way of using whatever words come to my mind at the time, usually something that will have the listener nodding and thinking.. ‘oh my gosh, poor girl CANT even explain what she does for a living!!’
BUT Internet Marketing is REALLY hard to explain !!
Not to mention, can you call something a living if it is not your primary earnings, and it is not enough to be called an income… YET.
I explain to her as mentioned above.. and you know what she said??
Continue reading Who knew I was in HIGH Demand??
It seems that when it comes to the roads, noone wants traffic, but when it comes to the WEB, its ALL about the traffic.
Many people, myself included, would like to believe that we are going to dump good money into a solid looking website, and then the people are just going to come.. or maybe we will email our parents and friends and that’s all it will take for the business to really take off.
One of my favorite lines from one of the greatest movies in the ’80′s:
It could not be LESS true with the WEB! ..
Off the top of my head, here are a list of suggestions. These are just 10 FREE traffic tools. (of like 50!).. Paid will be another day.
Click HERE to read and HEAR them!
Continue reading Whats the BEEF with Traffic?? Here’s the MEAT – 10 FREE TRAFFIC TIPS.
This is part of a series of How-To’s. Refer to the HOW TO’s Category to your left for others! Click Contact above to let me know if you want info on something not there!
Google Adsense allows you to earn money through your website and blog. When you create an Adsense campaign, you are putting up small ads on your site. When someone clicks on those ads, you will earn revenue. Simple enough.
Take a step back and look at my site.
Look UP See underneath my Menu Tabs (Blog, Contact, etc.) – there is a list of text links that are always changing – depending on the content of the page. To the far left of those links it says Ads By Google. The code I placed on my site is ‘smart’ and if we are talking about Google Adsense here, then those links probably also have those words.
But there’s MORE! Continue reading How To Set Up Google Adsense On Your Site
While Traffic is not EXACTLY part of the series of ways to make money online – without traffic, what do you really have??
3 Proven Ways to Get Traffic To Your Site
As a website owner, your goal is to have a steady stream of targeted traffic flowing into your site. Here are three effective and proven ways to drive traffic to your site.
Blogs are a great way to add traffic to your site. You can add a feed burner to your blog which will enable your readers to stay up to date with new posts that you add. The posts can be delivered right to their email or homepage. As you add posts to your blog, point out new articles and other content that you have recently added to your site. The more you talk about your site, the more interest you will generate.
If you choose, you can add a blog roll to your blog that lists other blogs your readers might find interesting. If you add a link of someone else’s blog to your site, ask them to add a reciprocal link to your blog. Remember to focus on your target market and what they would find interesting. If your site’s focus is on making homemade organic baby food, trading links with a blog that is focused on bird watching won’t add targeted traffic to your site. However, trading links with blogs devoted to organic food will have a better chance at increasing your traffic.
Unless you have a WordPress Blog, which does this automatically, make sure to go to www.pingomatic.com each time you finish a post to let the rest of the web pick up on it!
You can also increase the amount of traffic that comes to your site Continue reading Without Traffic, enjoy being a Starving Artist 101
Dont be embarassed if you dont know this! I recently went to a class on website traffic, and a Woman asked about where do people get those names for their site. It was then I realized that unless you are involved in a field, why should you expect anyone to know these things….
A domain name is the name of your website. For instance, ebay.com is the domain name for eBay. There are many places to buy domains on the web. You can purchase the domain for a single year or in terms of multiple years. Domain registration is relatively inexpensive, with prices at under $10 per year.
The fist step of buying a domain is searching for a name. Here are some tips on naming your site: