I went to Tel Aviv to
hang out with my brother, visiting from the states. pick up my goodies
I turned on one of my new toys – A Flip camcorder! (Thank you Jeff Walker) – and below is my first offer. Following recording, I plugged the Flip into the USB of my computer, selected share, clicked on youtube icon, put it my username / password.. and then upload. About 2 minutes later, the video was live on Youtube, and again, I am embedding it here for your viewing pleasure.
Total time from start to finish = 10 minutes
Total cost to shoot video
$107 (Flip + shipping to bro in L.A)
$200 (Dinner)
My video work usually requires a lot of editing, (as it does here as well), which IS possible with the included FLIP software (the software that immediately starts up after plugging in the USB), but I wanted this first video to be an experiment in:
NO EXCUSES – ‘You too can make videos’
video creation – what the FLIP purports to be all about.
Wow.. just read instructions. You CANNOT edit a video in the middle. Only snip off the start and end. NOT COOL Flip! How many people don’t umm and ahh and say ridiculously off topic silly stuff (or perhaps pick their teeth) halfway through???
oh well. Looks like I got to work on getting better. Or Caring Less.
Thank you to my costars Jaron & Ashley.