    I have a confession to make.
    Whenever I would read blog post after post about comment spammers, well, I have to admit,
    I was a little envious. hmm thats too tame. I was SOOO JEALOUS!!!
    Why wasnt I being Spammed!! Is my BLOG NOT WORTHY??
    Well those days are OFFICIALLY OVER. Not only has the SPAM completely polluted my blog, it has also kept me from seeing REAL comments/emails from friends, and has completely taken away the pleasure I use to thrive on – that of the little notification at the bottom right of my computer screen when I would receive a new email. Now it’s ALL SPAM!!
    So this is what I have to say to YOU:
    If you THINK for even one second that I am going to help you by linking to your keywords.. I think I will tease you instead, but placing them HERE without a link. hahahahaha..
    of course since 99% are your garden variety pharmaceuticals and female body parts that leaves me with samples including the following
    removing wax from feline fur
    engine mitsubishi mivec picture
    myspace moving picture codes
    automotive electrical supply wiring
    Apparently SOMEONE has done their Long Tail Keyword studying and spent a day at Wordtracker finding their High Demand / Low Supply Keywords (recommended to one and all!).

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