• Yes, I have taken my small life and put it OUT THERE. For the world to ridicule, judge, love.. and VOTE.. I hope…

    I know I am in good company with the quality of video created and I used that as an excuse to allow me to say enough is enough. Part of me kept saying ‘this is an opportunity that does not come up EVER!’ The other part was saying ‘this is one more distraction you cant afford to allow in your life right now’. So I combined both and spent HOURS (and DAYS) to offer a crappy submission :)

    I am sure you are all RUNNING to vote for me now. Really. Go. NOW and VOTE 10 (or I will come after you).


    or Watch Here.. But when you are done – click on link above, or if you move over to YouTube click on link in the description to the right of the page – it will take you straight to my voting page (no sign up).

    Afterwards I regretted not saying MORE about myself. So I uploaded to YouTube a blooper video. However I ended up not not accomplishing what I set out to do.. except for having FUN! (watch to see a Shameless PLUG for a Music Group)

    Thats enough for today… ~~~ ANDREA

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