• Is Twitter a distraction? Hell YES. Can you get more business done without it? Well, it depends on how you define your business.

    WARNING: The following is all 100% true and I have never met any of these people before. :)

    Part 1

    (and part 11 which is just a short scroll down is even better.. so dont go anywhere)

    Last night I track down all local twitter peeps to connect and follow. Living overseas, (Jerusalem), the list isnt long, and therefore the connections are that much more powerful. The rest of the world follows the rule of 6 degrees of separation. With Jews and Internet Marketers, there are 2.

    It turns out that many of us will be at Mashable’s event next week in Tel Aviv. Great networking opportunity. But I say, why wait until I get there to start: (My running commentary is in bolded black – the images are taken directly from my twitter account)

    Twitter conversation networking part 1

    –hmm Andrea thinks to herself – somebody suggested something to do with marketing their wares (aka themselves)

    Twitter conversation networking part 2

    –Now I see that as an open invite, DONT YOU?

    Twitter conversation networking part 4

    –I jump in. Too much EGO? Perhaps, but I have 140 characters, I am not wining and dining them

    Twitter conversation networking part 5

    –I would say I got Bite #1

    Twitter conversation networking part 6

    –and Bite #2!

    Twitter conversation networking part 7

    –I try to turn the tables on him for fun

    Twitter conversation networking part 8

    –He is a nice guy, but making it clear where his talents lie.

    Twitter conversation networking part 9

    –Problem solved in 140 characters. (Naturally I took a quick glance at their websites to be able to come to this conclusion)

    Twitter conversation networking part 9

    – and it just gets better.. and I dont only mean with the fundraising. I mean…..

    READ ON:

    Part 2

    Social Media Expert Chris Brogan has just finished up a series on Developing a Personal Brand Online

    Twitter conversation networking part 10

    – I chose to write this now since Chris had just made a good morning appearance on twitter. Since it was so early in the morning EST (like 7am), and I thought now would be a good opportunity to tell him how much I enjoyed his series.

    Twitter conversation networking part 11

    –Chris thanks me back! … I was continuing with my day.

    Twitter conversation networking part 12

    –I refreshed at Twitter to see if there was an update to Part 1 above, and nearly missed this. Glad I didnt. Chris has over 8000 followers. I wonder if my famous brothers could
    headline an event and get 8000 people to show up (dont answer that).

    Twitter conversation networking part 13

    –Holy Cow. My blog has been pretty subpar lately (only in terms of quantity ;) ) and here is this unsolicited plug. I comfort myself in the 7am thought.

    Twitter conversation networking part 14

    –Chris tells me I am not safe. People look back at what he writes. I know this. I do it too.

    Chris Brogan on Twitter

    –It is true. I have some great stuff coming, but a lot half written (on topic – including how a new connection on facebook is now investing in a website I am building)!

    Then I realize what story is better to tell than this one?

    Chris Brogan on Twitter

    This means that you are going to want to read the post after this one too!

    Immediate Gratification. Its a Social Media Windfall!

    A snapshot of my Gmail Account for the minutes following that ‘twit’. People are following me on twitter, friending me at Facebook, and signing up to my mailing list, and hopefully RSS feed. Since I snapped this screen, It has grown, with more email subscribers, and a linkedin invite, but not too shabby, eh? (names rubbed out for their privacy)

    Twitter flooding my gmail

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