• I have been trying to add real content and give to YOU what you want. The problem is that YOU are not joining the conversation here. Occassionally YOU leave a comment, let me know you are interested in what I have to say..
    but often.. I am just passing time out loud. Have I failed at grabbing YOUR attention?
    I am also so busy building up business/es that I dont have time to read YOUR blogs.. why should you have time for mine.. I understand completely, but just know.. I am here for YOU when / if you need me.
    Guess I will have to talk about ME again..
    I have created Yet another video. Yet another Putting myself OUT there.. I am my own WEB 2.0 vehicle. Can you Andrea that??
    Rich Schefren is hosting a contest that makes the Next Internet Millionaire look like a childs tea party.. What is on offer? 4 prizes to 4 winners! Access to Rich and Jay Abraham, free entry to their seminar in Disney, Free copy of the Business Accelleration Program and $1000!..
    A follower of Rich, and a new fan of mine, collected the top 25 videos for this contest, including mine of course, and said –
    Andrea Yager’s entry – probably the reason this contest exists! and then when he included my other video.. (I think this is what spawned Rich’s contest!). He may not even know about my decapitation video from.. you guessed it 130 days ago (give or take)!
    Can someone put that PLUG for ME on a billboard and digg and sphinn it? I mean if that isnt worth a ride on Space Mountain.. me being the muse behind the vehicle that is spitting out 100′s of free infomercials for my good friend, and fellow junk food maven, Rich.. then I dont know WHAT IS. Someone else who KNOWS me, KNOWS my mad marketing skills and capabilities said.. what was Joel Comm’s loss will be Rich Schefrens gain. Yes.. you have me right where you want me.
    SO.. without further adieu.. here is my latest video.. but hang on and wait for voting instructions. Since I dont know how to effectively share information, cant be too outrageous in Jerusalem, and am too witty to be compelling.. I am expecting to be in the humorous category. They better put me in the humorous category. If they dont it will be cuz they dont want me to win!!

    My almost call to Action:


    Await my loyal fans and readers for further instructions. I know the cheesiest line EVER is that if I win, YOU win, since I will share what I learn with you. Sure at a price of $479 but you can be a JV and buy via your own affiliate link, since I am just super nice like that LOL..


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