Seriously how can I have time to blog, when I am too busy spending money. Even the Next Internet Millionaire was ahead of schedule .
I am going to go out on a limb here.. but it is my NEW belief that if you have $500 to spend and you know the right resources – in ANY GIVEN WEEK, you (aka NEWBIE or More) could cull ideas, hire / purchase the materials and get something up and going. This is actually a piece of the puzzle that I was always missing. I believed I had to do BIG.. and while it’s true that I am working on BIG to Earn BIG, if you can learn how to earn small, and set it up multiple times, thats a good start! And actually accomplish.
My next post.. ok very very soon.. will share more of what I am buying.. but since I just dumped this on you, I am going to give you an opportunity to check out a NEW report that is lauded as one of the best marketing ebooks around. For more than just it’s content. It’s combined with both 20 ways REAL Marketers earn at least $100 daily, and the creation of the product itself is a testament to the success that you can have as these 20 contributed, packaged, marketed it, and here I am promoting it!
Honestly $3000 per month is not enough for most people to ‘fire their boss’, but with 20 options, something is bound to be eye opening, give you a new perspective, take the idea and put a twist on it, and that’s what this whole education is all about.
So back to my shopping spree – Up until now, I usually would buy something for its value of what it CAN DO. I would be sucked in with the compelling sales copy. Naturally, the items would sit collecting dust on my hard drive. Heck, one of the main reasons items sell so well, is that 20% of the marketers are counting on 80% to do nothing with them!
It’s not like I am new to spending impulsively. As I explained before and will repeat until I can make YOU feel good about it, I invested in an education. SO what if the people were selling a DREAM, and I bought into that. I learned something. everything. I can assure you that my sister in NYU spending $45k per year, forcing my dad to push off retirement, will NOT come out more prepared. I guess it’s an expensive way to make sure she has a social life, since working from home online aint too good for that .. (love you Ris!)
This time I have a plan. Its not 100% formed. There are holes. There is flexibility. I havent entirely hit the nail on the head. But when I see something to purchase, I see how can it fits in this puzzle, and simplifies the process, hopefully offering a double advantage of saving money and earning us more. The Internet Marketing world is filled with items created for mass production, and therefore you can pick up an item for $37 that if ordered custom for you could cost in the $100′s if not $1000′s. Not to mention the chance to purchase online money making ideas (like I am promoting here) for anywhere from $7 to $47 which can get addictive, but often opens your eyes up to more possibilities, and increases your knowledge of the market, what is out there, and is a real bargain when you add up the added value you can attach to your resume.
A friend of mine who contributed ONE of these 20 ideas could sell it on it’s own for the price of the book. I loved his idea! Making money online is not all about loans, weight loss, and ebay! You can make money promoting Hanna Montana, and Britney Spears.. Find something for you (or your teenage kids) to do in their spare time to earn some cash. Multiply his idea by 20 and you have what I call a NO Brainer. For those of you who are a bit slow that was a link to check it out. HERE is another one.
My last post I wrote that Brad Fallon, of Stomping the Search Engines, had spoken on the Next Internet Millionaire Episode six, but I couldnt recall what he said.. yet I continued to go on and on about my plans for reaching my goals of online success. Hello! What Brad said is essentially THE MOST important piece of the puzzle for my new venture.
I understood Brad to be a search engine guy, so was not expecting to hear the following ideas (some verbatim) from him..
If you want to make a lot of money fast – you may be going after a really big hit without even getting in the game.. how do you get there faster? How can you make your business a success? Well by not doing stuff! The less YOU do, the more you will make. . money you can get back – time you can’t. If you are the only person getting things done, a lot less will get done. If you want to learn a business, it’s about leverage.
One of the issues I had with my past J.O.B was the refusal to follow that. To spend more to make more. To be many places in the same time. Even though the company tries to adopt many Rich Schefren business principles and attitudes, if you try to do it all yourself.. it wont get done.
Unless someone can locate an ebook or abridged version, I am on my way to purchase the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss, who outsources his life. I realize this is an elitist attitude, since it’s great advice for the people who buy his book, but we can only take advantage of this as long as there are others who dont .
Lining up nicely with this is a new free report created by Russell Brunson, called the IM-Myth. Russell implemented
offline marketing into his marketing mix and has tripled his business every year since!
It was literally a 20 minute read, and VERY worthwhile. At first glance I was highly skeptical and not sure I would make the time for it.. why? Apparently, He and I had both purchased the same book by Vince James about how he earned a hundred million in a year. While I found the book overpriced, overwhelming and daunting, Russell was excited and contacted Mr James about putting it into action. Personally I felt that Mr James approach was for those with capital to lose and targeted a very small %age of the society of actual risk takers and doers. The IM-Myth, which I found to be a MUCH BETTER read, simplified it in a way that makes taking online to offline in such a simple, clear, precise way. Now, I too am excited! Russell provides you with examples, necessary resources, and even his staff to help you get it going! Check it out… for Free..
My Toshiba literally just totally DIED on me. My warranty, naturally, ended a month ago. It seems to be a motherboard problem. I am getting 12 flashing lights on the power when I press the on button – nothing else.. sooo sad about this. Just as I was planning my get up and go.. starting Sunday, I now have to find a reliable repairman – no Toshiba authorized service center here.. Thank g-d for the kid’s PC!
I am a woman on a mission. Have not officially started yet, so just putting out feelers..
Just Getting Started Earning an Online Income? Watch my progress:
1) After much research with all glowing reports, I joined Wealthy Affiliate. At a very reasonable $29.95 per month, they are basically the place that Adwords/PPC affiliate arbitrage happen. In addition to web hosting, they offer keyword tools, hand holding courses to cover all your bases, resources to compliment where your skills may be lacking (landing pages, etc.), and analytic tools to know which keywords are the earners. How do they *Rock*? They will they personally inspect your campaigns, and they have a FORUM where you can literally WITNESS the process of selecting a niche to a successful campaign completion. A real support group.Turns out I may not be using PPC as much as I anticipated with this new venture, but since the cost is a drop in the bucket for what they offer.. I am sticking around until I know for sure. They are down as we speak – will add the link soon..
2) The Make 20 thousand in 20 days.. Michael Green is a very competent marketer, and I understand the concept behind this. I have joined courses – from the public to the exclusive and each one loses me at the go write 1000 articles and report back next week phase.. ok thats an exaggeration, but I like to think I can make GREAT money without having to work THAT hard.. If I sound cliche’, well then I am! So making 20k in 20 days (or YOUR MONEY BACK!!) is too good to pass up, since it not only gives you the day by day plan, only expects a couple of part time hours from you, provides you with what is usually considered ‘the missing link’, (a product to put your name on), but also introduces you to a world you may not have been privvy to before.. and once you are in.. you should be able to repeat the process… again or your money back! Sounds like a no brainer to me.
3) We interrupt this for a Next Internet Millionaire Episode Six Review – I liked the immunity challenge a lot! Looked like loads of fun in the Colorado heatwave.. but the funny thing is that where Charles Trippy clearly was not even trying and it made sense that he ended up with $4, Laura Martin.. and others.. seemed to be struggling to get any attention, yet managed to sell about the pops for at least $1 or more.. It was so disappointing that they gave us Nico’s total, but failed to really show us HOW he did it! Luckily for me, I have his email, and will ask him how he managed to sell 20 popsicles for over $40!! Then.. Brad Fallon, SEO Darling, China Manufacturer, Huge Wedding Favor site owner, fellow Atlantan, and dishy IM’er took the stage to talk about something – someone please remind me.. and then somehow, I am not certain how the next task was related to what they learned and not only cuz I cant remember, but since at the time I wondered if I missed something. They did my thing and went to a Garage Sale.. well I really do Estate Sales, but still.. I have become skilled at knowing what has value and what not… although I dont typically deal with Middle America homes filled with the most random things you could possibly imagine, rather I know my tupperware and little tikes! My son figured that the contestants were calling home begging their family to drop their trust fund in Coca Cola Memorabilia or Sports Figurines…but I was thinking NDA.
So they uploaded their stuff to Ebay and headed for a night out on the town, thinking that we would rather watch them let down their guard and party then get eliminated. Well, since someone is going and that is inevitable, I say drink on your own time, and let the ax fall when I expect it to!
4) I already made an investment a while ago to join and I am sticking with it. This is NOT to be conused with The RICH JERK. In fact, Noah Fleming who runs this membership, is a really super above board guy. I never had the time necessary to really dig into what they offer or how they stand out from the crowd, but in addition to hosting, they are an endless supply of products. If you know what a WSO is.. they buy whatever is requested, so if you are a sucker for every product you lay your eyes on PLUS some.. this is for you. They have purchased more PLR (private label rights), MRR (Master Resale Rights) ebooks, graphics, etc.. that I could ever have what to do with… and it’s all current. However, some of it WILL be put to good use in this new venture.
5. I have money to spend.. but one thing I dont understand is why someone would unload tons of money for a unique website design. Find something you like, rip off the code, add a unique logo, change the colors, put your own content on it and voila! Here are some great resources I am using to get some of my websites up quickly. Often your needs will change – that is the time to spend the money. Now, when you want to make sure you are headed in the right direction, affordability is key. I am all for a first impression, but you check out these sites and tell me if they wont do the trick as far as that is concerned – better than some stuff I have outsourced! a. Templatebox
and b. TemplateMonster