•   Simple recap – this is the second in an ongoing series for the next few days, where i unload all the content I owe my loyal readers into bite size blog posts, instead of pouring my heart and soul (read my whole day) into one long post that burns me out for a week (I can hear you muttering under your breath that my heart and soul doesnt amount to very good writing)
    I cant remember when I last reported on The Next Internet Millionaire .. and today they should be releasing episode 9 already. Here is a quickie:
    Eliminations are in full steam. We said good bye to Laura Martin and Nico Pisani. Nico gets ousted for predicting market trends and what his benefactors want – aka he was up against a Joel Comm favorite so he said his good byes a little too early. Or not. Left is Jason Marshall, Alisande, Jaime Luchuck, Thor Shrock, and Charles Trippy. (Names added purely for SEO purposes)
    Some of the business decisions these teams have made are a little baffling to me. I am going to chalk it up to foggy minds due to trying to outperform and strategize, while being a nice team player at the same time. Under all those hot lights and constant cameras on you, perhaps it removes the part of your brain responsible for great business acumen. Are you watching and saying why didnt I think to do THAT or say THIS? Maybe you will let me know when your NDA is over..
    I am not one of those hard to please people who look for the bad, just to create conflict, generate interest in this topic or get more readers. I have really enjoyed the show. I mean just because I was the TOP VOTED Female and the First Runner Up does not mean I have to Hold a Grudge and Drag everyone down :) ..
    Last question for you Reality Tv Show watchers – apprentice, big brother, etc.. Do reality shows work that each episode builds up to an elimination that makes sense or is not a surprise? I mean it is totally shocking just how natural Joel Comm seems in this role, but he could probably learn a thing or two from Alisande about putting on his poker face during eliminations. Rather, he doesnt seem to want to hide it at all who he favors.
    Lessons learned? Damn, I cant remember. I guess they are doing their job well with creating entertainment. My son (whose TV watching has been limited to downloading old episodes of Get Smart and the three stooges) looks forward to it every week! Although I bet he would like it even more if they had tripped and fell into the bowl of worms, or fell off the cliffs of Colorado, just to get up and dust themselves off!
    Can I just say that I LOVE the music score?

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