• One hand on the wheel. One hand on the Flip.

    Please do not pay attention to the fact that I sound like I swallowed a frog, PLEASE focus on the directive.

    Here is the plan – FOLLOW EACH STEP!:

    1. Approach others in your niche – yes… competitors!!

    2. Tell them that they ROCK!

    3. Tell other people that those competitors ROCK!

    4. Start to mean it. You probably do, but ALLOW yourself to mean it.

    5. People respond to good will!

    6. Now they will LOVE You too!

    7. JV with them and Make lots of Money!

    G-d says do ‘good’ things even if you don’t want to…. eventually, without even noticing it, you will be a better person and do it without planning.

    There is a missing step here. If you do all of the above without the missing piece, you will probably figure it out on your own, it may happen naturally. I just can’t reveal this secret ingredient yet since even though I am doing it naturally, it isn’t my secret to share. I mentioned in one of my recent posts about an offline marketer who has completely changed the landscape of how I view and approach success. It is his to share when and how he decides. He is working on putting it together and YOU will be blown away!

    Watch this video and then TELL me HERE whom you ADMIRE, and WHY. Go ahead. It’s FREE!

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