    I recently mentioned that I was on a mission to help people go from concept to execution, theory to reality, creator to
    How do I intend to help you acheive this?? By giving you every tool possible to CALL something your own!! Affiliate marketing is
    fantastic…. but having your own product is in another league!!
    ***READ ALL to find out about the PRODUCT we created JUST FOR YOU!!
    Today I wanted to bring up the easiest way to create a product without expecting too much from YOU. The you have ‘no excuses’ way to be a product creator overnight..

    PRODUCT is Called ‘IT’ for the time being…. dont worry – we dont expect you to create IT on your own.. but keep reading!!
    First..what can you do with a product of your own:
    1) You can SELL IT. With YOUR Name on it. Or the NAme you choose to Brand for yourself. Get yourself out there and get more
    exposure, and make more MONEY! OF course, when you sell it, if you include the rights for someone else to sell it, when they sell
    it, it STILL has your name on it, your website, and they are paying to spread information about you! Dont forget how easy it is
    to promote other products in your report, and the affiliate commissions you can make from those sales..

    2) YOU can GIVE IT AWAY!! Now, this performs the same function as #1, only in greater volume. Naturally FREE works better than NOT FREE :) ..(you can still earn on the affiliate money, so if there is good affiliate money to earn, free maybe the SMART way to go!)

    If you give it away, give it away WISELY!! The only small thing you will ask from these people, to whom you are bestowing such generousity – is their name and email! Thats not too much to ask when you are giving them a report on a subject that they can use for content for their sites, sell, give away (depending on what you allow), or of course.. that they can learn from themselves..
    3) I really want to focus on the above for now, however ONCE the materials ARE YOURS, you can break them up and use them to promote yourself even further:
    a) Blog Posts
    b) Autoreponder
    c) Submit to article directories..

    There is no reason you cant SELL the Report, Or Give it away, and STILL at the same TIME use the materials in the above ways. Called repurposing content or ‘killing 2 birds with one stone’

    the drumroll please…. Last week my awesome ‘always says the right things the first time’ friend, who writes like a dream, SLAVED AWAY and created a report for YOU to call your own. You can take it, edit it, put your name on it, wrap it up nicely and give it away, or sell it.. or sell to others to sell it.. Once its out of our hands… its YOURS.. THere is no reference to us, no links to US.. ITS YOURS… WE HAVE CREATED A PRODUCT FOR YOU TO CALL YOUR OWN.. Sorry, just making sure this is

    THe report/articles is also chock full of links to place your own affiliate links, should you so choose, so when you give it away or
    sell it.. you can still make money when someone clicks on the links included and make a purchase!

    There is a ridiculously special price for BLOG Readers.. I mean if you ordered this material, it would cost you $300! Today…
    lets just say it’s too low to publicize… click HERE to find out ;) (new window will open)

    The articles in the series are also available individually, ranging from $2.50-$3.75 (for over 750 words! – going rate for that is usually 4x that amount!) … of course the greater value is in the whole REPORT!!

    If you like the idea.. but the subject matter does not work for you, please let me know!! Either you can order content on demand (will be considerably more expensive, but made exclusively for YOU), or we can create another series similar to this!

    Be well,


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