I am reflecting.
The whole attraction of Earning an Online income is to be Free from a BOSS and from a J.O.B.. However, picture this scenario:
You wake up, send your children off to school, and go to your 9 to 5 job. You are home by 6 PM and have the night with your family – for yourself! You get holidays off like Thanksgiving!! Regular Paycheck!! Benefits!! Vacation!! Maybe you even make friends and get to listen to the radio and gossip while at work!! Or BETTER YET – you surf the web and learn how to make money online while your BOSS PAYS YOU!! Sweeeet..
The other scenario:
You work from home at your computer. 6 PM comes and goes. Dinner is served, cleared away, your laptop is still running on the end of the table. You get an email notification, so ‘sorry honey’ let me just see who that is.. bedtime stories are read, children in bed… now hurry!! hurry! back to the computer
AH.. yes. now that I have worked all day, and the children are asleep. AHH another evening of some alone time with ME and My Computer.
3:30 AM one eye opens to survey the scene. I have somehow made it 3 feet away to the couch.
I am refreshed. I have had almost 5 hours of sleep! Bathroom, brush my teeth (well sometimes), no need to get in PJ’s since the whole pitch we offer is working at home in our PJ’s!! (added for drama, but when I look back and read this in 30 years I must note for the record that I am always dressed!), and then…back to the computer.
So now when I think THANKSGIVING, I am thinking that with no JOB to not have to go to.. what is there really to be thankful for? Another reason to feel guilty hanging out at the computer and ignoring the family?
Not that we celebrate Thanksgiving where I live. Here we say thanks ALL the time. Before we eat food, after we use the bathroom, before we go to sleep at night, and when we wake up in the morning.
Since this is a time when family gets together and we spread all over the globe, let me bring a piece of my family here:
my favorites on this list are #2 and #4, #5, #7, #8 … lol actually THE BEST tunes are here at Amazon - all are great but Half Dozen is probably my fave – (and no -its NOT an affiliate link )
If you are still here with me… then I hope I didnt make that strong a case for the ‘RAT RACE’ folks, cuz the P.S. is that if all goes right, by this time next year… you know the rest..
Where I live, it is not uncommon for someone.. virtually ANYONE.. to ask:
How much do you earn?
What is your rent?
How much did you pay for your apartment?
and the like…
From experience, ahem.. I understand that this is NOT standard practice .. elsewhere.
First of all, one of the most important topics to be educated on, by example, through others experience, is that of MONEY. When you cloak the details in secrecy, you may not be helped or help others. When navigating around the beauracracy that accompanies jobs, maternity leave, landlords, tenants, property tax, cleaning help rates, and on and on.. do you really feel equipped to learn by trial and error?
I am always annoyed when I hear elderly parents say they dont want to ‘interfere’ with the actions of their children. On PURPOSE. That is their way of helping! Isnt one of the MAIN reasons you are at least 20 years older and WISER to allow your children to benefit from your experiences and not stop the ‘parenting’ at 21. Maybe I am just spoiled for having a father that is one of the foremost experts on FINANCE in the WORLD (who will read and say .. honey, you cant use the word foremost in that context or something like that – THANKS DAD – I dont Want to look like a Moron, so keep it coming!) Lets not even START with my MOM and her interference! After all, every blog needs at least ONE regular commentator!!
I recently was talking to a VERY good friend about pay rates and was SHOCKED to learn the discrepancy in what I thought was good pay and what is really good pay.
I also recently mentioned a book promotion (since a friend wrote a chapter and I KNOW he knows his stuff) about 20 ways to earn $100/ day. Before the book was promoted, I believe the question was posed of WOULD that do it for you? $3000/mos is really NOT a lot of money, but to some who have yet to earn .50 cents .. It sounds like a TON…. ok I am wandering..
There is no barometer to measure the salary an at home online marketer, so how do you know what you could earn, whats avg, and so on and so forth if you dont TALK about it!.. So in this world of ONLINE MARKETING where we make friends out of strangers via this forum, that social network, this 30 day challenge, etc.., and our ‘goal’ is one and the same, but so not…. do YOU talk money?
If prodded just a teensy bit, I will divulge all..
by Peter Parks
(from Andrea – I couldnt say this better myself so this is a direct copy and paste)
Peter = Hey andrea You got a list?
I’m teaming up with Pierre Chuong of perfect wealth formula and we’re going to be giving a ground breaking semeinar tomorrow night on traffic, its a free call, if you got a list here’s the link you better check it out and get ready to freak out, I’m gonna be spilling the beans on some stuff the gurus just keep back from you
Sign up HERE – its totally free!
I’m off to bed hope to see you there, cheers
ME: ok add one more sentence or two before you crash and I will copy and paste it today into a blog post
Peter: Ground breaking FREE teleseminar where 2 top marketers come together to reveal traffic secrets that you only dare dream about, discover how to get your blog or website listed and better yet indexed with big bad Google in less than 16 hours
I’ll just say this before I go to bed your freaking hot but must be married as well so I apologize
ok that last part was totally gratuitious.. and yeh I may need to remove it ya think?
Who the heck is Peter Parks?? He is the secret behind many big GURUS and their successful campaign. Each time he opens a mentorship program, it fills up and sells out, at any price!
Here is a direct quote “Underground affiliate marketer shocks many on the inside by
revealing little known secrets which sends many angry marketers stirring up a fuss like little kids. Find out why the Guru’s are in an up roar and how you can make up to $10,000 A month with “30 Days To Success Coaching & Mentoring & Dominate Any Niche In 4 Easy Steps” – you can still pick up some version of his coaching here
Fact: I have been part of a small mastermind group of fellow marketers. Ideas were discussed, shared, and the clause was made very clear “what is said in this room, stays in this room, and BELONGS to those who mention it – not to the group”.
Fact: One of the marketers is someone whom I admire – like a whole lot, feel honored to be able to contact at will, etc. etc.. all good things. I felt lucky to be included!
Fact: About 2 weeks ago, he noncholantly mentioned his intention to market as PLR (public label rights – content you can buy and then put your name on, therefore you can sell larger quantities for more affordable prices..) one of my ‘secret niches’ that I mentioned in our meetings.
Of course I thought he was joking.. and say “ha, good one”
He – “I’m serious”
Me – “what about secret alliance??” (remember I am a big wimp and a little scared of this bloke, so thats about as bold as I was going to get)
He – “OH! You mean it was YOU who came up with the idea – I couldnt remember. Hang on a second”… (I am hanging on in Skype).. “yes, you are right! X (his assistant) remembers it being you.”
Now I am feeling relieved at the close call! Whew! He was about to sell it to the PUBLIC at large – and the Internet Marketers who know what to do with a niche public! So glad we had this conversation and caught it..
Next Day He says:
“So do you want to buy it or shall I sell it as PLR?”
Say WHAT? I mean truth be told, buying the materials helps me get a LOT of steps closer to completing a task.. great – I admit that this is not 100% rotten for me.. but OFFER it to me.. dont talk about PROFITS, and EXPENSES..
YOU MESSED UP But I have to pay for it??
Fact: Repeating my choices if you are following. To either pay TOP DOLLAR and be the exclusive owner, and I mean top dollar since I could have personally outsourced all those pieces and gotten MORE for the money for half price, OR just resign myself to the fact that he already worked hard (poor thing!!) on the topic, and watch him sell it for less than $50 to an open hungry market.
Last I checked… that is called BLACKMAIL.
Of course I had a CHOICE.. he didnt extort the money from me, but well.. here is a quote from a good friend of mine about the subject:
“I think everyone has an A/B switch. That defy’s the purpose of a mastermind. I am a firm believer in disclosure forms to help people remember their rightful obligation when they have convenient moments to forget.”
The bizarre part is that He had been SO nice to me, offering me ‘freebies’, advice (in his cryptic style), etc.. but when he didnt offer to scrap the product or to have me buy it at cost.. I was really floored. About a week later, I thought we were coming to a head when he asked me what I really wanted (prior to this convo I was delaying an answer hoping he would come around). I came clean and told him that I wanted to pay half his asking price.
When he responded “but then I would not make any profit”, thats when I realized it was a lost cause. In fact when I was finally paying, he had quoted me 2 prices – one $25 less than the other, and I went ahead and paid him the the higher quote – clearly he needs the money. (even though in that same conversation he mentioned he was making 5 figures a month)
Listen.. if you are all about money today and not thinking about the long term benefits of having someone local be on YOUR side, and a potential JV, or just general good contact, ESPECIALLY when you know that this particular woman has just had a change in fortune and is definitely ‘ON THE MAP’, and that you screwed up… well then my friend, I can see no reason to trust you and work with you again. I hope the couple of dollars earned from this deal was worth it.
Btw just feel like saying this now – my ‘angel’ told me that you never want to go to a PPC affiliate convention, since everyone there acts like total morons.. they figure the dumber you come across the more likely you will be able to convince someone to give you their keywords and then you can go home and steal their campaign. Instead of a marketing group where sharing is power, here being an idiot is the secret to success.
Maybe this post is pointless and makes me sound a lot more ‘emotional’ than I really am lol and maybe I dont care that much about it really.. but maybe thats a problem too.
First of all.. BIG BIG thanks to BIG Jason who recommended I download a new plugin called Spam Karma – took about 10 minutes to get rid of what had become over 3000 spam comments! It may be blocking YOUR comments as well, but go ahead and try it out.
Everyday there is another product launch and I am not certain am I supposed to use my blog to pitch to people in the off chance I will make an affiliate commission, or because you may come across something really valuable.
Clickbank Videos recently launched. I JOINED THIS membership! I dont know – but just the combination of
Affiliate Marketing
all into one PACKAGE is incredibly attractive.
Imagine you are overweight and come across THIS VIDEO (still trying to figure out if I can add them to a blog).. and then it spits you out into the product? Or if you want to make money on Ebay and you came across THIS VIDEO??
I still have not looked into how to fully make the most of them, and since I am moving away from the ‘IM’ niche, most of them may not apply, but clickbank has tons of non IM niche markets covered.
Well.. if you are interested in more info, then I advise you to check out this FINAL VIDEO! Do you find his voice a little annoying or is it just me??
Now to explain the title of this post. Apparantely some people are getting burned and sick of the latest and greatest product . When I asked my friend Mike, if he had heard about this latest launch for this product called Google Payload, that was responsible for flooding my inbox with bonues, he said no.. and then said If I want Manure, I will go to Home Depot. Growing up with lots of boys, I always find toilet humor funny
I suspect he made that comment as a means to protect himself from buying another product. When you are an Internet Marketer, it is not too hard to see the amazing value in a product and earn back it’s cost within days…. but this takes away from focus time, accomplishing time, and ultimately, creating a solid business and not fly by night quick cash systems.
Check this out and let me know how this product differs, and what makes it a no brainer for you? Basically anything to do with CPA lately is all the rage. Google Payload.