I was sitting down today trying to decide what to write about. I had a post all ready to go about a friend who is offering cheap hosting for life – as in you pay a fee one time, and then you never pay again. Sounds exciting right? Well, as I was asking for some more details, he informed me that his server was hacked and *expletive*, *expletive*, *expletive*…
so I had to regroup… and a post will be coming about top rated hosts. I am in the middle of switching and have lots to share.. such as how I wrote this ENTIRE post, went to sleep, and woke up to see it GONE, since the migration of my site happened BEFORE I wrote the post, and it was LOST… *expletive*, *expletive*, *expletive*…
So get used to todays topic, since It is also a MISSION…
I have been around the workforce enough to recognize 2 types of workers (there are MANY more, but we will focus on these for now)
Continue reading Are you a Creator or Implementor.. Either Way.. I got you covered!
I thought I was going to get my life back… as in back to regular full time mommy, full time part time job, full time part time running a small business, full time part time running this blog, full time part time working on other residual streams of income, etc. etc.. but then.. 2 things happened:
1) I MADE IT TO THE TOP 50!!! for nextinternetmillionaire.com. I have to submit a new video by tomorrow night (aka tonight since its after midnight) and try out to get a spot as one of the ‘lucky 12′.. if you call going on a show and possibly getting humiliated and kicked off right away lucky that is! Well.. I am not so pleased with how my video is turning out. I think I like the idea, but I cant do it properly without professional video graphics, of which I dont have access or knowledge of.
Check out the top50
2) My continuation with StomperNet – I orignally signed up last month for a $1 trial period of a month. They are otherwise known as the group that ‘Stomps the search engine’ and has a pretty large group of successful online entrepreuners paying $797 per month. Knowing full well that I could not continue at that price, I expected it to be a one month glimpse. However, they rolled out their $97/month option and I decided to do it for at least this month. First of all, they deserve it for what they gave me for $1, second of all.. I did not have the time to follow through last months work due to number 1) above!!
Outsourcing is 2 things:
1. Hiring someone to do that which you CAN’T do:
Need a better design, database programming, or blogging plugins, but technically unable?? Go on over to my outsourcer of choice -Scriptlance (BUT FIRST READ THIS ENTIRE POST!!) and get it done for a great price…
2. Hiring someone to do that which you dont WANT to do:
Due to number 1, Outsourcing is ‘Kosher’, otherwise its a little Elitist – those who put a higher $ to their time, outsource ‘time consuming’ or ‘menial’ tasks to those who are willing to work for less.. Except for my cleaning lady who earns more than I do.
People even use outsourcing to order tasks and then hike up the prices to clients / consumers, but thats a story for another time.
Read my story to know how to OUTSOURCE WISELY:
A few months ago I wake up in the middle of the night with an Awesome idea..
Yes, I have taken my small life and put it OUT THERE. For the world to ridicule, judge, love.. and VOTE.. I hope…
I know I am in good company with the quality of video created and I used that as an excuse to allow me to say enough is enough. Part of me kept saying ‘this is an opportunity that does not come up EVER!’ The other part was saying ‘this is one more distraction you cant afford to allow in your life right now’. So I combined both and spent HOURS (and DAYS) to offer a crappy submission
I am sure you are all RUNNING to vote for me now. Really. Go. NOW and VOTE 10 (or I will come after you).
or Watch Here.. But when you are done – click on link above, or if you move over to YouTube click on link in the description to the right of the page – it will take you straight to my voting page (no sign up).
Afterwards I regretted not saying MORE about myself. So I uploaded to YouTube a blooper video. However I ended up not not accomplishing what I set out to do.. except for having FUN! (watch to see a Shameless PLUG for a Music Group)
Thats enough for today… ~~~ ANDREA
So often I will speak to other women who work from home and then I realize I kind of live in a vacuum. Working from home for me translates into one thing: Internet Marketing. Using the WEB as a TOOL to make money. Period.
However there are SOO many people who work from home and actually DO THINGS!! Like Continue reading You Want to do Flexible Jobs Working from home with Good Pay?? No problem!