Do NOT leave this page without asking ANY ANY Question you have about Creating Online Videos. I will make sure to get them ANSWERED. Not by me you dope!!. By a professional .
Think historically. Families sitting around a box called a Radio listening to, well listening to ANYTHING that came out of it. Next came the TV….. even static was interesting.
Well jump ahead to today, and the new hot trend is still sitting around watching a box, only its Web Videos on your computer screen and YOU and I have control over what people watch!
First Watch this video, and then I will tell you a few fast facts about video, and how I create mine, etc.. …
If you want to Discover how to make more sales with Video, Check out how Dave's course can increase your conversion by 4x times right now. This is A step by step video tutorial, taking you from amateur to professional. I am working out a special interview with him PLUS a steep discount off the cost of the course. I have already seen inside and rarely have I seen a technical issue tackled so smoothly, and easy to follow. It's just worth checking out to see some of the videos his *NEW* students have created. Unbelievable!
Fact #1 –
For my parents 25th wedding anniversary, I spent $275 on a VHS video with a bunch of stills put to music. As we are nearing their 50th wedding anniversary, instead of your expected inflation, I could create a far superior product today using ALL online tools/software for FREE or next to it.
Fact #2 –
If a competitor uses videos, and the products are on par, assuming you don’t have the market share of traffic, your competitor will sell more
Fact #3 -
The only thing MORE powerful than the audio / visual combo of a video is word of mouth. We will get to that later. Although a powerful viral video trumps them all.
Here is how I create my top of the line, high class videos. Ha!
I charge up with my little digital camera with rechargeable batteries. I have about 20 minutes of video time per 1GB memory card. There are top of the line digital cameras, but even the lower of the line should produce a very good quality video, with perhaps less features. Therefore, brand is irrelevant. Correct me if I am wrong.
I decide where I am going to be, and I either hold it in my hand, or place it down somewhere. Press record and talk. As loudly as I can. Especially if daytime and competing with construction. Next.
I stick the chord that came with my camera into the camera on one side and into the computer on the other side. I am automatically offered choices where I want my pictures / videos to download. I select Adobe Photo. Then it downloads.
Now I decide what software I want to use to edit. I usually choose Windows Movie Maker, since it is free and comes with my computer. Mac users have other free better options. I just started using Ulead (free trial) since my Windows Movie Maker (WMM) kept crashing every time I opened it. I will most likely purchase Ulead since it is set up very similarly to WMM, with lots of cool features. I will ask Dave his opinion first though .
Here is how you can get over the learning curve to figuring out these softwares – you simply place your files (audio, images, video) in their media ‘library’. Then you can dump the files into either a storyboard format or timeline view. Timeline view allows you to see how the ‘story’ of your video is lined up. Then you can select to create and place titles in your story, as well as images, audio, and of course they offer effects and transitions. As you can tell from my videos, I have yet to master the art of transition. I have mastered the art of the ‘cut’.
I save the video as best quality for the web. Then I sign into Youtube, etc.. and upload it! Just today I noticed that the quality of my videos is not coming out (no, not referring to the content, (well, that too..) but the video quality seems grainy.) I am imagining my kids feeling like it’s torture to watch these in 20 years. Have to figure this out. Any suggestions?
Using the FLIP ULTRA did cut out some of those steps, but not enough to have to endure the poor (er) quality videos it produced. (not all of them, just randomly. Those are chances I am not interested in taking).
Tell us how you use could use video, your thoughts, questions, etc., etc.. ??
What is holding you back?
Simple. Watch this Video and Follow your step by step action plan below. It is FREE, No charge, costs you nothing. People are making money with it. Go do it.
Sign up HERE (Yes click that link and NEW Window Will Open.. ).
Follow through their simple sign up process, answer their questions, and select the category where you are an expert. Remember to be as keyword specific in your descriptions, so people searching will find you easily. I just signed up last week, and I am #1 when you search for Internet Marketing. However, it is possible that I am moved up higher since I am currently ‘online’ .
Make sure to Download their software. It can be found under professional tools. It will install the program and the result will be an icon on your taskbar enabling you to decide when you are online / offline, etc.
If you have a website in your field of expertise, go ahead and grab the code for a widget and put it in your sidebar. Then you can attract visitors to your site as well! This can also be found under professional tools.
Instant Credibility? Admittedly, without any ratings, it will be hard to imagine someone selecting you over a competing expert. Simply barter a ‘review’ favor with a friend who is also a member, or ask someone else to choose you and review you for a high rating. If you think this is ‘beating the system’, perhaps, but you wont be successful here if you don’t possess the skills required. This suggestion will allow you to cut in line, but no free pass.
What’s Not Good?
I am not certain if this is just a problem for those overseas, but there is not YET (it’s in the works) a phone connection with client to expert. The real question people should ask is how quickly you can type per minute, since you are paying to write and receive responses via writing in a special box that is installed with the software.. Again.. not sure if this is just because I am overseas and the phone option is available for locals? Someone else do the research and tell me, k?
I dont think I would have mentioned this way of making money online had I not been able to do it as done in the video. (have to create SOME suspense to get you to watch ! ). However, how foolish would I be to SKIP it? As one of the most widely visited sites on the web, Ebay is THE quintessential way to make money online. Heck, it practically invented the concept!
If you are in the need of some emergency cash, or you simply just want to make your FIRST DOLLAR, look no further than Ebay. Sometimes you just get so discouraged. So here is the plan.
1. Find something you can live without in your house. If this is a problem, then you have problems
2. Take a Picture of it with a Digital Camera, Flip, etc. Borrow a digital camera from your neighbors 8 year old son, THAT’s how many people have digital cameras and you should too.
3. Go to Ebay and Sign up. (damn wish I had patience to find the affiliate link since they pay like $20 per new sign up.
4. Follow their instructions. Dont forget to choose the appropriate category and sub categories.
5. Make Your first dollar.
Once you see a positive cash flow, instead of constantly spending, you will be invigorated to try more. Upward and Onward.
I am certain people will disagree. Heck I hope some do! However, it is my belief that succeeding online is most often correlated to your ability to crank out a product. Most people, myself included, are very capable of getting a lot done, but if you imagine product creation as a mountain, and only after the money is rolling in automatically, and affiliates are creating most of your sales for you as reaching the summit, then most of us never make it to the top.
This does not mean that money can not be made, and successfully, in a myriad of other ways online.. and we have already and plan on uncovering MANY more, but if you want to create that passive income dream, one that doesn’t pay you as long as you are clocking in, well setting up some info product sites is certainly a highly recommended way to go. Regarding everything else becoming much easier afterwards, there is a lot of truth to this. The steps necessary to complete this particular task, even if it just means you have managed to successfully outsource, are what it takes to be an ACTION TAKER, a DOER, a MAKE IT HAPPENER, and basically, potentially RICH!
Enjoy the video: (Oh, I am holding the camera myself the whole time, so clear evidence why I am not a surgeon, hope it doesnt disturb).
Big P.S. – Since I had nothing better to do, ha! I added a bonus video to be a little less lofty sounding and more this is how I did it. Tell me which video you prefer.. Bonus video below the original.
Today we are discussing monetizing from promotions made via your affiliate partners! Is the Gap offering a 20% off sale for a week, or Bed Bath & Beyond a special buy one, get one free? Listen up!
1. Dont JUST Listen to these ideas and hear them at face value. As a creative marketer, I listen 2 steps behind and 3 steps forward. If this idea isnt for you, try to dig a few layers deeper and find how this could translate into improving your bottom line.
Need Some Extra Cash? Way #2 – 20 Ways to Make Money Online
2. I realize this is not a hand held tutorial. Anything I talk about can easily be backed up with a product explaining the ins and outs. Sometimes I WILL provide a link for such a product as I realize a 2-3 minute video could leave you intrigued but needing more guidance. If you want more information, and no link is provided yet (such as now), please let me know!
Please join in the conversation, or share this with friends! Would you like YOUR company, service, idea, etc.. to be featured in one of these videos? Let me know ..
… Anything is Possible