    Recently I was so overwhelmed that I had a visceral reaction.
    What caused me to feel soooo overwhelmed, when I am usually pretty lacking in the emotional department?


    When you see the Web as I do, it is one cash vault after another…. and regardless of which direction you choose, you cant possibly leverage the web to do it ALL..
    With so many Web 2.0 Social Networking sites up..
    How many of you are taking advantage of them ALL to their fullest possibilities?
    How many are even scratching the surface?
    So imagine if you were aware of not only the vastness of all the WAYS to promote your ideas, but the IDEAS themselves were in great numbers… Can YOU imagine the feeling???!!
    It is IMPOSSIBLE to Hit all the POSSIBILITIES…
    Unless you are in a great groove and doing extremely well in one market.. here is a possible solution:
    If you have the capital to afford, you can hire several people to each specialize in a different area and hit as many areas as you can. Most people will work for a decent price since they will appreciate the education you are providing – you could possibly even get interns! Then if one area does particularly well, ramp it up a bit, and find which works for you. Now I know this is a focused persons nightmare, but I dont know if it works anymore to JUST be doing one thing or another.
    Many potential employers will ask you where do you want to see yourself in 3 or 5 years from now? Yes, we have all answered that question.. but with the fast cash being made on the latest web trends, the ONLY answer will be .. “if done right, whatever terms we make today will seem SO ridiculous in a few years from now”…. and if you are working on the web, whether as an employee, moonlighter, or BOTH, and this is NOT the case for you.. then you will have to live with all the money lost, and all the millionaires that were created while you trudged along slowly.
    So what is it YOU do?

    *Rat Race worker who moonlights on the web hoping it will take you somewhere
    *A WAHM doing some ecommerce site/service in order to be home with your children
    *An affiliate marketer with either a list, or PPC arbitrage, etc.
    *A niche marketer making money off your niche via affiliate sales, product creation, etc.
    *A consultant helping others get started online via specific services – IM in general, copywriting, etc..
    *A web person building sites, SEO, what have you
    *An adventurous on the fringe player making money with whatever is the latest trend
    *A Resale Rights marketer
    *An employee for a marketing company work in or out of an office
    OTHER –
    I probably listed more options than there are people reading this blog :) .

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