    Most Internet Marketers earn their keep by promoting products on how you can promote online products or earn money from some tactic or another.
    Every now and then a marketer develops a site/product/service which separates them from the pack and catapults them into being a serious player.
    John Reese of ‘Traffic Secrets’ fame did just that. John Reese BlogRush Syndicated Network

    His BlogRush syndication was developed to help increase FREE targeted traffic to your blog by placing a widget on your site that allows other blogs to see related material and vice versa. The Internet Marketing twists:
    1) If someone clicks on a topic on your blog.. a new window will open so you dont lose a viewer.
    2) You receive a viewing credit each time the BlogRush widget is viewed on your blog.
    3) With ‘Kosher Style’ MLM, if you refer bloggers to BlogRush, then you can get ‘viewing credits’ based on the viewership of each blog you refer. Of course the problem with this.. if you sign up 10 sub par non active blogs, and it caps at 10 sub referrers, (which I believe I heard), then you may not get the results you like.
    I am all for more Blog Traffic, but my ONE complaint and reason you do not currently see the BlogRush widget on my blog.. It is too wide and the script does not allow me to play with the sizes, as I have done for MyBlogLog, and Bumpzee. I could not find any way to contact them via their very well put together site. Any advice?
    I highly recommend you get started with BlogRush today, since like other MLM’s those in first stand to benefit the most. Plus its just a great all round asset for your Blog, and it looks nice too. No Hype Needed.


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