    I grew up Andrea Lowenstein.
    Yes this may sound arrogant, but I use to love how my name sounded …

    Andrea Lowenstein.

    Andrea Michelle Lowenstein. I grew up in a pretty well connected family in my hometown, and even a boy I dated in high school told me he felt great pleasure in just knowing that ‘Andrea Lowenstein’ liked him :) .. Now I am the geek, but back then I was attracted to them!
    The Yager addition came with marriage but I am still legally Lowenstein.. I just love that name.
    My favorite author is Pat Conroy. He wrote the ‘Lords of Discipline’, ‘The Great Santini’, and ‘The Prince of Tides’.
    Imagine reading a book by your favorite author and the main character shares your last name… and is the last 2 written words of the Movie / BOOK??

    How AWESOME is that?? Ok, so it could be someone other than Nick Nolte, but he was once the sexiest man alive according to People magazine, so thats good enough for me ;) .
    What does this have to do with Internet Marketing?
    You could say affiliate marketing, had I been resourceful enough to place the links to the movie, so I could make a commission should someone choose to buy – although I didnt do that.
    You could say ‘Branding’ – the importance of name selection and using it properly. To have the emotional build up of a novel and movie resort to a single word being the last 2 words read/spoken is pretty heavy duty and is expected to resonate.. I was definitely branded as a ‘Lowenstein’ when growing up – for better or worse (oh it was Better!)
    You could say that I am using keywords to direct traffic to my page.. for when all my old friends and classmates do a search on me.. they will find me on this page. Hey Guys! (they are all wondering.. was it me she went out with?? ;) maybe!)
    You could say that this has nothing to do with Internet Marketing, but when a post takes as long to complete as the last few have, sometimes you need to lighten it up!
    Lowenstein, Lowenstein

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