    This should have been my first post on this subject, but I almost forgot!! Yes… failures we try to forget :) (after learning from them!)
    This is the short story:
    When I first decided to plunge into earning a passive income, I knew I needed a LIST. I came up with this FABULOUS idea (cuz it was mine so it was fabulous). I was going to help people develop their OWN Internet Marketing Strategy based on many variables.. such as time to devote, knowledge + what they liked to do (it’s not enough to know how to write – you also have to enjoy it), financial situation, etc. etc…. I was setting it up like a ‘smart’ questionaire and had outsourced a script that would allow the flow and lead to a final outcome.. all I had to do …


    .. was put together all the outcomes based on all the different possible options..
    After spending money on advertising this free service that I was lauching, and working on the backend for ages.. with such scenarios of person A has 10 hours a week to spend, knows FTP and HTML, but not copy, thinks $100/month is a reasonable amount to spend on products, is not a newbie, but not making money yet, has a website (other than a blog)…It didnt take me long to realize that I bit off more than I could chew..
    However, in a short time I did manage to collect 170 emails, RICH SCHEFREN being ONE of them. Clearly my copy grabbed him, he either was looking forward to my service as a compliment to his services or a potential competition.. hahahaha.. thats funny..
     Check out Rich Schefrens name on my AWEBER name log
    The point people… and I wish I wasnt writing this after 1 am when I am sick and tired… but the point is that I already successfully got Rich’s attention ONCE..
    The other point…. whenever hoping to launch a product/service, etc.. make sure you have thought it through very thoroughly and can handle it! If not, and even if so… bring in a partner!! Nothing gets a Butt in gear like knowing someone else is counting on you!

    Dont forget to pick up a copy of Rich’s FREE report!
    ~~ andrea

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