Well I may actually stop writing about the show, except it is giving me sooo much darn traffic! So I skipped 3, but on to episode 4…
So hey all you old forum friends.. will try not to insult you too terribly since I am a power player, and am here to network and yada yada….
Have you ALL lost your minds????
Over 10 minutes of this episode was spent on eating worms. YUCK!!
I have no problem with worm slugging if it’s part of what makes you different and yet not completely ‘out there’. Like I kinda believe Alisande that she is up for anything and would actually find herself in another situation where she would eat worms, with the stakes being MUCH less. Just for the experience. But here is the problem..
Do you want to JV with someone who would RATHER eat worms than do a task? I hear the other side that they would rather accomplish than surely fail, and they do look like they go down pretty smoothly.. but I would certainly hope Joel isnt calling a non worm eater an inappropriate JV partner.
Here is another thing and maybe its just me and my education.. but I kept remembering that afterschool special called ‘The Lottery” or similar, where someone picked a name out of a hat and they were selected to be stoned.. and as ludicrous as it was, everyone joined in.. like lambs to the slaughter… losing their sense of right or wrong. Not ONE person passed on the challenge. Actually a few people passed, but after seeing the rest follow suit, they too succumbed to the peer pressure. The one contestant who didnt eat the worms TRIED and got ‘brownie points’ for considering it. Would the individual who said an unequivocal ‘NO’ have received congratulations?
Some of you may or may not know why, but there is no question 100% absolutely that I would NOT have eaten those worms. The question I have for myself is Would I have felt bad? A failure? Probably.. I can be pretty pathetic sometimes ..
Marlon Sanders is the Guru of the week. I am a pretty big promoter of his items – in fact – if you look to the right of this blog under top picks, his items are 4 out of the 5 items listed there. You want to know how to build a website from scratch? Point and click web building.. etc.. check them out.
The execution challenge was to create a product, and discuss the marketing plan. They were also using NINJA terms we were not privvy too like plank or flank .. again.. I know you were giving them a limited amount of time to perform a task, and I see you helping them from the sides.. but there is nothing more dull than water and phones…. As internet marketers, product creation is ESSENTIAL to SUCCESS, and it would have been really neat to actually witness something realistic. I know I have a bunch of product ideas… dont they all? Couldnt they have combined their brain talents and produced SOMETHING?
The reason the execution challenges are not succeeding .. meaning one team is repeatedly LOSING.. the other team isnt really WINNING.. as opposed to the immunity tasks, is due to the combination of talents and inability to tap into them properly. They keep repeating the same problems in the judgement room yet people keep volunteering to be the leaders. Lesson #1 – being a leader is NIM suicide!
If you think I am insulting the show, forgive me. I find the show fascinating from beginning to end, but I am too personally involved to have a real objective opinion.
Lesson # 2 – Know thy limitations, be honest with your strengths, weaknesses, and confront them. So hear goes nothing:
I know that I sell myself short, great things are right around the corner, I am a nice, honest, and ethical in business, and I would have kicked a$$ on that show. As it stands now, I would have been like the multi-talented Jason Marshall, yet with the IM skills to back it up! My weakness? I spend most of my time telling other people how to make money online instead of doing it for myself.. How to overcome it? Have patience, a plan, JV partners, and
outsource, outsource, outsource.
My new online friend Big Jason Henderson got kicked off the show, which wasnt entirely a surprise from the previous episodes. I think he was definitely misunderstood and came off as a villian and just NOT what I think he really is. Frankly to me he seemed pretty shy and passive on the show.. , which he seems anything BUT in real life.. makes you wonder about that cutting room floor.
So Big Jason.. possibly all will be revealed, and possibly not, but how did you feel about how the other contestants spoke about you, and why were you so dissed? P.S – I really like what you said about your email offering a support desk link. You should have gotten points for that.
Now you better leave me a comment here or else.
This is a ‘quickie’ (no pun intended)… but I just want a blogging question answered.
*DISCLAIMER – for those of you seriously considering hiring me to turn your struggling online presence into a star-studded affair, do not be discouraged by my need to ask these questions. I can back it up with 7 years of serious internet marketing and it’s those who ASK who LEARN. Yes I could have googled it, but this is MORE FUN and just maybe I am a keyword GENIUS to write this post.
Moving on….
What is the difference between being ‘tagged’ and a ‘meme’? Rather, I know what it means to tag, but how should the ‘tagee’ react if tagged vs being ‘memed’.
I ‘tagged’ a few people and the end result was that one person wrote a blog post about the subject (which was cool) and someone else ‘memed’ me and I just commented on their blog…
All I wanted was to start conversations and get comments.
Back from my mini vacation.. but that didnt stop Google from doing their job!
Check out some of these searches in the last week that resulted in clicks to my site:
Google Search: andrea yager
Google Search: what style can you use for the fat people (this is for real – I double checked it and somehow I went from being 115 pounds to being on the 4th page of google for this search term)
Google Search: millionaire “audition questions”
Google Search: rich schefren affiliate program
Google Search: armand morin article
Google Search: wes wyatt, millionaires in the making
Google Search: resell rights wahm course
Google Search: hollywood ideas of style
Google Search: google online jobs pays well
Google Search: jaron lowenstein
Google Search: charging what i am worth and getting it
Google Search: millionaire online ideas
Google Search: how to create hollywood style
Google Search: “fabulous business idea”
Google Search: deal making hollywood style
Google Search: google online jobs
Google Search: “leslie ” webalizer
Google Search: how to steal clickbank commissions
Google Search: google online jobs
Google Search: “andrea yager” is hot (someone is paying attention! Right back at ya !)
Google Search: job suggestions
Google Search: free email marketing course
Google Search: easy suggestions to a survey
Google Search: online jobs with google
Google Search: heather dueease
Google Search: next internet millionaire charles trippy
Google Search: see where your visitors are coming from
Google Search: free work at home jobs – get started today
Google Search: google search stats
Google Search: hourly pay at home jobs online
Google Search: alisande chan
Google Search: nico pisani
Google Search: unique job ideas
Google Search: resell rights 101 (seriously I spent 3 nights in a row creating a flv tutorial of how to do this, so let me know if you want it)
Google Search: “free to get started”
Google Search: i am still in the running
Google Search: adwords free resale rights
Google Search: “andrea lowenstein”
Google Search: marketing a new product how to
Google Search: public label rights
Google Search: get started today
Google Search: how do people steal affiliate links
Google Search: social networking marketing
Google Search: “adsense 101″
Google Search: affiliate marketing glossary of terms!
Google Search: nadia semerdjieva
Google Search: william sledd internet marketing millionaire
Google Search: email ecourse
Google Search: how do people steal your clickbank commissions
Google Search: site stealer honest review
Google Search: affiliate thieves
Google Search: i am still in the running
Google Search: salary as adwords google
Thanks George for enjoying these ..
To be cooking
To be doing laundry
yeh right….
To be reading a book
To be hiking in the judean hills and floating in the dead sea with her brother and his fam
To be dressing the kids in matching clothes for pictures
To be away from the computer for longer periods than thought possible without going into shock
To be writing this while standing since other committments continue to call
Have a good one!
… and we’re back.
If you searched on these terms this past week, and clicked to my site…well.. I cant say you found, what you are looking for.. but I hope you had a good time!..
Google Search: see where your visitors are coming from
Google Search: social network marketing: where to next
Google Search: job suggestions for girl
Google Search: millionaire audition questions
Google Search: top 10 most searched “how to
Google Search: getting started in internet marketing
Google Search: squiddo web 2.0
Google Search: next internet millionaire reality show jaime luchuck
Google Search: andrea yager smells funny (nice try – you can do better than that!!)
Google Search: andrea yager sunday search fun
Google Search: andrea yager on google is fun
Google Search: online jobs that are free to get started
Google Search: jobs to do at home with paying to get started
Google Search: simple milionaire ideas
Google Search: how do i get started with an idea
Google Search: how to steal affiliate commissions
Google Search: rich gilchrest
Google Search: how my today started
Google Search: idea for next internet products
Google Search: mybloglog stats
Google Search: heather dueease
Google Search: get idea started
Google Search: job ideas for girls
Google Search: free to get started online jobs
Google Search: “laura martin” “next internet millionaire” Google Search: salary + google + adwords
Google Search: search stats google business
Google Search: mommy job sites featured on the today show
Google Search: alisande chan
Google Search: easiest jobs to get into
Google Search: get started today
Google Search: internet job ideas
Google Search: online composing jobs
Google Search: “next internet millionaire” “episode 2″ “laura”
Google Search: salary + google + adwords 1
Google Search: search stats google business
Google Search: mommy job sites featured on the today show
Google Search: alisande chan
Google Search: jaron lowenstein
Google Search: evan lowenstein kids
Googl Search: why go when you can stay with me
Google Search: how to negotiate percentages
Technorati: google adwords
Google Search: what is a hollywood trim