Yeh.. you know me always trying out for something. I was looking to find the link to show you for my latest
but unfortunately my email is too busy downloading 1700 spam emails for me to open the other account and find out for you!
In a nutshell – I answered a very simple 8 question survey for why I should be accepted into this very small select group of individuals.
One interesting question:
How would you list the following, in order of importance from top to bottom?
Creating your own digital product
Affiliate marketing
Adwords and/or adsense
Building your list
Since I dont know if there is ‘ONE CORRECT ANSWER’, I am withholding my answer, to hear YOUR answer. This is the choices they offered. Would you have added anything?
So if you are TAGGED, please ANSWER!!
I have a confession to make.
Whenever I would read blog post after post about comment spammers, well, I have to admit,
I was a little envious. hmm thats too tame. I was SOOO JEALOUS!!!
Why wasnt I being Spammed!! Is my BLOG NOT WORTHY??
Well those days are OFFICIALLY OVER. Not only has the SPAM completely polluted my blog, it has also kept me from seeing REAL comments/emails from friends, and has completely taken away the pleasure I use to thrive on – that of the little notification at the bottom right of my computer screen when I would receive a new email. Now it’s ALL SPAM!!
So this is what I have to say to YOU:
If you THINK for even one second that I am going to help you by linking to your keywords.. I think I will tease you instead, but placing them HERE without a link. hahahahaha..
of course since 99% are your garden variety pharmaceuticals and female body parts that leaves me with samples including the following
removing wax from feline fur
engine mitsubishi mivec picture
myspace moving picture codes
automotive electrical supply wiring
Apparently SOMEONE has done their Long Tail Keyword studying and spent a day at Wordtracker finding their High Demand / Low Supply Keywords (recommended to one and all!).
I am officially joining the Wordless Wednesday Cult. I am game for anything not requiring intelligible (or any) conversation.
I am already failing miserably:
1) I am talking, big no no, but go ahead and hang out with me and see if you can get me to be quiet. It’s really hard!
2) I am not taking a nice pic of my kid eating paste, or a deer looking at the sunset. I have ripped off an image I received from those annoying forwards we all complain about, but read anyways. I think its funny.
In the series of How To set up a business and Products I have purchased:
One of the MOST essential services required for almost any online venture is an Autoresponder series. In a nutshell this service allows you to collect email addresses and send out prewritten materials on a time schedule you determine. Aweber comes most highly recommended. I am not deluded enough to believe that anyone searching for Aweber will make it to my site, since Aweber has been recommended so many times by top marketers. Yet when doing a product review for items /services purchased, it seems worthy to be the first mentioned, so here goes.
Some neat features:
1) As mentioned. Regardless of when someone signs up, you can have prewritten responses scheduled to go out to them. This is like a relationship in a box business, since once you have completed the initial task of writing up these emails, you go about your daily life, work, etc.. while your autoresponders are building up a relationship with your new subscribers
2) They make it very easy to create a sign up form and provide you with an a little snippet of code to place on your site. You can also choose a page to send the subscriber to following the sign up page, thus furthering your income opportunities while you sleep.
3) Their reports are great. You can tell how many unique visitors viewed your sign up page, opened up emails sent, clicked on which links, etc.. You can also split test. All these tools force you to become a better copywriter, or realize you need to hire one!
4) They are most popularly lauded and used for their deliverability of emails. So many other programs end up in my spam folder, but all aweber accounts go into the inbox. Even Rich Schefren’s emails land in the spam folder.
Some annoying features:
1) If you select double opt-in (a subscriber has to confirm via email their desire to join your list), then automatically ALL of your accounts are required to be double opt-in. Therefore, if you wanted to have a ‘serious’ list of double optins and also run a bunch of niche market campaigns and make it easier on the subscriber, you CANNOT do both! Unless you are willing to purchase a 2nd account.
2) I set up an account for a relative throwing out all sorts of “its awesomes” and “you must haves”. He was going through a site change, but had a really slick backend mailing admin, that allowed him to click on members by state, and other sorts of filters, and then send.. done. He discovered too late that my excitement was not for the ‘easy to use’ features, rather it’s statistics – what %age opened and what %age clicked on the included links. These are really factors that – unusually so – are not very relevant to him. Bottom line – Aweber not a necessity to celebrities, but pretty much everyone else.
3) I havent tried importing from one list to the next or whatever.. I am putting it here since, with a place this careful and anti spam yada yada.. I would assume it would not be a picnic.
Go check out Aweber.
Now.. if you are impressed with what I have said now, but you have NO IDEA how to put this together into a business…. wow are you in for a treat and if that link was lost on you.. I have a product launching soon to help!