• My whole life is a big TO DO list. However, since there is direct cause and effect with building a business to do list, it helps to see the big picture by literally creating a BIG PICTURE :) . While we work on copy, videos, etc.. let me share where it REALLY should start.

    Mindmapping has become huge and there are many online sources that allow you to create your own free Map. I wanted to quickly share with you, in a few broken up images to allow it to fit on this screen, the maps I am using for our Launch.

    At the core is the Name of the project. (here its the name of the website)

    In order to draw people in we will:

    1. we have to bond with them (here we will tell a story of how we can relate to them)
    2. show them social proof (samples) (either exhibit one way to help them, or show expertise on what NOT to do)
    3. appeal to their interest in the topic (in this case would be their PAIN – and in MANY cases Pain is great emotion to go after).

    Mindmapping a Launch

    In order to figure out what we have to work with, we created a list of our assets..

    1. We currently have a pretty high ranked site with decent organic traffic
    2. a mailing list that has offered incredibly little value thus far, so I would view it as starting from scratch
    3. Blake has already written an ebook on the topic, with some visuals, also a prevention manual
    4. Not one, but 2 Internet Marketers! Myself plus Blake (he actually approached me about our pathetic autoresponders. I didnt write them – I inherited them! I think he was SHOCKED, to say the least when I told him who I was and what I do!) So we will both focus on keyword searches to our page, gtrends, whats hot, whats not to know what our visitors want before they even TELL us. They will just enforce it.
    5. We have a list of cute work at your desk exersizes that can be a bonus/freebie
    6. I included videos because it was a given that we would have them, and we are working on making them better, and they WILL be a part of a final product since how can you teach someone certain specific exercises without it?
    7. The Message Board was very active for a while, until it got taken over with spam. I am updating it to a better version. Perhaps only members will have access.. a lot of options..

    Mindmapping a Launch

    Finally PROMOTION: I didnt get into this one more, since I *think*, in the interest of just getting something behind us, we may want to pull off an internal launch, with our small list. Once we see how it works, then we can approach other potential JV’s and have some stats to back it up, and also work to improve it since we will have experience, feedback, etc. Here are some ideas:

    1. Advertise on sites or ezines who have no idea how they could be making more money from their niche site. It is then cheaper to pay them a set price for their visitors to see, than give them a huge cut on the sale. In fact, many should view the site we are sampling here as such a web property – totally not maximizing its potential
    2. Traditional affiliate program, offer a big cut
    3. Fleshing that one out more – approach potential affiliates, let them get in earlier to offer your freebies to their visitors, list, etc.. then they look generous, its an easier conversion on our end since who doesnt want something free, and they still get a nice cut while WE do the rest of the work bringing it home.
    4. Mindmapping a Launch

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