Here is a quick overview of whats going on, and will try to build a better picture soon.
At Rent A Coder I have a project in the works which includes the graphics work for 4 websites + I am nearing decision on a 2nd open project bid for product review writing. We did find some local talent to help with editing materials but no one here really grasps marketing on the web, so outsourced!
Some ‘smaller time’ automatic revenue systems we are working on has encouraged me to make some purchases to really get into the nitty gritty of mastering a niche without both being an expert or devoting full time to it. One such product is how to create a product which feeds to a desperate market, and since we have 2 such niches, I made the plunge. Check it out. It didnt hurt that this ebook was recommended by some of the best in the biz! My initial findings is that there is desperate and then there is desparate – and can you compare someone who cant get a checking account open to someone who is suffering from a medical condition?? She is convinced yes.
Our ‘Medium size’ ventures are not far off from our smaller ones, except that they are catering to much bigger markets, offer much more combination of IM skills to include data acquisition + upsells + backend sales + blogging + oh yeh – SEO and Traffic! We will get to this… when it is not 3 am and I have to be with my daughter at the hospital in 5 hours from now
‘Larger’ ventures? My angel is a lead genius, and with the launch of Lead Supreme, I am having a hard time containing myself. Lead Supreme is a heavy duty lead generation software that basically offers landing pages that pre populate the fields and based on demographics, and other behavioural stuff, will offer the ‘lead’ relevant offers. You create the relationship with the companies that feed the offers, you keep the lead, and if you know what you are doing.. Ka Ching! I would say that most people convinced to buy along the regular IM style launches and pitches will be waking up not long from now $4500 poorer and wondering what oh what went wrong. In the wrong hands.. this is just a HUGE waste of money. However, imagine if you know a thing or two about leads, and you know a lot more about CPA (cost per action) companies, and you just happen to know a SEO genius and a PPC expert.. well well.. then I am not the one to decide, but it could just be..
Not counting on Lead Supreme, my ‘larger’ venture is something I am not going to get into too much now, however JUST as I was fretting over a lot of the details, the hows… the tools to what I had in mind literally appeared in my inbox and cost $97. If I understood correctly what they are offering and I can see how it lines up with what I am imagining, then we just may be on to something. Ok, when I start editing every other word of writing, it is time to pull the blog – (i left that in since it was a real non thinking typo, but I felt somehow appropo!)
New corporation requires new hosting. Debating between my current host (been satisfied – very good personal response) and giving serious thought towards a friend recommended and best hosting awarded company. This part was delayed since the corporation was just ‘founded’. Tomorrow I decide.
Some other exciting stuff – I am emailing back and forth with Rich Schefrens people – will divulge more on that later!
As many of you know, I am on my way to making a lot of money. Naturally in order to succeed I need to build a team of people who can help me. To include writers, graphic artists, coders, etc.. I know that there is great value in outsourcing, but I was thinking of the benefits to be able to contact a local in order to express what I want, help them visualize it through some conversations, be available for quick changes, edits, what have you.
Therefore, I asked my assistant to do a local search for talent, and bring back to me their accomplishments / pricing. I am SHOCKED. I can have integrity, and be a person of charity, but can I really hire local workers who on average want between $30-$75 for an article, when I can get 25 written for that same price? Can I hire a graphic artist to make a logo for $200, when I can get similar for $50? These are not shots in the dark. These are outsourced talents with feedback and a committment to work for you, in order to maintain a high score average. There are outsourced talents with a portfolio that speak of experience. I know the clause ‘you get what you pay for’, but is that really true? Local talent doesnt speak like this:
“i am happy to meet with your expectations”
“i am waiting anxiously to meet your requirements”
2 caveats to outsourcing:
1) If you are big time big time, you use big time money to invest in big time firms to get the job done. Outsourced companies are not for coca cola to build a website. I dont think most of them handle that kind of work so they will not be able to conceptualize and realize your needs.
2) If you cant afford to screw up, either financially or working within a deadline, then you just may do better negotiating with local talent who you can actually speak to references and know that the porfolio they put up on the web is in fact real.
Speaking of that – wanna hear something cool? We approached the locals who seemed most eager to work and said that at this time we are only looking to pay x amount for this skill and more than 50% responded in the affirmative! Cant hurt to ask..
Where I outsource?
Scriptlance and
Simple recap – this is the second in an ongoing series for the next few days, where i unload all the content I owe my loyal readers into bite size blog posts, instead of pouring my heart and soul (read my whole day) into one long post that burns me out for a week (I can hear you muttering under your breath that my heart and soul doesnt amount to very good writing)
I cant remember when I last reported on The Next Internet Millionaire .. and today they should be releasing episode 9 already. Here is a quickie:
Eliminations are in full steam. We said good bye to Laura Martin and Nico Pisani. Nico gets ousted for predicting market trends and what his benefactors want – aka he was up against a Joel Comm favorite so he said his good byes a little too early. Or not. Left is Jason Marshall, Alisande, Jaime Luchuck, Thor Shrock, and Charles Trippy. (Names added purely for SEO purposes)
Some of the business decisions these teams have made are a little baffling to me. I am going to chalk it up to foggy minds due to trying to outperform and strategize, while being a nice team player at the same time. Under all those hot lights and constant cameras on you, perhaps it removes the part of your brain responsible for great business acumen. Are you watching and saying why didnt I think to do THAT or say THIS? Maybe you will let me know when your NDA is over..
I am not one of those hard to please people who look for the bad, just to create conflict, generate interest in this topic or get more readers. I have really enjoyed the show. I mean just because I was the TOP VOTED Female and the First Runner Up does not mean I have to Hold a Grudge and Drag everyone down ..
Last question for you Reality Tv Show watchers – apprentice, big brother, etc.. Do reality shows work that each episode builds up to an elimination that makes sense or is not a surprise? I mean it is totally shocking just how natural Joel Comm seems in this role, but he could probably learn a thing or two from Alisande about putting on his poker face during eliminations. Rather, he doesnt seem to want to hide it at all who he favors.
Lessons learned? Damn, I cant remember. I guess they are doing their job well with creating entertainment. My son (whose TV watching has been limited to downloading old episodes of Get Smart and the three stooges) looks forward to it every week! Although I bet he would like it even more if they had tripped and fell into the bowl of worms, or fell off the cliffs of Colorado, just to get up and dust themselves off!
Can I just say that I LOVE the music score?
Ok, since I am having such a hard time staying awake finishing a post, I want to try a little blog mini-marathon. Its not that I INSIST on adding value to this Blog. I really wish I could just promote, pitch, make money, yada yada.. BUT…
I JUST CANT help it. I apologize. I sit down to write something trite and meaningless, and I end up writing some real meaty piece.
I am going to try a little experiment – can I create a quick series of short MEANINGFUL posts, keeping my voice, without having it take a day, and make you wait a week in between each one?
Well if I go on for even ONE MORE SENTENCE here.. then clearly I cant.
Marathon starts now. I hope the Ping Masters on High dont ban my blog..
Seriously how can I have time to blog, when I am too busy spending money. Even the Next Internet Millionaire was ahead of schedule .
I am going to go out on a limb here.. but it is my NEW belief that if you have $500 to spend and you know the right resources – in ANY GIVEN WEEK, you (aka NEWBIE or More) could cull ideas, hire / purchase the materials and get something up and going. This is actually a piece of the puzzle that I was always missing. I believed I had to do BIG.. and while it’s true that I am working on BIG to Earn BIG, if you can learn how to earn small, and set it up multiple times, thats a good start! And actually accomplish.
My next post.. ok very very soon.. will share more of what I am buying.. but since I just dumped this on you, I am going to give you an opportunity to check out a NEW report that is lauded as one of the best marketing ebooks around. For more than just it’s content. It’s combined with both 20 ways REAL Marketers earn at least $100 daily, and the creation of the product itself is a testament to the success that you can have as these 20 contributed, packaged, marketed it, and here I am promoting it!
Honestly $3000 per month is not enough for most people to ‘fire their boss’, but with 20 options, something is bound to be eye opening, give you a new perspective, take the idea and put a twist on it, and that’s what this whole education is all about.
So back to my shopping spree – Up until now, I usually would buy something for its value of what it CAN DO. I would be sucked in with the compelling sales copy. Naturally, the items would sit collecting dust on my hard drive. Heck, one of the main reasons items sell so well, is that 20% of the marketers are counting on 80% to do nothing with them!
It’s not like I am new to spending impulsively. As I explained before and will repeat until I can make YOU feel good about it, I invested in an education. SO what if the people were selling a DREAM, and I bought into that. I learned something. everything. I can assure you that my sister in NYU spending $45k per year, forcing my dad to push off retirement, will NOT come out more prepared. I guess it’s an expensive way to make sure she has a social life, since working from home online aint too good for that .. (love you Ris!)
This time I have a plan. Its not 100% formed. There are holes. There is flexibility. I havent entirely hit the nail on the head. But when I see something to purchase, I see how can it fits in this puzzle, and simplifies the process, hopefully offering a double advantage of saving money and earning us more. The Internet Marketing world is filled with items created for mass production, and therefore you can pick up an item for $37 that if ordered custom for you could cost in the $100′s if not $1000′s. Not to mention the chance to purchase online money making ideas (like I am promoting here) for anywhere from $7 to $47 which can get addictive, but often opens your eyes up to more possibilities, and increases your knowledge of the market, what is out there, and is a real bargain when you add up the added value you can attach to your resume.
A friend of mine who contributed ONE of these 20 ideas could sell it on it’s own for the price of the book. I loved his idea! Making money online is not all about loans, weight loss, and ebay! You can make money promoting Hanna Montana, and Britney Spears.. Find something for you (or your teenage kids) to do in their spare time to earn some cash. Multiply his idea by 20 and you have what I call a NO Brainer. For those of you who are a bit slow that was a link to check it out. HERE is another one.
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