Andrea Yager thinks she can out junk food eat you and Rich Schefren, millionaire web business coach is willing to put his money where HER mouth is! You vote (just digg her man) and you get lots of Freebies from Rich + chances to win.
Why are people saying she is the inspiration behind this whole contest? Check it out!
I have been trying to add real content and give to YOU what you want. The problem is that YOU are not joining the conversation here. Occassionally YOU leave a comment, let me know you are interested in what I have to say..
but often.. I am just passing time out loud. Have I failed at grabbing YOUR attention?
I am also so busy building up business/es that I dont have time to read YOUR blogs.. why should you have time for mine.. I understand completely, but just know.. I am here for YOU when / if you need me.
Guess I will have to talk about ME again..
I have created Yet another video. Yet another Putting myself OUT there.. I am my own WEB 2.0 vehicle. Can you Andrea that??
Rich Schefren is hosting a contest that makes the Next Internet Millionaire look like a childs tea party.. What is on offer? 4 prizes to 4 winners! Access to Rich and Jay Abraham, free entry to their seminar in Disney, Free copy of the Business Accelleration Program and $1000!..
A follower of Rich, and a new fan of mine, collected the top 25 videos for this contest, including mine of course, and said –
Andrea Yager’s entry – probably the reason this contest exists! and then when he included my other video.. (I think this is what spawned Rich’s contest!). He may not even know about my decapitation video from.. you guessed it 130 days ago (give or take)!
Can someone put that PLUG for ME on a billboard and digg and sphinn it? I mean if that isnt worth a ride on Space Mountain.. me being the muse behind the vehicle that is spitting out 100′s of free infomercials for my good friend, and fellow junk food maven, Rich.. then I dont know WHAT IS. Someone else who KNOWS me, KNOWS my mad marketing skills and capabilities said.. what was Joel Comm’s loss will be Rich Schefrens gain. Yes.. you have me right where you want me.
SO.. without further adieu.. here is my latest video.. but hang on and wait for voting instructions. Since I dont know how to effectively share information, cant be too outrageous in Jerusalem, and am too witty to be compelling.. I am expecting to be in the humorous category. They better put me in the humorous category. If they dont it will be cuz they dont want me to win!!
My almost call to Action:
Await my loyal fans and readers for further instructions. I know the cheesiest line EVER is that if I win, YOU win, since I will share what I learn with you. Sure at a price of $479 but you can be a JV and buy via your own affiliate link, since I am just super nice like that LOL..
Listen up Peeps! Time to get in first, get in fast, and maybe make a dent as opposed to being the last to know, the last to earn, and playing in a oversaturated, hard to penetrate field.
Yes, as the Rich Schefren darling that I am, you would think I would be talking about his Attention Age Doctrine Part II.. and I will be soon enough.. but this is stuff that is much more basic and actually pretty important.
Alternatives to BOTH Google Adwords (where you pay per click to get traffic to your site) and Google Adsense (where you place code on your site like I have here and here
to make some money)
The fact that I stumbled upon BOTH of these products in the same week, and similar to many internet marketing products, very inexpensive purchase, could be turned around into fast cash.. I felt they were both definitely worth the mention.
Google Adsense – Did you know that AdSense has competition on the internet? Seriously, there are companies out there who have advertising networks that can compete with AdSense. What’s better is that these companies are clamoring for our business. They are fighting for position against each other and by doing so, they are creating a completely customer friendly environment.
What I mean to say is this, these AdSense competitors want our business and they are willing to bend over backwards to get it.
If you have seen your adsense dollars plummet, I would seriously suggest looking into Adsense Alternatives.
Google Adwords.. listen anyone who can offer a HOT option to adwords.. meaning paying .10 for a weight loss term per click, instead of $5.00.. plus 16,000 opt-ins and $3500 cash in a month.. well I would fall for that product.. (although I am a sucker for lots of products!). Like many products I purchase.. that you are really purchasing a secret or a website, you either appreciate the aha moment or throw it in the trash. (For example I recently purchased a $7 product on how to get extra traffic to my sites. I basically paid to be reminded of something I knew.. but it was worth every penny, since I will totally use it!).. so as opposed to the adsense alternatives mentioned above, this is more of an ‘AHA’ moment product.. and if you are a PPC person, yes.. I believe you will absolutely RUN as fast as you can to start implementing. Check out No More Adwords
Here we are on the morning of the much anticipated release of Attention Age Doctrine Part II. The Doctrine that tells you how to maximize success in a world where keeping somoene’s attention is becoming increasingly more difficult..
Yet I will be the FIRST to admit.
I am NOT really looking that forward to reading another document. I download and buy more products than I have time to digest, and I am actually petrified that I will completely MISS the POINT.
Therefore I want to say it NOW, on the BLOG, for the record! WHAT IS IT THAT WE (I) Want from Rich Schefren. What is it that WE can get from HIM??
If you are looking to make some fast web cash, you will enjoy the free information and pick up some great tips and tools. But you can do that at the Warrior Forum, and just about from any clickbank product (if you follow it).
Nothing wrong with fast cash, but there comes a certain time in your career, when you realize that fast cash may be here today, but gone tomorrow. That for the sake of longevity, and the real meaning of passive income, there is so much opportunity in actually having a proper functioning business, that combined with your IM skills, if you allign yourself with the proper people and tools, you may have a blueprint to follow and people who care if you succeed. Thats Rich Schefren.
It doesnt matter if you want to focus on rapid weight loss, left handed fly fishers, or becoming an online consultant – you can either view yourself as pitching a product or creating a BUSINESS. If you are just creating a product.. then WHAT NEXT?? If you are creating a business (which YES you can around a niche), then you can position yourself to go very very far.
Which is just want I plan to do. Looking forward to it Rich.. and the business systems that follow!
Over at his blog, Rich shared with everyone my Video and admited that he deserved my creative dig! The comments that followed.. well lets just say they were WAY kinder than I expected. It was suggested more than once that Rich put me on his team !!
Here is the video. I know my loyal blog readers already commented on other posts about it, but heck, post twice. It costs the same..
Below the video is a video response from Schefrens team directed to ME. Yes, I received MY first video response. I think he may even outdo me .. Enjoy! Dont forget to go pick up the Attention Age Doctrine Part II!
The video response:
Some Comments from Rich’s Blog Post:
CLASSIC.. Go Andrea! That was Brilliant..
Got My Laugh for the Day, Thank You!
What a brilliant video! But, really, Rich, I’m with her – but I’m with you too.
RIGHT ON, Andrea – that rocked!
Awesome video! I am friends with Andrea…… Damn she is something special, I was going to go for the dreamdate myself, but she has me beat with her mad video skills.
And Andrea, you’re clever, possibly brilliant… i don’t know what goes on in that mind of yours to create such a hilarious video, but you must have known what was going on in mine…
Thanks Andrea.
Good going. Way to keep those feet in the fire. Rich should sign you up to promote his stuff. You are the marketing queen of the net.
Funny stuff. Great video Andrea (as always)…
Congrats on getting Rich’s attention!
Loved Andrea’s video . . .
So now I want to know, “where’s part 2″?
Great Job! What a response~!
There is a good chance this video is destined to be a classic.
Rich, you definitely owe that gal a hug. *(Andrea adds that she would settle for a phone call)
this must be the best “homegrown”
thing i saw in a while…..
andrea you should be on richS team
you definetly won best home made video
in my opinion
keep up the good work
Great Video Andrea! Your creativity is really impressive! I’m sure it’ll push Rich to ensure that Part II is better than ever!!
Andrea – I really enjoyed all your other videos as well! You have quite a talent! Shalom!!!
Is that unbelievable or WHAT?
Go Get Part II!!
About 6 months ago or so, MANY online marketers (newbies and seasoned) signed up for a $1 trial to StomperNet. The StomperNet program claims to ‘stomp the search engines’ and build your business to be a SERIOUS business, and at an $800 monthly membership fee, this trial seemed like a no brainer!
Only once we entered, did we find out that they were offering their trial members a special system called Stomper Simple. The plan of simple was to help EVERYONE get an online affiliate business up and running. Everyone was to take a product of their choice at Clickbank and pre-sell it. Part of their system including creating ‘Kitchen Table Copy’. The idea is that you print out 4 different salesletters of competing products, and place them all on your kitchen table. Take a red marker and highlight all the best parts of each salespage and then create one ‘knock em dead’ salesletter.
But what’s the catch? After creating this awesome salespage you have to send them to ANOTHER full blown Clickbank salespage! Many of the better products – better meaning that according to Stomper Simple ‘mathematics’ it’s an easier sale – include poor salespages, opt-ins, and just a LOT more reading to get to the order form.
When you pitch a product, you have to make it READILY available – dont ask them to jump through ANOTHER hoop!
Here was a question I posed to my Stomper Team – Is there a way to SKIP the clickbank salespage? Go straight to their order form?? There are MANY benefits to this beyond the Stomper Simple method..
After surfing the web a bit yesterday, I accidentely fell on the solution! Here is what Lynn Terry from ClickNewz says: (ok this is copy and paste to make sure you get the technical details right – hope thats ‘kosher’ in the blogosphere)
Typically, when you are promoting a ClickBank product as an affiliate you will use what they call a “hoplink” to the merchant’s sales copy. That hoplink tracks the click-through’s and you get credit for every sale in the form of commission.
In the rare case that you want to bypass the merchant’s sales copy, you can set up a direct link to the checkout page that will still track your referrals. Here’s how you do that…
You will need to put the “http://” in front of that, and also make sure the link comes out all on one line – it breaks into two lines here on this page, but you want to make sure to create the link with no spaces or breaks.
There are 4 things you need to edit in that link:
YOURID which is your ClickBank ID
MERCHANTID the merchant’s ClickBank ID
The product name and product number can be found in the merchant’s original checkout link. What I usually do is view the merchant’s sales copy page, then click View > Source in my browser. This brings up the source code for the page, and you can locate the order button and analyze their order link.
Lynn also suggests asking the merchant for permission.. and testing it out! When you click to purchase at the bottom of the purchase page you should see your affiliate name in brackets at the bottom.
Thanks Lynn!
The next trick is to figure out how to not have others steal your clickbank commissions.
Speaking of Stomper Simple – all the participants say that the best part were the relationships created. I added like 30 names to my skype and chat regularly with 3 of them and of course everyone knows my new friend George! Certainly worth the $1!!
P.S. I want to give you one more trick than I promised in this post. Here goes … it’s to do with spying on your competitors ads … If you could check EXACTLY what keywords your competitors are bidding on in Google adwords and find out how much they are paying per click, how many ads they are running, and what is converting for them you would probably think you would have to Google to find out that stuff? NO! I use a software called Affiliate Elite. What will Affiliate Elite do for YOU? All the stuff I mentioned in the second sentence of this paragraph! And as well as seeing what ads your competitors are using how much they are paying etc. you can also use it to find potential affiliates to promote your products – clever eh? Check it out.