I cant remember the day I caught on to the concept of ‘Internet Marketing’ and ‘making money online’, but I am certain it did not come too long after signing up (in order to receive something free) to one mailing list or another.
Now skip to a few years and about 30-40 lists later.
Every now and then someone will regurgitate an email they sent months before, or be so vague in their pitch to send me somewhere (with such a cloaked link that you cant even guess where you may be heading), and I get annoyed. Now I am one of THE MOST EMOTIONALLY STABLE PEOPLE I KNOW.. It takes A lot to ruffle my feathers..
HOWEVER, some of these email guru guys are really beginning to PISS ME OFF.
When I replied to one of them to make a comment, this was my response:
“I’m protecting myself from receiving junk mail.
Please click the link below to complete the verification process.
You have to do this only once. ”
protecting themselves from JUNK MAIL… hahaha.. well the laugh is on me until I hit unsubscribe..
My question to you may not be what you expect:
Are NEWBIES SO Prevalent that these people are still sucking them in and making a killing off their lists??
Have these mailing list owners gone mad, and are selling their souls in order to get as many conversions as possible, regardless of unsubs and all the guru bashing that goes on behind their backs??
If it is the former, then PEOPLE please sign up as you trickle in, since I want to make a LOT Of money.
~~ andrea
I seem to always be missing these blog contests of the top x lists for such and such and what have you.. After all, I am still pretty new to this blogging thing.
George , a fellow IM Blogger, has included his top 20 faves for a top 3 tips writing contest.
These are not your ‘tips on how to know if your boyfriend picks his nose in private’, these are mostly good selections that will help improve your blogging, your focus, and hopefully help that which I have neglected so much as of late – your bank account!!
Since I wasnt asked, but was on my way to write a post about this anyways.. I will join in with my ONE TIP that I can offer. I cant say it will make you money, I cant say you wont make money without it. I can say that it makes this whole working on the web idea / concept attainable and a lot less scary or overwhelming if you possess it…
I am referring to basic HTML and FTP.. HTML is the simple language used to create a basic web page with tables, fonts, images, etc. and FTP is knowing how to upload what you have created up to the internet.
I strongly STRONGLY advise ANYONE interested in blogging, internet marketing, ecommerce, etc. to spend ONE DAY, since it will not take that long, and learn HTML, and FTP. I cant even count the money and time I have saved by knowing these basic tools that are probably taught nowadays as a matter of course to elementary school students.
The reason I was able to learn something and actually remember it (unlike CPR which I forget after learning), is that I RIGHT AWAY used the tools to create something. It doesnt have to be your major plan, but learn the tools and put them into action RIGHT AWAY – make a site about your pet, your child, your garden.. just dont learn the skills to have them in CASE. That never works.
If that sounds unrealistic, so go create a MySpace, or a Squidoo, and see how beneficial it will be to know how to create a page break, how to center, make something stand out, embed a code from YouTube, etc.. unless you want to outsource absolutely everything!
I am sure you can find something easy and free – just Google FREE HTML tutorials. I am a big fan of the point and click web design era and I am sure it has helped countless people with the confidence needed to break into internet marketing.. Maybe I am just a geek..
What do you think?
~~ andrea
Hi. I usually dont have a problem coming up with something to say, and I am putting a LOT of energy into this blog..
So how come I was only posting maximun twice a week, sometimes 3x??
Because I could not figure out HOW to force line breaks between paragraphs, and would spend 5 hours editing every blog post, trying to manipulate it to look as I wanted, and not one long running sentence.. Occassionally I would get lucky and the HTML tags I would put in would work. So I would look at how I coded those posts and try to apply the same principles to those that were messed up – no luck!
How many people can say that?
Jason Henderson and Matt Adams, both top 50 hopeful contestants along with yours truly at Next Internet Millionaire, have put the A in Action and the J in JV. They Independently and collectively have used each day of these past 2 weeks to advance their vote totals.
Jason aka BIG JASON (he is 6″11) and Matt aka the Hypnotist Matt Adams decided to interview other contestants they want to see in Colorado…. Consideration seemed to have one requirement – that you not be a jackass.. Hard for people who dont know me one way or another to jump to that conclusion, but you wont hear me arguing.
Of course I was honored to be included and hope that these relationships will develop into future venture$, but I did enter it with trepidation. You see Joel and Eric only made clear two things they were looking for:
Continue reading I was Interviewed by a GIANT and a HYPNOTIST
Outsourcing is 2 things:
1. Hiring someone to do that which you CAN’T do:
Need a better design, database programming, or blogging plugins, but technically unable?? Go on over to my outsourcer of choice -Scriptlance (BUT FIRST READ THIS ENTIRE POST!!) and get it done for a great price…
2. Hiring someone to do that which you dont WANT to do:
Due to number 1, Outsourcing is ‘Kosher’, otherwise its a little Elitist – those who put a higher $ to their time, outsource ‘time consuming’ or ‘menial’ tasks to those who are willing to work for less.. Except for my cleaning lady who earns more than I do.
People even use outsourcing to order tasks and then hike up the prices to clients / consumers, but thats a story for another time.
Read my story to know how to OUTSOURCE WISELY:
A few months ago I wake up in the middle of the night with an Awesome idea..