• AJ First of all, I know it has been a RIDICULOUSLY long time since my last post. I have since given birth to a Beautiful Baby Boy. My 3rd son, and 4th child. I am a little bit of a possessed mother, and he has not been out of my hands for too long. Those times when he is, I am wiping another kids butt, cleaning, cooking and many of my other favorite (ugg) pastimes.

    Ok. Getting to it. I recently partnered with someone to offer local classes on How to get Started Making Money Online. The first class he spoke and I critiqued. He did a great job, with one fault. He ASSUMED. You know what they say about people who ASSUME .. He figured that these people knew what the terms Google Adsense meant, what being an affiliate is all about, and even as far as to use the words pay-per-click.

    During the break, I approached some participants to get a feel of how it was going. One lady asked me what do ‘Paper Clips’ have to do with this all.. She had no clue what pay-per-click meant, so she heard it as paper clip!! They also thought that when we added adsense to our sites, we were working for Google (well that they actually hired us) and that each affiliate works for the respective companies. NO, we said. ANYONE can do this… we had to repeat that Mulitple times. ANYONE CAN DO THIS. It is EASY to MAKE Money online. You may have to work a little harder for the first buck, but if you can make $1, you can make a LOT MORE…


    This is when I realized that we have to take a few steps back and we since came up with an intro to the intro course, just going through all the terminology. I am going to spend a few blogs going through each major method of making money online, defining the system, and if I have time to get it together, offer as many CHEAP resources as I can get my hands on to offer step by step systems. IF it is not Step by Step.. it is worth nothing. I still follow methods step by step and I have been at this for 6 years!

    Here is a general list of all DIFFERENT and LEGITAMITE Ways to earn anywhere from passive income to serious moolah:

    Google Adsense

    Google ‘Cash’


    MySpace/You Tube

    EMail Marketing

    Affiliate Marketing

    Membership Sites

    Ebooks/INfo Products



    I know I have missed some, but I will add to the list when I start going through the subjects.


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