• I am really pleased with the response I received inviting you to witness the product launch. 5 comments (so far) may not seem like a lot to you, but 4 are from FIRST TIME commentators on this site, so I know there are others!

    At the conference in Orlando, I was a little envious of those who were able to speak with 100% confidence on their particular market and immediately apply what they learned to their bottom line. Being an across the board marketing genius chick can be confusing at times :) . I have too many projects, since I see SO much possibility in everything, and want a piece of it!!

    I mention that before I talk about phase I of our Product Launch, since I am sitting here debating WHICH launch to share with you. One market is highly competitive, but I have a lot of materials ready to go, and its being controlled 100% by my company. The other market is a great specific ailment niche, and I have partnered with an expert in the field.  I have no reason not to share with you both, so just giving you the heads up that in addition to my beyond ridiculously packed schedule I am working these, so whenever pieces of each are ready.. I will share them!  blah blah blah – every now and then I feel like Charlie Browns teacher when I speak. I just go on and on and wonder if anything penetrates!

    Ok so PHASE I – the list building phase.  List building. List building. List building. Can you hear my sigh?? People get sooo uptight about building their lists and as Jeff Walker says, your LAUNCH will build your list. If you do it right, the ‘buzz’ spreads and the small list you build should be a responsive list.


    If you sell a product for $47 and you have a list of 10000 but the list converts at 2% (this is a VERY accurate statistic -ask any guru), then you have a nice figure of $9400. If you have a list of 500, (which is only 5% of 10000!) and 50% convert to be buyers, you get $11,750! So the secret isnt to build the list, its to WORK the list.  In the product launch market, it is not atypical to hear of 50-60% converting into sales.

    More Math! It has also been said to death that you should expect to pay $1 per subscriber. How does paying $500 sound compared to $10000 to acheive the results exhibited above. You could afford to sell 40% of your list and still do the same.

    If the math + the logic + the philosophy doesnt make sense, then I can scream too:


    More to come.. Keep watching this space!

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