• Here we go:

    I am  sorry to be so scientific about this, but we have Passover (google it!), so I am in a mad dash to get everything done .. and its all on top of my usual hectic schedule.

    Therefore, with no further adieu, I give you this to look to: (NOTE: THIS IS NOT LIVE!! IT IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS).

    PLEASE read this FIRST:

    1) PLEASE do not Opt In to the list! I will give you a link here for the 2nd page that aweber sends you to, and I will ALSO (not today, since its not complete yet), give you the first autoresponder. You will not miss a step! I dont want you to opt-in so that when the page goes live, the stats will be 100% accurate, and not skewed by all of you :) !

    2) This launch is for the very specific ailment niche in which I am partnering with someone else – an expert in the field. Therefore not everything is in my control. While Blake (he) is completely flexible and happy to go along, it is still a work in progress. These are his first videos and I did what I could to jazz them up. He has not even seen the changes yet, so I am waiting to hear if he thinks he can do better, plans to try to do better, or is satisfied. Curious what you guys think..

    3) On Page 2 I tried for like 30 minutes to get the text below to NOT be centered. Its like an HTML exorcist. NOTHING WORKED.  I know it looks bad. (also the text isnt complete)

    4) Once we move along and get to a place where we all care cuz it succeeds (YES!), then I can go back and tell more history about this site, and how I came to be using it for this project.  For now, I consider that information unnecessary to expound upon and dull.

    Tell me if you notice the variables that would classify this site as in the stages of ‘pre-pre-launch’ mode? I will clarify them in a few days. 

    ok. Check this out:

    (sorry – link removed for a few days to work out faster video playing! I dont want to make you suffer here!)

    When someone signs up, they reach HERE:

    (same sorry for this link too)  - on that page is a link to a 3rd video…

    Ok, look. I am a big girl and I can take it. So BRING IT ON. Tell me what SUCKS. 

    Caveat: try to imagine you are a ‘sufferer’ and not an IM’er.. 

    Back soon…

    P.S.- If you recognize the squeeze page look and feel, the background what have you… it is because you are looking at a professional squeeze page STEALER, THIEF, RIP OFF. That’s right. When I see a page, I like – its as simple as :

    View Source. Copy. Paste. Change content. USUALLY hire graphic designer for new header graphic/logo, but didnt yet.

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