• I would like to INVITE all my readers (voyeurs, spectators, whatever you call yourselves) to witness as we roll out our own product launch.

    There is no learning as by witnessing in action. I am sure I can find some old smart dead guy with a fancy quote to that effect, but you get my point, right?

    Why should we watch you Andrea? Ok, I can respect this question. I have access to tons of free material, but FREE doesnt necessarily translate into ‘worth my time’.

    1) A brief history:

    Do you know what I was doing OFFLINE before I became a successful online marketer? I was moonlighting running Garage/Estate Sales.

    In fact for a while, I was turning away clients AND not making it online. A little crazy I know.. but a lot confident – can never go wrong there. Now I take on clients just for pleasure since I still LOVE doing these sales!

    The Irony of it all is that what made my business successful OFFLINE turned out to be exactly that which makes businesses successful online. My moving sales were SO popular and exciting and successful since we turned them into events! We held people off.. teased them a little.. pulled so many good psychological triggers that people would literally THROW their money at us when we opened the doors.

    That is not an exaggeration!

    Competitors would have to negotiate, show up 3 days in a row, to earn little – I would sell an entire household at top dollar in less than 2 hours.


    2 hours..

    & if that isnt enough for you to want a front row seat to our launch…

    2) I became friendly with Jeff since hanging out with him in Orlando at the Strategic Profits conference, and I am getting direct access to his brain on how to do it the RIGHT way! He is super nice and helpful!

    Are you interested? Great.

    What do I want from YOU?

    Applause Please

    Well other than a big round of applause..

    We plan to succeed, and maybe you could help by sharing your thoughts, opinions? Tells us what works and what doesnt?

    We are now creating the opening squeeze page sequence and literally will show you step by step as we go along….

    Remember the post a few days ago about starting over from SCRATCH and making a million in a year? Certainly launching products would factor in heavily to acheive that lofty goal!

    More info to come..

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