I blogged about how YOU keep focused, and promised those who commented that I will include the answers in an upcoming post. Due to focus problems, it’s taken me a lot longer than expected.
I was reminded since I had the delicious opportunity of spending the ENTIRE afternoon at the local Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.. Just me, some yummy drinks, and my laptop! How intimate. The whole purpose of getting the laptop was to be able to get out of the house to get work done.. just the timing was off, since I gave birth not too long after my laptop and well I dont do so well with dumping babies and going. Dont even ASK how much this afternoon of caffeine cost me. DONT.
However, the place was bustling, not one empty seat, noise all around.. someone said.. NO WAY you could focus there. You know what? Not ONE of those distractions had ANYTHING to do with me, not one wipe me, not one knock at my door.. It was inspiring to know I COULD focus. It’s just everyone and everything else in my life to blame .
Here are your answers:
Rich Gilchrest – I cant tell if he is mocking us – what do you think?
I sometimes have the opposite problem. I can get so wrapped up in what I’m doing, I lose track of time. For example, I was doing some research for a gaming website last night. All I wanted to do was create an account, play for ten minutes, and write 200 to 400 words about getting started in this game. Hour and a half later, I was still enjoying the game, but my eyes finally wandered back up to my system clock and I realized my twenty minute time allotment for that task was LONG gone.
Too much attention, not enough disorder
Cindy Powers – I’ve found a timer to be a big help. Even if I only set it for 15 minutes at a time, I can focus on one task knowing that I don’t need to do anything else during that 15 minutes. I can get a LOT done in 15 minutes of focus time. And if I’m on a roll, I’ll set it for another 15 minutes for the same task.
I also make sure that I get 15 (timed) minutes of down time each hour. Even if it is playing Internet Backgammon or some other ‘mindless’ activity, this keeps me from straying from my task at hand, knowing that I’ll get some ‘me time’ soon. My favorite use of this time is to sit out on the porch swing and bird watch – away from the hum of electronics and the squabbles of children.
Leslie – – MY FAVORITE!! – put a dish of chocolate 10 feet away and go get a handful after you finish your assignment. You won’t look better but you’ll be happier.
Alexandra – I have a few things I need to focus. The first is a cup of chai – nothing happens without it. I have a big dry erase board where I list different categories (calls, promo materials, shopping list, etc). then i make a category called “To Do TODAY”. I put what i think i could/should accomplish that day. It helps keep me focused. There are lots of times when something unexpected happens – like baby falls asleep in my lap. Then I can shift gears easily.
Cynthia Powell – I set a timer for 5-10-15 minutes.
Work on something non-stop til timer goes off then set it again and go work on something else.
Example: Set timer for 15 minutes and work on my mounts of emails.
Timer goes off. Reset it for 15 minutes and go fold cloths. Timer goes off. Reset and go work on emails again. Keeps me going and focused and not so board.
April D – The only thing that works for me is to have a schedule or routine. If I follow it and focus on my mommy and house jobs first thing in the morning I find I can focus better on my business after those things are accomplished. If I get on the computer first thing in the morning I set myself up for stress and not much gets accomplished.
and the theme continues …
Traci K (how the heck did you have time to read this blog I want to know!) – With four kids, a full time daycare, and my handcrafted store, I definitely rely on list making as a way to accomplish tasks/goals. One thing I have discovered though is be reasonable with your goals. Make your tasks something that can actually be completed in a reasonable amount of time. Baby steps. Don’t set yourself up to battle a mountain of tasks…make it more like a hill. lol
We started with a man.. and we will wrap it up with a man, certainly no stranger to responsibility:
George – Don’t let distractions determine your day (which I so often do). My best piece of advice for staying on focus is to write a list of takss you want to accomplish each day. Then set a strict completion time for each task and stick with it. This practice has REALLY helped me the last few months.
Thanks everyone for your answers! I wouldnt have such a hard time staying focused if I could manage to not fall asleep. Any suggestions to a non coffee drinker on how to stay awake?
Whether they are corporate professionals, budding entrepreneurs, or they own a home business, most people are looking to achieve more in less time, while earning enough money to live comfortably. This book reveals the proven techniques thousands of people have used to attain all of the money they wanted while living healthy, happy and balanced lives. The Power of Focus, the new blockbuster from the coauthors of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul, is a practical no-nonsense guide that shows readers how to reach their business, personal and financial goals without getting burned out in the process.
Canfield, Hansen, and Hewitt have taken the best ideas from their own successful careers (seventy-nine years of combined business expertise), and distilled them into ten powerful focusing principles. The result is a treasury of insights that is enjoyable to read and easy to understand. At the outset, the book identifies the three most important fundamentals for consistent success: developing unusual clarity; understanding that habits determine your future; and using a “no exceptions policy” approach to focus on what you want. Numerous anecdotes and inspiring stories help to reinforce each principle.
This is a must-read for business people, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone who is serious about improving their personal awareness.
Pretty much everyone out there in the blogosphere who has some involvement with anything internet knows about the very successful blogger John Chow. Except GOOGLE!! I searched ‘John Chow blog’, and he was Nowhere to be found! Same results for ‘John Chow’.
My first thought was concern for myself (its all about me!).. the more well known I become in my market, the more other, more successful online marketers will write about me. A search for Andrea Yager brought you here first + some other resources that I was personally responsible for. Now that I am on other peoples lips (and pages).. I will have to work harder to maintain my #1 spot for my name on the Search Engines..
Next thought… was DUH.. John Chow is like a web genius – do you really think searching for his name should show the hilarious John Cow? Google is smarter.. so I suspect some tug of war going on.. and
NOTE TO SELF: Start SEO’ing the Keywords John Chow Making Money Online Blogger since I have a better chance of getting that Organic traffic than he does. Also wonder what John Cow did right in his life to have this twist of fortune.
I finally had a chance to make money doing something I, ahem.. LOVE..
PayPerPost is offering $12 to write a post about Johnny Depp. ANYTHING about him. His new movie is coming out in the theaters, so paying people to write about him.. will certainly get the web buzzing. Gee, as if the web is ever buzzing about anything else.
Well, ignoring the fact that I have not been signed up to PPP long enough to be accepted (about 2 hours lol) and that I am doing this as a gratuitous gesture to the wonder that is JD, here is my part.
What does Johnny Depp have to do with Internet Marketing?
He got his fame by being a controversial character with integrity.
He maintained it by adding value to the users experience.
He is a true Maven in his market, and has even successfully reinvented himself from being a funky volatile punk to a funky loving father. He is an artist to be watched to see what he will do next.
I have no other reasons to be watching him. None Whatsoever. No really.
Andrea Yager thinks she can out junk food eat you and Rich Schefren, millionaire web business coach is willing to put his money where HER mouth is! You vote (just digg her man) and you get lots of Freebies from Rich + chances to win.
Why are people saying she is the inspiration behind this whole contest? Check it out!
I have been trying to add real content and give to YOU what you want. The problem is that YOU are not joining the conversation here. Occassionally YOU leave a comment, let me know you are interested in what I have to say..
but often.. I am just passing time out loud. Have I failed at grabbing YOUR attention?
I am also so busy building up business/es that I dont have time to read YOUR blogs.. why should you have time for mine.. I understand completely, but just know.. I am here for YOU when / if you need me.
Guess I will have to talk about ME again..
I have created Yet another video. Yet another Putting myself OUT there.. I am my own WEB 2.0 vehicle. Can you Andrea that??
Rich Schefren is hosting a contest that makes the Next Internet Millionaire look like a childs tea party.. What is on offer? 4 prizes to 4 winners! Access to Rich and Jay Abraham, free entry to their seminar in Disney, Free copy of the Business Accelleration Program and $1000!..
A follower of Rich, and a new fan of mine, collected the top 25 videos for this contest, including mine of course, and said –
Andrea Yager’s entry – probably the reason this contest exists! and then when he included my other video.. (I think this is what spawned Rich’s contest!). He may not even know about my decapitation video from.. you guessed it 130 days ago (give or take)!
Can someone put that PLUG for ME on a billboard and digg and sphinn it? I mean if that isnt worth a ride on Space Mountain.. me being the muse behind the vehicle that is spitting out 100′s of free infomercials for my good friend, and fellow junk food maven, Rich.. then I dont know WHAT IS. Someone else who KNOWS me, KNOWS my mad marketing skills and capabilities said.. what was Joel Comm’s loss will be Rich Schefrens gain. Yes.. you have me right where you want me.
SO.. without further adieu.. here is my latest video.. but hang on and wait for voting instructions. Since I dont know how to effectively share information, cant be too outrageous in Jerusalem, and am too witty to be compelling.. I am expecting to be in the humorous category. They better put me in the humorous category. If they dont it will be cuz they dont want me to win!!
My almost call to Action:
Await my loyal fans and readers for further instructions. I know the cheesiest line EVER is that if I win, YOU win, since I will share what I learn with you. Sure at a price of $479 but you can be a JV and buy via your own affiliate link, since I am just super nice like that LOL..
Listen up Peeps! Time to get in first, get in fast, and maybe make a dent as opposed to being the last to know, the last to earn, and playing in a oversaturated, hard to penetrate field.
Yes, as the Rich Schefren darling that I am, you would think I would be talking about his Attention Age Doctrine Part II.. and I will be soon enough.. but this is stuff that is much more basic and actually pretty important.
Alternatives to BOTH Google Adwords (where you pay per click to get traffic to your site) and Google Adsense (where you place code on your site like I have here and here
to make some money)
The fact that I stumbled upon BOTH of these products in the same week, and similar to many internet marketing products, very inexpensive purchase, could be turned around into fast cash.. I felt they were both definitely worth the mention.
Google Adsense – Did you know that AdSense has competition on the internet? Seriously, there are companies out there who have advertising networks that can compete with AdSense. What’s better is that these companies are clamoring for our business. They are fighting for position against each other and by doing so, they are creating a completely customer friendly environment.
What I mean to say is this, these AdSense competitors want our business and they are willing to bend over backwards to get it.
If you have seen your adsense dollars plummet, I would seriously suggest looking into Adsense Alternatives.
Google Adwords.. listen anyone who can offer a HOT option to adwords.. meaning paying .10 for a weight loss term per click, instead of $5.00.. plus 16,000 opt-ins and $3500 cash in a month.. well I would fall for that product.. (although I am a sucker for lots of products!). Like many products I purchase.. that you are really purchasing a secret or a website, you either appreciate the aha moment or throw it in the trash. (For example I recently purchased a $7 product on how to get extra traffic to my sites. I basically paid to be reminded of something I knew.. but it was worth every penny, since I will totally use it!).. so as opposed to the adsense alternatives mentioned above, this is more of an ‘AHA’ moment product.. and if you are a PPC person, yes.. I believe you will absolutely RUN as fast as you can to start implementing. Check out No More Adwords