Today we are discussing monetizing from promotions made via your affiliate partners! Is the Gap offering a 20% off sale for a week, or Bed Bath & Beyond a special buy one, get one free? Listen up!
1. Dont JUST Listen to these ideas and hear them at face value. As a creative marketer, I listen 2 steps behind and 3 steps forward. If this idea isnt for you, try to dig a few layers deeper and find how this could translate into improving your bottom line.
Need Some Extra Cash? Way #2 – 20 Ways to Make Money Online
2. I realize this is not a hand held tutorial. Anything I talk about can easily be backed up with a product explaining the ins and outs. Sometimes I WILL provide a link for such a product as I realize a 2-3 minute video could leave you intrigued but needing more guidance. If you want more information, and no link is provided yet (such as now), please let me know!
Please join in the conversation, or share this with friends! Would you like YOUR company, service, idea, etc.. to be featured in one of these videos? Let me know ..
… Anything is Possible
About 6 months ago or so, MANY online marketers (newbies and seasoned) signed up for a $1 trial to StomperNet. The StomperNet program claims to ‘stomp the search engines’ and build your business to be a SERIOUS business, and at an $800 monthly membership fee, this trial seemed like a no brainer!
Only once we entered, did we find out that they were offering their trial members a special system called Stomper Simple. The plan of simple was to help EVERYONE get an online affiliate business up and running. Everyone was to take a product of their choice at Clickbank and pre-sell it. Part of their system including creating ‘Kitchen Table Copy’. The idea is that you print out 4 different salesletters of competing products, and place them all on your kitchen table. Take a red marker and highlight all the best parts of each salespage and then create one ‘knock em dead’ salesletter.
But what’s the catch? After creating this awesome salespage you have to send them to ANOTHER full blown Clickbank salespage! Many of the better products – better meaning that according to Stomper Simple ‘mathematics’ it’s an easier sale – include poor salespages, opt-ins, and just a LOT more reading to get to the order form.
When you pitch a product, you have to make it READILY available – dont ask them to jump through ANOTHER hoop!
Here was a question I posed to my Stomper Team – Is there a way to SKIP the clickbank salespage? Go straight to their order form?? There are MANY benefits to this beyond the Stomper Simple method..
After surfing the web a bit yesterday, I accidentely fell on the solution! Here is what Lynn Terry from ClickNewz says: (ok this is copy and paste to make sure you get the technical details right – hope thats ‘kosher’ in the blogosphere)
Typically, when you are promoting a ClickBank product as an affiliate you will use what they call a “hoplink” to the merchant’s sales copy. That hoplink tracks the click-through’s and you get credit for every sale in the form of commission.
In the rare case that you want to bypass the merchant’s sales copy, you can set up a direct link to the checkout page that will still track your referrals. Here’s how you do that…
You will need to put the “http://” in front of that, and also make sure the link comes out all on one line – it breaks into two lines here on this page, but you want to make sure to create the link with no spaces or breaks.
There are 4 things you need to edit in that link:
YOURID which is your ClickBank ID
MERCHANTID the merchant’s ClickBank ID
The product name and product number can be found in the merchant’s original checkout link. What I usually do is view the merchant’s sales copy page, then click View > Source in my browser. This brings up the source code for the page, and you can locate the order button and analyze their order link.
Lynn also suggests asking the merchant for permission.. and testing it out! When you click to purchase at the bottom of the purchase page you should see your affiliate name in brackets at the bottom.
Thanks Lynn!
The next trick is to figure out how to not have others steal your clickbank commissions.
Speaking of Stomper Simple – all the participants say that the best part were the relationships created. I added like 30 names to my skype and chat regularly with 3 of them and of course everyone knows my new friend George! Certainly worth the $1!!
P.S. I want to give you one more trick than I promised in this post. Here goes … it’s to do with spying on your competitors ads … If you could check EXACTLY what keywords your competitors are bidding on in Google adwords and find out how much they are paying per click, how many ads they are running, and what is converting for them you would probably think you would have to Google to find out that stuff? NO! I use a software called Affiliate Elite. What will Affiliate Elite do for YOU? All the stuff I mentioned in the second sentence of this paragraph! And as well as seeing what ads your competitors are using how much they are paying etc. you can also use it to find potential affiliates to promote your products – clever eh? Check it out.
Yeh.. you know me always trying out for something. I was looking to find the link to show you for my latest
but unfortunately my email is too busy downloading 1700 spam emails for me to open the other account and find out for you!
In a nutshell – I answered a very simple 8 question survey for why I should be accepted into this very small select group of individuals.
One interesting question:
How would you list the following, in order of importance from top to bottom?
Creating your own digital product
Affiliate marketing
Adwords and/or adsense
Building your list
Since I dont know if there is ‘ONE CORRECT ANSWER’, I am withholding my answer, to hear YOUR answer. This is the choices they offered. Would you have added anything?
So if you are TAGGED, please ANSWER!!
What is an affiliate thief? Well it could be you and me.
2 categories:
1) Clickbank Thief. Deserves its own category. Most affiliate programs DO NOT allow you to purchase and earn for yourself a commission, or rather, spare yourself at least 50% of the expense. Clickbank does. If you notice affiliate marketers pining for your purchase with their amazing bonus offers, it is in large part due to this.
2 caveats:
a) In order to receive the money from clickbank which you accrue while buying items with your own affiliate link, you need to have made sales through several money mediums, 2 types of credit card, + paypal, so unless you are actually also selling to the public at large, you will have a hard time getting hold of your money… ( I speak from experience People!)
b) When it comes to Internet Marketing, once you are clued in enough to realize you can legally do this, it is usually since you have purchased so many IM products and still not found success or that which you find worthy of devoting enough time. Honestly, there should be some allowances for those people who are really interested in testing out a new product, but keep saying NO MORE BUYING, but cant help it every time a product launch is froth with irresistable copy, and underneath is really a sub par product, that you somehow already own something similar in your OWN NAME in a jumbled up collection of products you bought resell rights for!
2) Human Nature.
People do NOT like to see others succeed. I dont know why. If you knew that an item would cost the EXACT same if you were to click on their link and help them earn a few bucks, or if you were to clear your cookies, or open up another browser and NOT buy it through their link.. then WHY oh WHY would you NOT help the individual who sent you there? I find myself guilty of this if it’s a fellow IM’er who I know and I dont want them to know that I am yet again purchasing more products.
Human Nature is a funny thing. When I was auditioning for the NEXT Internet Millionaire Reality Show, I asked people in the Stomper forum (during my trial membership) to vote for me. One woman wrote.. I gave you a 9, since I wanted to reserve the right to give someone else a 10. Lady you can give us all 10′s, I mean GEE WHIZ… some people… none of those videos deserved even a 9 !!
Sorry for that little tangent…
I recently read a report that recommended using to mask your affiliate links and allow your link to be cookied and avoid people working HARD (yes, some people spend time on stealing your commissions, with NO benefit to them whatsoever).. You just paste the affiliate link and they supply you with a nice truncated code that is indiscernable.
For example. Lets say I wanted you to sign up to Clickbank, so you could sell the items from their marketplace and make tons and tons of money , but instead of mentioning the word Clickbank, I would refer to it as ‘a treasure trove of available affiliate products with skyrocketed commissions that will result in easy no brainer residual income for you’ (good copy on the fly eh?
). YOu may be intrigued to click. So which link would get you more: (What pinurl provided for me)
or (the actual affiliate link)
or (this is a very popular way to indirectly bring visitors to a site via an affiliate link)
or lets be honest… after seeing one of the last two choices, would you just click and cut out (at not cost to you) the affiliate marketer?
Are you an affiliate thief?
~~ andrea
P.S. I have been testing out different solutions to combat affiliate thief’s. The first Affiliate Cloner is really easy to use and creates really short and sweet links.
The second, Affiliate Link Cloaker is like the Ferrari Enzo of tools to fight the affiliate theif’s. I have been using it for nearly 1 year. It’s really good at creating professional links that don’t look like affiliate links. Go beat up the affiliate thief today and make them cry rivers and earn more cash!
Perhaps if I were using my Blog as the medium I originally intended, and offered a product review for the new product launched yesterday called sitestealer, … perhaps then I would be a better affiliate marketer!
However, I cannot, in good faith, promote a product where I could not make it through the sales letter to discover what the product is even about.
I do think that I used to read these sales letters from start to finish, so did I get more lazy, did the letters get longer, or do you have another suggestion why I cannot even force myself to read a page, thus preventing me from promoting it??
I wish it would be enough for me to stand behind someone else’s promotion, but I have to tell you that I recently got my hands on a product that everyone was promoting the hell out of and I thought it was.. rubbish. That doesnt sound like a nasty word to me since I am American . I was sincerely SHOCKED that people were standing behind this to the tune of ‘dont expect success if you dont make this purchase’.
This was not intended to be another Guru bash, rather a real concern I have for my future as a copywriter, affiliate marketer, etc.. when I find these sales pages so taxing.
I really want to hear you out since I have completed a product and am missing the dreaded sales page. I was surprised to hear from my Stomper Trial that long sales pages outperform short ones.
What do you think?
P.S. – check out sitestealer for yourself and let me know It may just be an awesome product!