I am certain people will disagree. Heck I hope some do! However, it is my belief that succeeding online is most often correlated to your ability to crank out a product. Most people, myself included, are very capable of getting a lot done, but if you imagine product creation as a mountain, and only after the money is rolling in automatically, and affiliates are creating most of your sales for you as reaching the summit, then most of us never make it to the top.
This does not mean that money can not be made, and successfully, in a myriad of other ways online.. and we have already and plan on uncovering MANY more, but if you want to create that passive income dream, one that doesn’t pay you as long as you are clocking in, well setting up some info product sites is certainly a highly recommended way to go. Regarding everything else becoming much easier afterwards, there is a lot of truth to this. The steps necessary to complete this particular task, even if it just means you have managed to successfully outsource, are what it takes to be an ACTION TAKER, a DOER, a MAKE IT HAPPENER, and basically, potentially RICH!
Enjoy the video: (Oh, I am holding the camera myself the whole time, so clear evidence why I am not a surgeon, hope it doesnt disturb).
Big P.S. – Since I had nothing better to do, ha! I added a bonus video to be a little less lofty sounding and more this is how I did it. Tell me which video you prefer.. Bonus video below the original.
I didn’t do it on purpose.
I didn’t have a 4 year plan, anticipate my next move, or really… have any choice. I was under a spell.
It started out very innocently. In 1999 I learned some HTML. In 2000 I was hired to work on some websites, and their affiliate links (whatever the heck that meant). A short while after that (and a lot of riduculously interesting information that I am omitting for effect) :
I joined an email list.
Then another.
Then another.
Then I bought an ebook. or two. or three. or ten.
Then I signed up with Site Build it.
Then I stayed awake for 8 pm Eastern time (3 am here) to listen to a teleseminar. again. and again. and again.
Then I was on 30 mailing lists.
Then I bought a coaching program. or two
Then I joined a membership or four.
I witnessed more urgency in a stream of ‘if you dont buy / use this / know this then you will NOT be able to succeed online’ pitches than an Emergency Room MD. Trauma care patients don’t know copywriting like these guys. I wonder if the survival rate would increase if John Carlton was pitching each patients case.
Lately I have been ‘hanging around’ (in the Social Media sense) a different online crowd. These people may refer to themselves as Internet Marketers, but many don’t know who Mike Filsaime is, or perhaps even John Reese!
While we are always reinventing ourselves, the IM path may sound something like this.. rich jerk, niche marketing, resale rights, PLR, Warrior Forum, Earn $100 a day, list building secrets, social media domination, adsense is not dead, blah blah blah. A more traditional marketer may have their success tied more to scalability, building relationships, and clients. Their means to an end is to create a self sustaining line of work, and yes, a nice revenue stream. (which could actual happen accidentally rather then intentionally – almost never in the IM’er space)
Life is a series of experiences that mold us into who we are. We are the products of our own ‘choose your own adventure’. I dont mean to sound so holistic here, but I feel I owe respect to the experience I had, even if I am prepared to question the fuel that drives it. I also have more leeway to do such since I am partially responsible for supporting it.
Last week I wrote about the surprise I had attending the Mashable Tel Aviv Event to discover so few marketers were aware of web concepts I have been embracing for so long. I also wrote that I had a half written post to dust off about the subject. Here is that post. Partially.. some of the work was done for me in the meantime:
A few days ago the debate was on full steam, ironically, starring.. John Reese and Mark Hopkins from Mashable..
I don’t see that John has anything he needs to defend. Its like a local musician being accused of ‘selling out’ since he wrote a song that became a top 10 single and made him famous. Yes, you owe a lot to your fans, but it helps to have a lot more of them, and it helps to be able to afford to keep doing what they like you for
Next the advent of the e-book, while not making many people at home millionaires, due to it’s ‘mass production’ is able to share golden nuggets of how to take advantage of the web for a much lower price tag than hiring consultants. I haven’t earned from each e-book, but I have learned from each one.
Mark – it is simply that as an outsider to an experience you didn’t have, the vision from where you are sitting allows you to see this for what it actually is. Well, what it is to YOU. A survival of the fittest, MLM style society. Hey I hear you – when my friends start pitching AGEL and NuSkin to me (actual network marketing companies) I laugh and roll my eyes in ridicule – and think they are on crack. However, to them its a very real adventure, they love the products, and its potentially lucrative, so who are we to judge? Maybe more people are losing money than earning, but the same 80/20 rule applies to this as with any other industry. Or the more realistic 95/5 – it CAN be done. You CAN become famous in Hollywood. You can get rich online. Just not many will. Should they stop making movies since it fuels others desires to have what they most likely can’t?
For me? It is directly as a result of this experience, one that caused me to part with so much of my hard earned money, and take time away from my family, that I am able to claim what I can today. I may not be able to drink Pina Coladas all day while the money racks up in my account, no Ferrari in the garage, or a house in the Hamptons (as we have been so frequently pitched).. but I most certainly could get a sick paying job in a big firm, could consult with the best.
Because I DIDN’T learn what they teach new college graduates, because I DIDN’T learn traditional marketing. I learned how to market in a way that turns the web into our own personal ATM’s. I learned marketing the Rich Dad way. I am too wise to go back and relive it, but I cant change what I know, and yes.. I actually make money online.
Internet Marketing is definitely poised for a ‘face lift’, I expect a lot more crossover between the two different arenas. However, as long as people wake up and type in ‘make money online from home’ on Google, there will be products created to cater to them.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Yeh.. you know me always trying out for something. I was looking to find the link to show you for my latest
but unfortunately my email is too busy downloading 1700 spam emails for me to open the other account and find out for you!
In a nutshell – I answered a very simple 8 question survey for why I should be accepted into this very small select group of individuals.
One interesting question:
How would you list the following, in order of importance from top to bottom?
Creating your own digital product
Affiliate marketing
Adwords and/or adsense
Building your list
Since I dont know if there is ‘ONE CORRECT ANSWER’, I am withholding my answer, to hear YOUR answer. This is the choices they offered. Would you have added anything?
So if you are TAGGED, please ANSWER!!
I was sitting down with company this weekend, and was asked, as I am often asked…
what do you do for a living?
I dont actually have a ‘pat’ answer, its rather a continual moronic way of using whatever words come to my mind at the time, usually something that will have the listener nodding and thinking.. ‘oh my gosh, poor girl CANT even explain what she does for a living!!’
BUT Internet Marketing is REALLY hard to explain !!
Not to mention, can you call something a living if it is not your primary earnings, and it is not enough to be called an income… YET.
I explain to her as mentioned above.. and you know what she said??
Continue reading Who knew I was in HIGH Demand??
I recently mentioned that I was on a mission to help people go from concept to execution, theory to reality, creator to
How do I intend to help you acheive this?? By giving you every tool possible to CALL something your own!! Affiliate marketing is
fantastic…. but having your own product is in another league!!
***READ ALL to find out about the PRODUCT we created JUST FOR YOU!!
Today I wanted to bring up the easiest way to create a product without expecting too much from YOU. The you have ‘no excuses’ way to be a product creator overnight..
PRODUCT is Called ‘IT’ for the time being…. dont worry – we dont expect you to create IT on your own.. but keep reading!!
First..what can you do with a product of your own:
1) You can SELL IT. With YOUR Name on it. Or the NAme you choose to Brand for yourself. Get yourself out there and get more
exposure, and make more MONEY! OF course, when you sell it, if you include the rights for someone else to sell it, when they sell
it, it STILL has your name on it, your website, and they are paying to spread information about you! Dont forget how easy it is
to promote other products in your report, and the affiliate commissions you can make from those sales..
2) YOU can GIVE IT AWAY!! Now, this performs the same function as #1, only in greater volume. Naturally FREE works better than NOT FREE ..(you can still earn on the affiliate money, so if there is good affiliate money to earn, free maybe the SMART way to go!)
If you give it away, give it away WISELY!! The only small thing you will ask from these people, to whom you are bestowing such generousity – is their name and email! Thats not too much to ask when you are giving them a report on a subject that they can use for content for their sites, sell, give away (depending on what you allow), or of course.. that they can learn from themselves..
3) I really want to focus on the above for now, however ONCE the materials ARE YOURS, you can break them up and use them to promote yourself even further:
a) Blog Posts
b) Autoreponder
c) Submit to article directories..
There is no reason you cant SELL the Report, Or Give it away, and STILL at the same TIME use the materials in the above ways. Called repurposing content or ‘killing 2 birds with one stone’
the drumroll please…. Last week my awesome ‘always says the right things the first time’ friend, who writes like a dream, SLAVED AWAY and created a report for YOU to call your own. You can take it, edit it, put your name on it, wrap it up nicely and give it away, or sell it.. or sell to others to sell it.. Once its out of our hands… its YOURS.. THere is no reference to us, no links to US.. ITS YOURS… WE HAVE CREATED A PRODUCT FOR YOU TO CALL YOUR OWN.. Sorry, just making sure this is
THe report/articles is also chock full of links to place your own affiliate links, should you so choose, so when you give it away or
sell it.. you can still make money when someone clicks on the links included and make a purchase!
There is a ridiculously special price for BLOG Readers.. I mean if you ordered this material, it would cost you $300! Today…
lets just say it’s too low to publicize… click HERE to find out (new window will open)
The articles in the series are also available individually, ranging from $2.50-$3.75 (for over 750 words! – going rate for that is usually 4x that amount!) … of course the greater value is in the whole REPORT!!
If you like the idea.. but the subject matter does not work for you, please let me know!! Either you can order content on demand (will be considerably more expensive, but made exclusively for YOU), or we can create another series similar to this!
Be well,