I cant remember the day I caught on to the concept of ‘Internet Marketing’ and ‘making money online’, but I am certain it did not come too long after signing up (in order to receive something free) to one mailing list or another.
Now skip to a few years and about 30-40 lists later.
Every now and then someone will regurgitate an email they sent months before, or be so vague in their pitch to send me somewhere (with such a cloaked link that you cant even guess where you may be heading), and I get annoyed. Now I am one of THE MOST EMOTIONALLY STABLE PEOPLE I KNOW.. It takes A lot to ruffle my feathers..
HOWEVER, some of these email guru guys are really beginning to PISS ME OFF.
When I replied to one of them to make a comment, this was my response:
“I’m protecting myself from receiving junk mail.
Please click the link below to complete the verification process.
You have to do this only once. ”
protecting themselves from JUNK MAIL… hahaha.. well the laugh is on me until I hit unsubscribe..
My question to you may not be what you expect:
Are NEWBIES SO Prevalent that these people are still sucking them in and making a killing off their lists??
Have these mailing list owners gone mad, and are selling their souls in order to get as many conversions as possible, regardless of unsubs and all the guru bashing that goes on behind their backs??
If it is the former, then PEOPLE please sign up as you trickle in, since I want to make a LOT Of money.
~~ andrea
I seem to always be missing these blog contests of the top x lists for such and such and what have you.. After all, I am still pretty new to this blogging thing.
George , a fellow IM Blogger, has included his top 20 faves for a top 3 tips writing contest.
These are not your ‘tips on how to know if your boyfriend picks his nose in private’, these are mostly good selections that will help improve your blogging, your focus, and hopefully help that which I have neglected so much as of late – your bank account!!
Since I wasnt asked, but was on my way to write a post about this anyways.. I will join in with my ONE TIP that I can offer. I cant say it will make you money, I cant say you wont make money without it. I can say that it makes this whole working on the web idea / concept attainable and a lot less scary or overwhelming if you possess it…
I am referring to basic HTML and FTP.. HTML is the simple language used to create a basic web page with tables, fonts, images, etc. and FTP is knowing how to upload what you have created up to the internet.
I strongly STRONGLY advise ANYONE interested in blogging, internet marketing, ecommerce, etc. to spend ONE DAY, since it will not take that long, and learn HTML, and FTP. I cant even count the money and time I have saved by knowing these basic tools that are probably taught nowadays as a matter of course to elementary school students.
The reason I was able to learn something and actually remember it (unlike CPR which I forget after learning), is that I RIGHT AWAY used the tools to create something. It doesnt have to be your major plan, but learn the tools and put them into action RIGHT AWAY – make a site about your pet, your child, your garden.. just dont learn the skills to have them in CASE. That never works.
If that sounds unrealistic, so go create a MySpace, or a Squidoo, and see how beneficial it will be to know how to create a page break, how to center, make something stand out, embed a code from YouTube, etc.. unless you want to outsource absolutely everything!
I am sure you can find something easy and free – just Google FREE HTML tutorials. I am a big fan of the point and click web design era and I am sure it has helped countless people with the confidence needed to break into internet marketing.. Maybe I am just a geek..
What do you think?
~~ andrea
I was sitting down with company this weekend, and was asked, as I am often asked…
what do you do for a living?
I dont actually have a ‘pat’ answer, its rather a continual moronic way of using whatever words come to my mind at the time, usually something that will have the listener nodding and thinking.. ‘oh my gosh, poor girl CANT even explain what she does for a living!!’
BUT Internet Marketing is REALLY hard to explain !!
Not to mention, can you call something a living if it is not your primary earnings, and it is not enough to be called an income… YET.
I explain to her as mentioned above.. and you know what she said??
Continue reading Who knew I was in HIGH Demand??
This should have been my first post on this subject, but I almost forgot!! Yes… failures we try to forget (after learning from them!)
This is the short story:
When I first decided to plunge into earning a passive income, I knew I needed a LIST. I came up with this FABULOUS idea (cuz it was mine so it was fabulous). I was going to help people develop their OWN Internet Marketing Strategy based on many variables.. such as time to devote, knowledge + what they liked to do (it’s not enough to know how to write – you also have to enjoy it), financial situation, etc. etc…. I was setting it up like a ‘smart’ questionaire and had outsourced a script that would allow the flow and lead to a final outcome.. all I had to do …
.. was put together all the outcomes based on all the different possible options..
After spending money on advertising this free service that I was lauching, and working on the backend for ages.. with such scenarios of person A has 10 hours a week to spend, knows FTP and HTML, but not copy, thinks $100/month is a reasonable amount to spend on products, is not a newbie, but not making money yet, has a website (other than a blog)…It didnt take me long to realize that I bit off more than I could chew..
However, in a short time I did manage to collect 170 emails, RICH SCHEFREN being ONE of them. Clearly my copy grabbed him, he either was looking forward to my service as a compliment to his services or a potential competition.. hahahaha.. thats funny..
The point people… and I wish I wasnt writing this after 1 am when I am sick and tired… but the point is that I already successfully got Rich’s attention ONCE..
The other point…. whenever hoping to launch a product/service, etc.. make sure you have thought it through very thoroughly and can handle it! If not, and even if so… bring in a partner!! Nothing gets a Butt in gear like knowing someone else is counting on you!
Dont forget to pick up a copy of Rich’s FREE report!
~~ andrea
Rich Schefren, one of the top business coaches online today, has done it AGAIN!!
A year or two ago he sent waves through the net with his Manifestos, drawing attention to how many businesses/individuals lack a good business strategy. Following this, he opened up his coaching program, and became a household name among online marketers (and probably started getting flooded with credit cards).
This time, his report highlights how we have accelerated quickly past the information age into the interruption age, and are sitting pretty in the attention age.. There is so much technology and ‘life’ being thrown at us, that small business owners have to work double time to acheive the same results, and we spend most of our days being unproductive..
Check out this free report HERE.
I for one can attest to that. I know that I have children, including a baby who likes to be held, but why does it take me days sometimes to get one complete blog post written?
Rich is offering a nice bonus for the individual who drums up the most attention for his new report.
I created 2 videos. The first was meant to be the only one, but the comments I heard encouraged me to make another one:
“you may finally have success”
“bad taste”
It was that last one that didnt sit well with me. I am quite the G-d fearing girl and didnt want to be leaving videos around the web with ‘bad taste’. Although, since it was totally a matter of opinion, I still left it up to be seen and will include the links here..
In the 2nd video, I removed the ‘offensive’ material and made some other changes.. This is called the ‘clean version’ and used most of the material of the first video changing the last 30 seconds or so. Maybe less people will wonder what the heck is going on when they view this one!
My video example highlights more how I personally am trying to juggle my work, family life, other commitments.. I imagine growing up in a Mom and Pop rural town before the new technology must have had it’s advantages.. Well in a matter of years we have gone from Mom and Pop to everyone being able to peek into each others rooms, lives, culture, etc.. One of the reasons I want to earn more money is to actually have more time to enjoy all the new technology, information, entertainment the world has to provide (sans the smut)
My first video I attempted to do something attention grabbing. Check out this video and be warned… you may not want to watch with children around.. Second to stripping (not happening) I tried to use whatever means I had available to me and my NON existant video creation skills to illustrate that I know how to grab attention!
Here is video 1: Rated R
Let me know what you thought of it
Here is video #2: Rated G
I hope you guys enjoyed my efforts. I worked very very VERY VERY hard. I may have used some other props, but that baby is all MINE + the Mom who needs computer help + the other 3 children + job + working for myself + a car with no a/c in the MIDDLE EAST heat…as I write this my children are playing doctor as me being the patient.. but Rich, I am all HERE. 100% focused and ready for part II.
~~ andrea