I grew up Andrea Lowenstein.
Yes this may sound arrogant, but I use to love how my name sounded …
Andrea Lowenstein.
Andrea Michelle Lowenstein. I grew up in a pretty well connected family in my hometown, and even a boy I dated in high school told me he felt great pleasure in just knowing that ‘Andrea Lowenstein’ liked him .. Now I am the geek, but back then I was attracted to them!
The Yager addition came with marriage but I am still legally Lowenstein.. I just love that name.
My favorite author is Pat Conroy. He wrote the ‘Lords of Discipline’, ‘The Great Santini’, and ‘The Prince of Tides’.
Imagine reading a book by your favorite author and the main character shares your last name… and is the last 2 written words of the Movie / BOOK??
How AWESOME is that?? Ok, so it could be someone other than Nick Nolte, but he was once the sexiest man alive according to People magazine, so thats good enough for me .
What does this have to do with Internet Marketing?
You could say affiliate marketing, had I been resourceful enough to place the links to the movie, so I could make a commission should someone choose to buy – although I didnt do that.
You could say ‘Branding’ – the importance of name selection and using it properly. To have the emotional build up of a novel and movie resort to a single word being the last 2 words read/spoken is pretty heavy duty and is expected to resonate.. I was definitely branded as a ‘Lowenstein’ when growing up – for better or worse (oh it was Better!)
You could say that I am using keywords to direct traffic to my page.. for when all my old friends and classmates do a search on me.. they will find me on this page. Hey Guys! (they are all wondering.. was it me she went out with?? maybe!)
You could say that this has nothing to do with Internet Marketing, but when a post takes as long to complete as the last few have, sometimes you need to lighten it up!
Lowenstein, Lowenstein
First of all… Arent their names just the coolest??
I am relatively new to this blogging thing.. only started posting in earnest since February 07 and probably found my ‘voice’ and established my online personality the last 2 months (& still evolving)..
I understand a main feature to blogging success comes from relationships with other bloggers, and to this I owe a big thanks to George, for mentioning me on his blog numerous times, and exhibiting to me firsthand how to become blogging ‘friends’. He has been a huge catalyst, possibly unbeknownst to him, to my shift in ‘blogging’ gears, and providing me with the self esteem needed to realize that I can someday hope to be part of this elite group of bloggers, where he himself resides..
Why Dawud and Ponn??
After spending a little of my very very limited time surfing around other blogs, mostly within my niche, it does not take long before you land on either of these blogs. In fact, I sometimes feel like a ping pong reading one blog post talking about another blogger, checking out that blogger who sends me to another blogger. I am certain I could repeat this post with numerous names in the title.. but I wasnt on a hunt for the lowest alexa ranking and most readers..
Dawud and Ponn are both representing my online goals..
I want to be recognized as a WAHM blogger who is managing her busy hectic life schedule and able to effectively, and affordably consult small businesses on how to succeed online. Basically a Ponn and Dawud sandwhich..
This is small sampling of what I want to learn from Ponn (who I have noticed appears to be under the weather – here is a shout out to your good HEALTH!! – everybody say AMEN):
How do you:
Nourish your children 3x a day
Nourish your childrens minds
Take care of their other needs
how do you MAKE money?? Is it just from your Blog or what?? How did you get started?
Did your blog take you places you didn’t know it would, or did YOU take your blog to those places??
Here is just a taste of what I want to know from Dawud:
How do you:
Create blog posts with so many outgoing links? Do you have a tool that helps with that, or you have to find each site and copy and paste??
Do as you advise and turn your action steps into a realized finished product/experience?
Find your clients?
Have time for your clients, your family, your sanity, your blog, and to still read all those other blogs??
oh and Make money???
I realize I am just a small time fish in an ocean of big time bloggers, but it cant hurt to ask those who you admire how they got to be where they are.. and maybe skip a few stones in the meantime and perhaps.. avoid some glaciers.. I have certainly seen enough of my ventures sink…. so lets get off this deserted island and find the buried treasure.. hahaha ok, taking this analogy way too far
In case you are wondering: I WOULD win the busy contest – I have 4 children, youngest is 7 mos old who nurses all the time and loves to be held ONLY by his Momma! I own a small business, work for someone else, blog, try to make money online yada yada. I dont own a TV, so I am not asking these questions and spending my night watching reality shows (I just try out for them ).
In fact this Post, like my others, took me so long to write due to my many distractions, that according to Rich Schefrens’ new report, .. it cant be as good as it COULD be.
oh well.
Who do you admire out in the blogosphere?
~~ andrea
Exactly $23.89
I am overjoyed
Before giving away all my SLICK MONEY MAKING secrets, I would like for you, my avid hungry readers to GUESS just where this money came from. You dont have to break down the figures correctly,
but if you can look around my BLOG and guess correctly, then I will SPLIT Half with you!!
Yes, you read me right!
I think I will make this a regular contest.. gee maybe next month my profits (and possibly YOURS!!) will double..
Ok, what do you have to do to participate??
hmm.. just comment what you think. Next time I am going to be REAL tough and insist you subscribe, but hey I suggest you do so now, so you dont miss out on all the great fun and future chances to win lots of money.
I am on my way to submit this to contestblogger.com (does that work for link love?)
When does the contest end? I guess when it seems that this post has gone to pasture and not getting any more notice, but certainly BEFORE the end of July, when we start OVER!!
*I have promoted some products in posts, but I dont expect you to look OFF this page to be able to make a guess, so for the time being, products promoted in prior posts ARE NOT to be considered. That just made this a whole lot simpler
*If more than one person gets it right, the person who submitted FIRST will be the winner!
Good luck and have a great weekend!
~~ andrea
I was sitting down with company this weekend, and was asked, as I am often asked…
what do you do for a living?
I dont actually have a ‘pat’ answer, its rather a continual moronic way of using whatever words come to my mind at the time, usually something that will have the listener nodding and thinking.. ‘oh my gosh, poor girl CANT even explain what she does for a living!!’
BUT Internet Marketing is REALLY hard to explain !!
Not to mention, can you call something a living if it is not your primary earnings, and it is not enough to be called an income… YET.
I explain to her as mentioned above.. and you know what she said??
Continue reading Who knew I was in HIGH Demand??
Rich Schefren, one of the top business coaches online today, has done it AGAIN!!
A year or two ago he sent waves through the net with his Manifestos, drawing attention to how many businesses/individuals lack a good business strategy. Following this, he opened up his coaching program, and became a household name among online marketers (and probably started getting flooded with credit cards).
This time, his report highlights how we have accelerated quickly past the information age into the interruption age, and are sitting pretty in the attention age.. There is so much technology and ‘life’ being thrown at us, that small business owners have to work double time to acheive the same results, and we spend most of our days being unproductive..
Check out this free report HERE.
I for one can attest to that. I know that I have children, including a baby who likes to be held, but why does it take me days sometimes to get one complete blog post written?
Rich is offering a nice bonus for the individual who drums up the most attention for his new report.
I created 2 videos. The first was meant to be the only one, but the comments I heard encouraged me to make another one:
“you may finally have success”
“bad taste”
It was that last one that didnt sit well with me. I am quite the G-d fearing girl and didnt want to be leaving videos around the web with ‘bad taste’. Although, since it was totally a matter of opinion, I still left it up to be seen and will include the links here..
In the 2nd video, I removed the ‘offensive’ material and made some other changes.. This is called the ‘clean version’ and used most of the material of the first video changing the last 30 seconds or so. Maybe less people will wonder what the heck is going on when they view this one!
My video example highlights more how I personally am trying to juggle my work, family life, other commitments.. I imagine growing up in a Mom and Pop rural town before the new technology must have had it’s advantages.. Well in a matter of years we have gone from Mom and Pop to everyone being able to peek into each others rooms, lives, culture, etc.. One of the reasons I want to earn more money is to actually have more time to enjoy all the new technology, information, entertainment the world has to provide (sans the smut)
My first video I attempted to do something attention grabbing. Check out this video and be warned… you may not want to watch with children around.. Second to stripping (not happening) I tried to use whatever means I had available to me and my NON existant video creation skills to illustrate that I know how to grab attention!
Here is video 1: Rated R
Let me know what you thought of it
Here is video #2: Rated G
I hope you guys enjoyed my efforts. I worked very very VERY VERY hard. I may have used some other props, but that baby is all MINE + the Mom who needs computer help + the other 3 children + job + working for myself + a car with no a/c in the MIDDLE EAST heat…as I write this my children are playing doctor as me being the patient.. but Rich, I am all HERE. 100% focused and ready for part II.
~~ andrea