    Just last week I blogged about being spammed unnecessarily by some lists. I signed up for good content, and do not begrudge the product pitches since these guys deserve to make their living too, assuming that I will still receive the content I expect. However, most have turned into a pitch a minute. Hence the question you will see at that post.
    Moving on to my next Email Marketing question. I was debating with a friend:
    Do reminder emails in a NICHE market (not IM) work?

    I complained that the more repeat emails:
    “in case you missed it”
    “only 4 more bonuses left”
    “Andrea, did you see this?”
    only left me feeling that each email carried with it less importance, less content, and that I could afford to miss out on them, since they were becoming repetitive. When this happened, I actually began to miss out on emails with real content, since I became ‘used’ to NOT opening the emails anymore.
    My friend insists that what I am saying is possibly true, but NOT in a niche market. In those markets, your subscribers continue to read the emails with relish, take you seriously, regardless of repeat reminders (for which they actually THANK YOU).

    I disagreed with him until tonight. Tonight I am sitting in his shoes. I am hosting an event tomorrow and most definitely will be sending out a reminder email tomorrow. Not only do I know that the email will NOT turn off my subscribers, many, as just mentioned, will appreciate the reminder email, and possibly even remember that they wanted to send it to friends as well..
    Moral of the story??

    DO NOT DELAY.. Start A NICHE MARKET WEBSITE and BE APPRECIATED, NOT HATED like in Internet Marketing!!!
    ~~ andrea

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