I am officially joining the Wordless Wednesday Cult. I am game for anything not requiring intelligible (or any) conversation.
I am already failing miserably:
1) I am talking, big no no, but go ahead and hang out with me and see if you can get me to be quiet. It’s really hard!
2) I am not taking a nice pic of my kid eating paste, or a deer looking at the sunset. I have ripped off an image I received from those annoying forwards we all complain about, but read anyways. I think its funny.
The featured coach on the Next Internet Millionaire Episode 2 was Armand Morin. Armand is the head of BigSeminar – an internet marketing networking seminar weekend conference that takes place bi-annually in my good ol sweet hometown of Atlanta GA. What I did not know about Armand – that he is a branding expert.. which I find kinda bizarre since I have been on 100 different lists for years –
So what did we learn??
4 things:
1) No matter how big or small your company/whatever is.. you NEED a Logo – it’s not reserved for the big timers.
2) Increase your Potential with ‘Obvious Marketing’ – give people that which they came to see – make it clear and obvious what and who you are about through your brand, look and feel. Dont nickel and dime on the face you want to present, since that is probably your best money spent to secure loyalty.
3) Once you sell them once, you will have a much easier time selling them twice.. but make sure you are poised for that backend pitch/sale.
4) Domains should have 5 letters or not have 5 letters (didnt hear that part too clearly) and have no dashes. To which I have to say S*#T!!!! I have like 25 sites with dashes in the domains, all purchased after it was suggested TO buy dashes.
NOT Impressed with:
In the judgement room, Joel Comm is asking most of the contestants who they think should be ‘sandboxed’. When he approaches Laura Martin, you can tell she has planned NOT to answer. Joel is visibly annoyed.. and says something like I am going to give you one last chance (or what? you will be sandboxed? Guess what.. you should have held out Laura for your principles, since you were sandboxed anyways) .. he says something about this being the game and “c’mon, this is business”.
Yes. This is the game, but NO.. THIS IS NOT BUSINESS. I hope as heck it isnt!! Business is about honesty and integrity. Business relationships are about serving others. Reality shows are about entertainment and opportunity. This is probably a big reason Jonathan Kraft, who made it clear he lives by these principles in his video, was not selected after the 2nd round.
In Joel’s defense, as we were submitting our 2nd round audition videos, and reading more from online searches about what we could expect if selected, this was the time to come to terms with the nature of this game, and decide ‘can I play or not’? That doesnt mean it is easy.. its just entertainment.
Non Reality:
Armand, Joel, and any other successful online marketer would OUTSOURCE their work, and not be taking out the scissors and glue. Although I take that back! Joel did outsource it – to the contestants.. but hey Joel.. I can help you outsource for MUCH MUCH CHEAPER ..
Back to Logos/Branding… I didnt really create the Logo for this blog.. It sort of happened in a long boring story. I know I am talking about my assent to earning an online income, becoming an internet millionaire, amongst other how-to’s, product reviews, what have you..
Any suggestions for a more appropriate Banner/Logo?
Two days ago I was composing an email attempting to negotiate an ‘I am worth more than you want to pay me’ deal.
I was pretty pleased with the results. Therefore, when my brother Jaron, king of the one liners, negotiator par excellance, hollywood mega bachelor, signed on IM, (ok usually that means Internet Marketing, but now it means instant messenger), I was ready to show it off.
A word about my brother. There are very few people who you will meet in this life who possess his unique combination of talents. When he walks into a room, you NEED more oxygen, since his presence takes up so much of the space. No, he is NOT fat, he just commands attention. Yet he is also a best friend, generous, and very self aware. He can walk into well established companies , and without understanding their product, identify their weeknesees and how to improve. He is NOT a sounding board, rather a problem solver. Period.
I saved our IM conversation. You can see my minimal input in (paranthesis)
To start it off I told him I wrote an email I want him to take a look at….that I was trying to negotiate a better deal for myself..
He knows no details, situation, etc.. but takes off…
“rule one about negotiating”
“and theres only one”
“cant negotiate unless you can walk away”
“if you can and i think you can, do it”
(read this beauty of an email I wrote (not included here)).
“you want my opinion?”
“keep it in your journal and write something more appropriate”
“he’s not your friend”
“he sounds like a lover”
“too much info in here”
(but… we are friends)
“but this email is not about friends”
“its about biz”
“you need to separate the two”
“it has both sides in there”
“and i know you are friendly”
“but that doesnt make it sound professional”
“you need to trim the fat, take out the emotion, take out advising him on what to do, and make it streamlined…”
“here’s the deal etc”
“what I want”
“so just write one paragraph to him”
“he knows the deal”
(but he MAY not know..)
“doesnt matter”
“he doesn’t need to know”
“you don’t need to tell him anything”
“it sounds juvenile”
“i dont understand the pay structure”
(I write it one sentence)
“for starters that needs to change”
“you need to be compensated on results + time”
“you need to be compensated on a sliding scale”
“depending on whether it’s your idea or you are doing his”
“if you come up with something your percentages are higher and your still paid your hourly wage to execute”
“and if its his, you execute at a less percentage and the same hourly wage”
“either way, you need to tell him what you want to make”
“that number should be about 25% higher than what you’ll accept”
(I say he is funny)
“its true”
“but lay it out in a few sentences”
“people who are curt are taken more seriously”
“tell him you’re out of there if these requests are not met”
“tell him you have money coming in from other places now and it doesnt pay to keep doing his work when you’re making more from other sources”
(I say lies. all lies (well mostly ))
“welcome to biz 101″
“the art of negotiating”
“thats why im great at it”
“be strong and short”
(arent you nervous to piss people off?)
“never. liars speak too much”
“i can always walk”
“i say it in 3 sentences or less”
“and tell them if this doesnt work out hopefully we can do business sometime when it does”
“no hard feelings”
“keep it simple”
“if you talk too much they know you need them”
“and its emotional”
“keep emotion out of it”
“otherwise your transparent”
“it shows youre hurt”
(you speak this way to women too?)
“honestly? im the most honest person”
“i truly never lie”
“i dont need to”
“and i tell them that”
“i tell girls and people in biz, im too fantastic to lie to you”
“you’re not worth me lying”
“think about how strong that statement is”
“i dont need to lie”
“i dont care enough”
“its such a strong position”
“i just dont wont to be in business/relationship with someone who doesnt get me/it”
(Yes.. the “I couldnt be bothered”.. my motto for over 2 decades)
“but its not apathy”
“its genuine”
“theres a fine line”
“its kindness”
“not rude”
“its strength”
(I interrupt to mention something benign like an analogy of how it’s nicer for a girl to reject a guy than string him along or some personal issue but here is FOCUS for you)
“lets not talk about that right now”
“tell me what you want”
“per hour and percentage”
“what you want to make for the year”
“and come in aggressive”
“get his attention or you’ll be ignored”
“then you want to own a piece of your ideas”
“compensated with a greater percentage when the idea comes from you”
(me: anyways I get what I get per hour if I am shining his shoes or giving him million $ ideas)
(approval! Score!)
“dont explain that to him, he knows it already”
“just tell him what you want”
“and when he plays dumb and asks then you can tell him”
“dont talk too much”
“keep it short”
“just stick to the facts and write it”
Well what do you think I did in the end?
… I sent my original email minus one line (it was 3:00 AM & I was not going to compose a new one)… … HOWEVER .. the lesson he offered has been heard loud and clear and as most lessons.. as you are educated and mature, you incorporate more of these tools for when you need them next and are better prepared.
What do you think of this negotiating style? How do you negotiate?
Here is a great quote from Liz Strauss from a comment on getting your worth
“If there was a problem on their end, we negotiated how we might make it work by adjusting the job, not the price.”
Generalization coming up! I have heard multiple times from many individuals that ADD (attention deficit disorder) is required to acheive (online) success.. this is how it goes down:
ADD stimulates creativity. Creativity stimulates product creation/development. Product creation/development generates $$$.
As I have said, if you are looking to earn big money in the Internet Marketing field, you NEED to create. Unless you are a premier affiliate marketer, niche marketer, coach, etc., (and even so), this is a field which requires creation. I believe it is one of the single greatest reasons people have a hard time making a buck despite their efforts.
They dont GET THAT.
You NEED TO Create.
There is however a little discrepancy in this logic however, since you ADD’ers are all over the place, and product development clearly requires focus and determination.
Maybe that just answered it?
Determination and Will should be able to overcome almost any obstacle, including the all too often and way over diagnosed ADD. I am still undecided about myself – perhaps I am just a creative, but very busy mom. Although not sure that excuse works for why I have 13 browser windows open at any given time.
The first featured Internet Coach on the reality show of The Next Internet Millionaire was Mark Joyner, aka the ‘Godfather of Internet Marketing’ and creator of simpleology.
(as an aside.. maybe you are wondering why I, first runner up, major upset, big disappointment, admit to watching the show, and by mentioning it, I am even promoting it. Yes, welcome to the world of a GROWN UP . I was actually surprised to feel ‘missed’ and the gaping hole where I should have been. I did not expect it. I dont think it is mutually exclusive to say I see where I could have added value and been an asset, and that I dont think I deserve it more than the others, (hmm well maybe). To the producers.. I would eventually appreciate a follow up email why I was 1st runner up. )
How was that for shifting focus?
Simpleology is known as ‘The Simple Science of Getting What you Want’. If I learned one RELEVANT thing from the first episode of the show it the rule of straight lines. You draw one dot on the left side of a page, and a right dot on the right side of the page. Then discuss your daily activities (unclear if they mean in general or when you start work), and see how far you veer off from creating a straight line from one dot to the other.
All I have to say is one thing. OY VEY!!
This is ME:
My ‘law of straight lines’ resembles one of my childrens’ connect the dots worksheet!
As I write this blog, I have a guy in the other room building a piece of furniture I bought, a friend over helping to organize the stuff going in it, writing a post concurrantly in 2 other blogs, writing a salesletter for a product I created, checking out the website who hired me for consultation, composing a list of requirements to another blogger who will be helping me tweak the other 2 blogs mentioned, checking out the emails for my part-time job, running a load of laundry and defrosting food for later, composing an update for my outsourcer for a new website, etc.. The baby is absent from this list, when he is usually a primary role, since this is my one morning a week that my Mom is watching him.
Please respond with ONE way that you have worked to maintain better focus, and have less jags in that straight line. I will collect the list and make a post with your website included!
Let me start:
One way to stay focused:
1. Deadlines are very helpful, so I pretend I am my own ‘boss’ and that I have to meet my deadline. I dont like to disappoint anyone, including myself!
That may not be a good one, but hey.. this is why I turn to you..
I had so much fun checking out the terms people searched in order to land on this here ol blog, that I would like to make it a weekly tradition.
Here are many of this weeks Google Searches (I will only get all of them when I either upgrade to MyBLogLog Pro or start Google Analytics):
The information in (parenthesis) are my own comments and not part of the search term:
Google Search: online nite time jobs (job suggestions for other WAHM’s.)
Google Search: good imer (’nuff said – I am pretty proud of this one!)
Google Search: how i started an online business (thats another great one!)
Google Search: how to charge for internet marketing consulting pricing hourly pay (I had this same question and now some sucker is going to be getting way less than he deserves if he copies my fee)
Google Search: andrea yager + warcraft (hahahaha – that was inspired from the last time I wrote a post like this)
Google Search: joel comm tv show (first runner up)
Google Search: niche marketing how to get started (check out that consulting tab again..)
Google Search: resell rights 101 (hey – I have a free video tutorial on this.. want it? I have yet to market it)
Google Search: a to z of affiliate marketing (good job Google)
Google Search: millionaire audition questions (first runner up remember)
Google Search: alisande chan (next internet millionaire contestant – getting a bit repetitive here arent I?)
Google Search: next internet millionaire seo 101 (that’s cool!)