Is Twitter a distraction? Hell YES. Can you get more business done without it? Well, it depends on how you define your business.
WARNING: The following is all 100% true and I have never met any of these people before.
(and part 11 which is just a short scroll down is even better.. so dont go anywhere)
Last night I track down all local twitter peeps to connect and follow. Living overseas, (Jerusalem), the list isnt long, and therefore the connections are that much more powerful. The rest of the world follows the rule of 6 degrees of separation. With Jews and Internet Marketers, there are 2.
It turns out that many of us will be at Mashable’s event next week in Tel Aviv. Great networking opportunity. But I say, why wait until I get there to start: (My running commentary is in bolded black – the images are taken directly from my twitter account)
–hmm Andrea thinks to herself – somebody suggested something to do with marketing their wares (aka themselves)
–Now I see that as an open invite, DONT YOU?
–I jump in. Too much EGO? Perhaps, but I have 140 characters, I am not wining and dining them
–I would say I got Bite #1
–and Bite #2!
–I try to turn the tables on him for fun
–He is a nice guy, but making it clear where his talents lie.
–Problem solved in 140 characters. (Naturally I took a quick glance at their websites to be able to come to this conclusion)
– and it just gets better.. and I dont only mean with the fundraising. I mean…..
Social Media Expert Chris Brogan has just finished up a series on Developing a Personal Brand Online
– I chose to write this now since Chris had just made a good morning appearance on twitter. Since it was so early in the morning EST (like 7am), and I thought now would be a good opportunity to tell him how much I enjoyed his series.
–Chris thanks me back! … I was continuing with my day.
–I refreshed at Twitter to see if there was an update to Part 1 above, and nearly missed this. Glad I didnt. Chris has over 8000 followers. I wonder if my famous brothers could
headline an event and get 8000 people to show up (dont answer that).
–Holy Cow. My blog has been pretty subpar lately (only in terms of quantity ) and here is this unsolicited plug. I comfort myself in the 7am thought.
–Chris tells me I am not safe. People look back at what he writes. I know this. I do it too.
–It is true. I have some great stuff coming, but a lot half written (on topic – including how a new connection on facebook is now investing in a website I am building)!
Then I realize what story is better to tell than this one?
This means that you are going to want to read the post after this one too!
A snapshot of my Gmail Account for the minutes following that ‘twit’. People are following me on twitter, friending me at Facebook, and signing up to my mailing list, and hopefully RSS feed. Since I snapped this screen, It has grown, with more email subscribers, and a linkedin invite, but not too shabby, eh? (names rubbed out for their privacy)
How many of you grew up with Siskel and Ebert? How many of you also wondered who they were related to, who they killed, bribed, and other adjectives I will leave off this child friendly blog, in order to secure those positions?
Here were 2 GEEKS (in my youthful opinion), and all they had (got) to do all day was be PAID to see movie after movie and say thumbs up or thumbs down. I am sure I never thought about the equivalent of the journalism ‘mail room’ they may have worked their way up from, or that when they put pen to paper they nailed a motion picture in a few sharp sentences. I am only referring to the 2 guys who I saw sitting on their bums yapping about movies.
Fame (and success attached) used to be analagous to winning a ‘lottery’. Not just the powerball or Ed McMahon, but who was to become the next pop singer, the next biggest movie star, the next Siskel and Ebert. Sure, it took talent, but as my folks used to say = We dont know who the best guitar player is – He is sitting in some corner of a room, playing with no audience to hear.
With the internet and shows like American Idol, those days are (could be) history. Now the talented but unconnected and ‘unlucky’ are breaking their way into all industries, and in a big way!
I could totally litter this page with examples, and it would be a lot of fun actually, but I am going to highlight one such example I came across for now since it is a lot more relevant to what I actually planned on writing today.
I am scouring the web for some of the hottest social networking platforms as I am doing research for a site I am building and before ordering something new, I thought it wise to check out the existing ‘open sourcey’ (apparently open source is not always as simple as the word sounds), and one cannot be checking out social networks and not come across NING. NING allows you to freely create a social network of your own.. let me try to wrap this up since once I hand the floor over to these guys, you will not give too much thought to what I am going on about now…
Allow me to introduce to you, a group of incredibly talented individuals, who have taken advantage of free online tools, and their collective talents, to ‘win their own lottery’ .. Its not who they know.. its waking up and smelling the ripeness of the opportunities and realizing that it’s all fair game. Even Tom Cruise, albeit with a much heftier budget, is heavily advertising his own website to try to gain more commitment from his fans, as the collective pool of talent grows. He created a gorgeous showcase just to remind you of one of the original and most successful lottery winners!
Back to this site that has me completely amazed – the site is called, one of the most popular NING sites, completely stripped and remade so you would have to know a Ning site to recognise it. These guys could be high schoolers, they could be businessmen, they could be from harlem… thats the beauty of it. Enjoy.
So you want to make a million dollars this year?
Yes, I am talking to YOU. How do I know you are here? Because my search stats tells me that everyday hundreds of people are finding this page by searching any number of variations on making a million in a year.
If you scroll down you can see the original blog post that was written that attracted Google, etc. to this page. It’s still a good post, and has good information, but lets be serious. We want to make a LOT of sick cash, and NOW. So, the action plan is to read the blog post, but also.. and FIRST, to consider this.
You could have searched to make Ten Thousand dollars. You could have searched to make One hundred thousand in a year. You could have searched even to make $500,000 this year. But you didn’t. You searched on how to make a million dollars. You are serious. you are game on. And you are in the RIGHT Place.
So if you would like access to this information then sign up to this special email and the report for making 1 million in a year will be on it’s way. I don’t want to run the risk of just posting the information here and allowing it to leak to the public at large.. so if you are serious. You know what to do:
Read on to find the original blog post on the subject: …
Here was the challenge My Mr. X posed me with in this post last month (be sure to read the comments on that post – good stuff!) :
Assuming you currently do not have a web presence and no other online assets, how can you make 1 million dollars in 12 months?
First of all, Mr X is becoming a way overused moniker for someone who makes a crapload of money but wants to remain anonymous .. We are given the impression that people would be stalking and calling him all hours of the day, beating his secrets out of him. Mr X is getting a new name, since any Mr X I consort with is WAY cooler and simply cant share his title of Mr X with a bunch of other zombie face millionaires. Any Suggestions? Agent Money maybe?
Back to the money:
This is a unique challenge since MOST people have some leg to stand on… some ‘stuff’ in their arsenal.
Here we are just waking up one day.. and deciding to become an online millionaire.
To that I say… NO PROBLEM!!
In an industry that interests you, and assuming you are really broke, figure out ANY way possible to get yourself there. Borrow. Beg. Comandeer some moolah! Meeting like minded people face to face wont put money in your pocket immediately, but will open doors, as many doors as you have the time and energy to pursue.
Want proof? I just went to a convention at the end of February 08. Here is my Paypal account balance from Feb 17th 08 until March 1st 08: (I split it up to remove the private info and have it fit on the screen)
Now, Here is my current paypal account balance up to May 7th ’08. And it will be growing. 90% from the relationships at the conference and I have been back just over 2 months.
(btw – you can see that I joined a membership, and that allowed me to cancel a different one that I didnt need anymore)
Lets assume you have some skill or talent. Find some ugly backwards but high ranking website in your niche, and SHOW them what you can do for them. Dont send a stupid email. Go to WHO IS, call them up, Fed EX them a personal letter (if you can afford the postage) and do this for MULTIPLE people in your niche. From there the possibilities are endless from a simple affiliate relationship to a product you could whip up as an expert to a split equity deal. It will be the cheapest and fastest way for YOU to grow a high ranking website and make it fast!
Want Proof? I dont have figures, but showing you that I am putting my money where my mouth is: The launch I am working on that I invited you to witness is for a website that belongs to ‘my company’ but is exactly as described above : Ugly, backwards, high ranking, and niche. This guy approaches me, lets call him YOU for now, since he is following the steps I advise, and asks me to promote his product. Then I become YOU, since I actually tell him.. thats not good enough! I dont want to promote some stupid ebook and make a couple of dollars! I want to blow this out! We are dedicating part of the site to this launch experience, and you have been invited to watch. If you have patience since we are both busy!
Start putting yourself out there and draw attention to yourself. Garner market interest by being either controversial, out there, influential, funny… How much will it cost? Well assuming you dont already own a digital camera that can do videos, you could prob get a little flip camera or $79 dollar Samsung (the kind you get kids for their Bar Mitzvah, and the kind I have used for all my videos so far), go to UStream or youtube or anywhere and try out for online contests or reply to other peoples videos, and start talking about your niche..
Want Proof?
I should be called the ‘always a contestant, never a winner’.. but I would beg to differ. Exactly a year ago, I submitted my first video ever. A timid, shy, hint of personality, a little loserish entry to the next internet millionaire: (I cant even watch it anymore)
I entered a few other contests and look at how I was referred to a mere 7 videos and 9 months later. The ‘FAMOUS Andrea’ … not that this is my finest work, but
“The Famous “Andrea” Shares Her Top Event Highlights”:
I went from earning – well a lot less than I could – to being approached by an online marketing genius (may he rest in peace) who invested in me, to having personal relationships with many whom I only admired from afar in the past, to gaining serious leverage as a result of all the above, and the ONLY reason I am not seeing the figures I would be otherwise is due to very unfortunate circumstances that has naturally caused a very big setback (refer to may he rest in peace above for clarification).
Become your OWN tupperware party! What do I mean? If you know about online marketing, then you are in the .00001% of the population who does. Whenever I leave my house to hang out with the common people , everyone wants a piece of you. I mean we are skilled in a multi billion dollar industry of how to make money online from HOME. I could be next to Pamela Anderson and still wow the crowd (man.. this ego trip is out of control today!)
Want Proof? Anytime I run into a group of people who are interested, I am able to do one of the following:
Just to be honest.. I give away a lot of information for free.. If you enjoy what you do, the adrenaline is obvious, and people respond to it! I mean if making money from home online wasnt enough of a selling point, seeing someone happy and excited certainly helps! This blog is free, there is ample free stuff online. Its not like I am telling them something they cant discover on their own if they had the time, the patience and the skills. I respect that and am happy to give away the farm.
Then WORD OF MOUTH spreads and you can be your own guru to the locals.
This blog post is referring to those who are looking to make a million dollars since they will work hard for it, have the drive, ambition, passion, and ability to succeed. Everyone else inherits it, marries it, or is in Hollywood.
Approach a big company and tell them what you can do for them and that your earnings will be a %age share on the growth of the company. This requires some careful attention to detail and hard work, but if they have some capital willing to back you up, this could be a great golden ticket, since those %age residuals could be very cushy and you would certainly earn the respect of the company, and the referrals would define your continual rise to the top of the food chain.
Want Proof? Working on it .
P.S. If you just can’t WAIT and want to know how everyone else is doing it – then you will want to check this out.
My whole life is a big TO DO list. However, since there is direct cause and effect with building a business to do list, it helps to see the big picture by literally creating a BIG PICTURE . While we work on copy, videos, etc.. let me share where it REALLY should start.
Mindmapping has become huge and there are many online sources that allow you to create your own free Map. I wanted to quickly share with you, in a few broken up images to allow it to fit on this screen, the maps I am using for our Launch.
At the core is the Name of the project. (here its the name of the website)
In order to draw people in we will:
In order to figure out what we have to work with, we created a list of our assets..
Finally PROMOTION: I didnt get into this one more, since I *think*, in the interest of just getting something behind us, we may want to pull off an internal launch, with our small list. Once we see how it works, then we can approach other potential JV’s and have some stats to back it up, and also work to improve it since we will have experience, feedback, etc. Here are some ideas:
40 is the new 30, orange is the new pink, AND
Billioniare is the new millionaire! So.. just as you thought you were approaching success by hitting 6 zeros, there is a new beast to face.
000,000,000 – yes 9 zeros!
If you are still looking to acheive 1 zero, let me inspire you with a quote I had the pleasure of reading in Februarys Entrepreneur Magazine. Billionaire Marc Ecko was interviewed on the billionaire mindset and very succesfully sums up how he has acheived his level of success and why so many others LOSE:
“I dont think theres one silver bullet that will shoot you to the moon. Not being emotional and being able to call shit on yourself and on the people around you is really important. And not having to worry about tap-dancing or tiptoeing around people’s feelings. Just to be sober and say “look, this is how it really is”. I think having an environment that lends itself to that without everyone getting pissy is really important. That, coupled with being passionate and being able to distinguish between the shades of passion, and emotion, because there is a distinction. Being passionate doesnt give you license to be emotional..”
I have personally witnessed, rather ALLOWED parts of my businesses to FAIL since I didnt want to confront someone, rather to avoid conflict than get what I wanted, needed, deserved, and PAID for!
I am working hard to make sure this is no longer a concern by aligning myself with people who ‘get’ the above quote. Life is too short and business is too damn hard to have it any other way.
Is this full of EGO and ATTITUDE? Heck ya, but listen close to what it really means.
If WE work together, the EGO I am looking after is YOURS.. How can I build you up, how can I make you feel more important? The Attitude I bring is what can I do to make this a success, where do my strengths lie? (why did you seek me out in the first place?) and where am I weak? I have the Ego and Attitude to do this Honestly.
Is it too much to request the same in return?